Hi Guys,
We have now come to the end of the summer term.
Well done to all the children who have been working so hard at home and at school.
Thank you to the parents who have been helping the children with home-schooling. Believe me when I say I know how difficult home-schooling is so WELL DONE!
I would also like to say a massive Thank You to the Year 3 teachers for providing a high quality home learning experience for the children.
We hope that everyone has lots of fun over the summer holidays. Stay Safe!
All the best for Year 4.
Mrs P
Happy Monday
Hope you all had a lovely weekend. The sun has been so beautiful, great time to get outside have some exercise. Healthy body, healthy mind.
I thought we could go back to some of the basics, and have a look at something we do at the very start of the year, Place Value.
I would like you to create a sheet describing with examples what place value is and try to show me numbers in as many different ways as possible
For English I thought you could combine a bit of RE
Following on from our look at Islam, I would like a poster all about Christianity.
Christianity is the most popular religion in the UK, making up around 60% of the population, although only 55% of those Christians believe in a traditional god, what are some of the main features of the religion?
Let's see if we can get into the top ten for one of our year 3 classes in Oxford Reading Buddy!
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 10/07/20
This is the final weekly update as we will be moving the children's data to their new classes. Children will still be able to access the site and should be encouraged to reach Book Band 12 before September.
Congratulations to:
Fathiya Yussuf (3D),
Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Haleemah Sheikh (3P)
but also a big shout out to:
3D: Amanah Islam, Amara Shahin and Maryam Ali
3J: Mohammed Samiul Ali and Musa Iqbal
3P: Imanah Sattar, Muhammad Yusuf Tariq, Mustafa Hussain, Nawal Nur, Sarah Ahmed and Tasha Siddique
who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!
During the school closure, it is more important than ever that children keep reading as this skill is crucial in learning across the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to read EVERY DAY.
Well done to 3D and 3J who saw more children reading this week!
Target Reading Band for Year 3 Children | Number of children reading this week | Number of children making good progress in reading | |
3D | Band 12 (new target) | 45% (38% last week) | 28% (21% last week) |
3J | Band 12 (new target) | 41% (38% last week) | 31% (24% last week) |
3P | Band 12 (new target) | 34% (41% last week) | 31% (34% last week) |
See how Year 3 classes are doing in the school league table below!
This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.
Position | Class |
Points Attainment + Progress + Engagement |
1st | 1D | 153 |
2nd | 2C | 151 |
3rd | 2K | 143 |
4th | RP | 134 |
5th | 2S | 126 |
6th | 5F | 124 |
7th | 4M | 121 |
8th | 1W | 113 |
9th | 2B | 106 |
10th | 1L | 100 |
11th | 4D | 91 |
12th | 3D | 87 |
13th | 5O | 82 |
14th | RB | 80 |
15th | 5S | 78 |
16th | NKM and 4C | 76 |
17th | 3J and 3P | 75 |
18th | RL | 67 |
19th | NN | 64 |
20th | 6H | 60 |
21st | 5BG | 59 |
22nd | 6P | 49 |
23rd | 6B | 41 |
These children deserve some special recognition as they are currently reading at least 3 book bands above that expected for their age on Oxford Reading Buddy.
A huge well done to the following Anglesey Bookworms!
Nursery: Muhammad Abdinasir, Muhammad Yunus Tariq, Nada Abdullahi, Nuha Hussain, Farha Nabe, Joshua Fofana and Maryam Ali
Reception: Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury, Muhammad Usman Khan and Zulaikha Nazir
Year 1: Azaan Shoaib, Inayah Hussain Miraj Sarkhar, Rayyam Chowdhury and Mohammed AbdulQayyum
Year 2: Tanushra Naba, Aahil Hussain, Ahmad Sarwar, Ahmadsaid Said, Ayub Abdullahi, Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin, Yusuf Rehman, Haris Siddique and Maryam Chowdhury.
Year 3: Imanah Sattar and Tasha Siddique
Year 4: Amanah Hussain, Isa Hayat Ali and Umairul Islam Choudhury
Year 5: Tameem Iqbaal
Year 6: Children need to complete level 20 to be mentioned here.
Fabtastic Friday 10th July 2020
Stay positive. Look after each other. Be kind. Don't give up.
Thursday 9/7/2020
What a rainy few days! Make sure you keep logging in to Reading Buddies and remember to complete the quiz at the end of each book as this moves you up through the levels. In Year 3 you should be working at Level 12 books but if you are not there YET don't worry - just keep reading until you catch the reading bug.
Here are some lessons for today:
History - The Romans
There were videos posted on Monday and Wednesday about the Roman empire. Today we are going to look in more detail at the Roman army. Have a look and READ through this PowerPoint - it tells you all about the Roman army, which was incredibly powerful and developed fighting techniques that are still used today. After that there is a video which shows you how to draw a Roman soldier! Grab yourself a pencil and have a go!
Consonants and Vowels Year 3 Grammar: ‘a’ or ‘an’
Some letters in the alphabet are vowels and some letters are consonants.
The VOWELS are: a, e, i, o, and u.
All the other letters in the alphabet are called CONSONANTS.
a b c d e f g h i j k l
m n o p q r s t u v
w x y z
Look at the words below carefully.
Decide if they start with a vowel or a consonant.
baby elephant ant table
apple book pencil tree
bed orange cat owl
Copy down the words on a piece of paper, making two lists.
The first list should be all the words that start with a vowel.
The second list should be all the words that start with a consonant.
*Usually if a word begins with a consonant you use 'a' before it.*
Eg. I can see a lion.
*If a word begins with a vowel you use 'an' before it.*
Eg. I can see an alligator.
Insert either 'a' or 'an' into these sentences to make them correct.
Write the complete correct sentence on your piece of paper.
10.It’s………purple pencil.
12.It’s………huge onion
Now write a sentence, using ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly, with this picture:
Here are some worksheets that revisit some of the work we covered earlier in the year.
Wednesday 8/7/2020
Hey everybody. Hope you are all well.
07/07/2020 (some repetition in today's date)
Hope you are all making the most of the last couple weeks of work before the summer holiday. There are loads of videos online as well as work to help you out if you are stuck. Don't just do things once, but go back and practise them until you are confident. If you search around online you can find all sorts of exciting resources and methods to help you with your studies.
I want you to practise the house number method today. Don't just stick with the numbers in the video but make your own random numbers to work with. It's a really important method, not because it is the fastest, but it's about developing your mental methods for adding and subtracting numbers. You need to know your numerbonds and how they help you.
Following on from yesterday's video on Islam, I would like to see a non-fiction poster to share as many details about Islam as you know. Use the BBC Bitesize (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpdtsbk/articles/zrxxgwx) website to help you with your research. Islam is one of the smaller religions in Britain at only 4.4% of the population, but in our area it is really significant, if you would like to make a powerpoint or video to share what you know, that would be great!
Today I would like you to play the grammar levels on this exciting game.
Happy Monday guys!
Hope you've had a lovely weekend.
I've been busy teaching in school with year 5 and 6 last couple of weeks so haven't had the chance to set you some challenges.
It's been great to see some of the work you have been emailing in.
I'm a little sad to see 3J isn't doing so well on the Oxford Reading buddy, come on guys, we can beat 3P and 3D! SURELY!!!
English Challenge
We've been making adverts in school and I would like some of you to have a go at inventing your own products and trying to advertise them.
Think about asking questions, try to use exciting adjectives to show off the quality of your product. Think of special offers.
Below is a playlist with the videos we made. (can you spot Mr Doddridge in one of the videos.) Please send any videos or poster to the year 3 email address, I'm happy to add them to Youtube!
You watched the video on points on a compass. Now let's extend the work and start to think more about direction. Today and tomorrow I want you to be watching the video and joining in with any activities.
Well, seeing as Year 3 is still one of the worst year groups in the school for Oxford Reading buddies, you can imagine I'm going to be asking you to take three more tests, and make sure you get over 80% or you will not progress.
Today's religion in Islam.
History - Romans
Let's learn a little bit about the Romans.
The Romans invaded England around 2000 years ago.The Romans were from Italy but they ruled over many other countries and this enormous area was called the Roman Empire. Britain became part of this Roman Empire. When the Romans invaded Britain first they were ruled by an emperor called Julius Caesar. Watch the video to find out a little bit more about ancient Rome.
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 03/07/20
Congratulations to:
Asil Abdullahi Jama(3D),
Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Ridwan Taj (3P)
but also a big shout out to:
3D: Amanah Islam, Amara Shahin, Fathiya Yussuf and Maryam Ali
3J: Mohammed Samiul Ali, Musa Iqbal and Rokia Fofana
3P: Haleemah Sheikh, Imanah Sattar, Mohammed Farhan, Muhammad Yusuf Tariq, Nawal Nur, Sarah Ahmed, Tasha Siddique and Yusuf Ali
who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!
During the school closure, it is more important than ever that children keep reading as this skill is crucial in learning across the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to read EVERY DAY.
Well done to 3D and 3P who saw more children reading this week!
Target Reading Band for Year 3 Children | Number of children reading this week | Number of children making good progress in reading | |
3D | Band 12 (new target) | 38% (21% last week) | 21% (21% last week) |
3J | Band 12 (new target) | 38% (45% last week) | 24% (31% last week) |
3P | Band 12 (new target) | 41% (34% last week) | 34% (38% last week) |
See how Year 3 classes are doing in the school league table below!
This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.
Position | Class |
Points Attainment + Progress + Engagement |
1st | 2C | 157 |
2nd | 1D | 154 |
3rd | 4M | 153 |
4th | 2S | 147 |
5th | 2K | 144 |
6th | RP | 140 |
7th | SL1/2 | 135 |
8th | 1L | 130 |
9th | 1W | 127 |
10th | 5F | 123 |
11th | 2B | 113 |
12th | 5O | 109 |
13th | 4D | 94 |
14th | 4C and 5S | 87 |
15th | 3P | 85 |
16th | RL | 77 |
17th | NKM | 76 |
18th | RB and 3D | 73 |
19th | NN and 6H | 70 |
20th | 6P | 69 |
21st | 3J | 65 |
22nd | 5BG | 59 |
23rd | 6B | 32 |
Friday 3rd July 2020
It's Friday!!!
Again, a lot of the activities today are based upon the story of The Lorax. If you didn't listen to and read the story on Monday here is the video again.
Hi Guys,
It's been lovely speaking to some of the children in 3P. Most of you sound like you are having fun at home. I know I keep moaning about Reading Buddies, but it's also important to have as much fun as you can.
Mrs P
Thursday 2nd July
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Oh my goodness! Is it July already? Where does the time go?
All of the activities today are based upon the story of The Lorax. If you didn't listen to and read the story on Monday here is the video again.
Hi Year 3,
I hope everyone had fun over the weekend. This message is mainly for 3P children. I'm not happy with our effort on Reading Buddy. Some of you have been awesome and I can see you're reading every day. Other children need to try harder to complete the quizzes, that's the only way that we will move up the leader board. All of Year 3 need to read more!!!!!
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Hello children,
It's been quite a wet and windy weekend. Lets hope it's starts to get a bit sunnier soon. There are lots of Year 3 children logging onto Reading Buddies. Great work! Lets see if we can do even better this week. Come on 3D we are lagging behind a little even though Ayaan, Asil, Amanah, Amara, Fathiya and Maryam have been reading loads. Keep it up guys - I'm really proud of you!
Monday 29th June 2020
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 26/06/20
Congratulations to:
Asil Abdullahi Jama(3D),
Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Ridwan Taj (3P)
but also a big shout out to:
3D: Amanah Islam, Amara Shahin, Ayaan Shafiq, Fathiya Yussuf and Maryam Ali
3J: Mohammed Samiul Ali, Musa Iqbal, Ruqayyah Tailor
3P: Haleemah Sheikh, Imanah Sattar, Mohammed Farhan, Muhammad Yusuf Tariq, Muhammed Mustafa Hussain, Nawal Nur, Sarah Ahmed, Tasha Siddique and Yusuf Ali
who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!
During the school closure, it is more important than ever that children keep reading as this skill is crucial in learning across the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to read EVERY DAY.
Well done to 3J who saw more children making good progress this week!
Target Reading Band for Year 3 Children | Number of children reading this week | Number of children making good progress in reading | |
3D | Band 12 (new target) | 21% (45% last week) | 21% (24% last week) |
3J | Band 12 (new target) | 45% (45% last week) | 31% (28% last week) |
3P | Band 12 (new target) | 34% (52% last week) | 38% (45% last week) |
See how Year 3 classes are doing in the school league table below!
This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.
Position | Class |
Points Attainment + Progress + Engagement |
1st | 2C | 160 |
2nd | 1D | 157 |
3rd | 2S | 143 |
4th | SL1/2 | 142 |
5th | 2K | 136 |
6th | 4M | 134 |
7th | 1W | 124 |
8th | 5F | 119 |
9th | RP | 117 |
10th | 1L | 116 |
11th | 4C | 103 |
12th | 2B and 4D | 100 |
13th | 3P | 86 |
14th | NKM | 83 |
15th | 3J | 79 |
16th | 5O and 5S | 78 |
17th | NN | 70 |
18th | 6P | 69 |
19th | 6H | 67 |
20th | 5BG | 64 |
21st | RB | 57 |
22nd | 3D | 56 |
23rd | RL | 43 |
24th | 6B | 41 |
Happy Friday!!!!
I hope you managed to complete all of the activities this week.
Remember the challenge I set on Monday.
3J & 3D you need to be in the TOP 10 on the Oxford Reading Buddy chart.
3P you need to climb into the TOP 5. Mrs Davies will be posting results. Everyone needs to get reading tomorrow because Mrs Davies usually updates the chart on Sunday.
Get Reading Year 3.
Hi Year 3,
Don't forget to use Oxford Reading Buddy this week.
You have been challenged!!!!
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Hi below are your lessons for Tuesday. Please try to complete all the activities set.
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Hi Guys,
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. The weather improved on Saturday so I went on a few bike rides with my kids.
This week the sunshine is due to return. I'm hoping to put on lots of PE. Exercise is so important, especially during this uncertain period.
I would like to say 3P you are smashing Oxford Reading Buddy. We are now in 8th Place. Next week I want us to be in the Top 5. Let's do this!!!!!!
3J and 3D you have made a good effort. Your challenge is to get into the Top 10 by Sunday.
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 19/06/20
Congratulations to:
Asil Abdullahi Jama(3D),
Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Yusuf Ali (3P)
but also a big shout out to:
3D: Amanah Islam, Amara Shahin, Fathiya Yussuf and Maryam Ali
3J: Mohammed Samiul Ali, Musa Iqbal, Ruqayyah Tailor
3P: Haleemah Sheikh, Imanah Sattar, Mohammed Farhan, Muhammad Yusuf Tariq, Muhammed Mustafa Hussain, Nawal Nur, Ridwan Taj, Sarah Ahmed and Tasha Siddique
who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!
During the school closure, it is more important than ever that children keep reading as this skill is crucial in learning across the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to read EVERY DAY.
Well done to all Year 3 classes!
There have been more children reading in every class this week!
Target Reading Band for Year 3 Children | Number of children reading this week | Number of children making good progress in reading | |
3D | Band 12 (new target) | 45% (31% last week) | 24% (31% last week) |
3J | Band 12 (new target) | 45% (24% last week) | 28% (24% last week) |
3P | Band 12 (new target) | 52% (31% last week) | 45% (45% last week) |
See how Year 3 classes are doing in the school league table below!
Well done to 3P for being in the top 10!
This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.
Position | Class |
Points Attainment + Progress + Engagement |
1st | 1D and 4M | 143 |
2nd | 2C | 141 |
3rd | SL1/2 | 135 |
4th | 5F | 123 |
5th | 2K | 122 |
6th | 1W | 117 |
7th | 2S | 113 |
8th | 3P | 107 |
9th | 5O | 105 |
10th | 4C | 103 |
11th | 1L and 4D | 97 |
12th | 5S | 95 |
13th | RP | 90 |
14th | 3D | 83 |
15th | NKM | 80 |
16th | 2B | 77 |
17th | 3J | 76 |
18th | 6H | 70 |
19th | 6P | 69 |
20th | 5BG and NN | 68 |
21st | RB | 46 |
22nd | 6B | 44 |
23rd | RL | 30 |
Friday 19th June 2020
Your lessons are below.
This week I am setting you home work.
Everybody needs to log on to OXFORD READING BUDDY. I want all year 3 classes in the TOP 10!
WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Thursday!
Hey, I've been checking those reading scores on Oxford Reading Buddy!
Shout out to:
3D = 8
3P = 13
3J = 11
If your name isn't on the list, you haven't been on in the last five days!
This is how many people haven't been on in over a month!
Winning class is 3P!
Continuing with our quick skills, have a look at tense and what it is?
Looking at direction, starting with the points on a compass.
Starting our look at the different religions in the UK.
Please make a poster.
Come on we need to get those number up on oxford reading buddy! email me if you have any trouble logging on.
Good Morning Children
Here are some lessons for
Wednesday 17th June 2020
How to say: "I am English." in lots of different languages.
English - I am English
French - Je suis Anglais (zhu-sweez-on-glay)
German - Ich bin Englander (Ick-bin-englandar)
Spanish - Soy inglesa (female) (soy-ing-lessa)
Soy ingles (male) (soy-ing-less)
Italian - Io sono inglese (ee-on-son-eng-laysay)
Hi Year 3,
I hope you're well and keeping up with the activities that we are setting. Please make sure that you attempt all the tasks.
Happy Monday
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Has been really nice to talk to you on the phone.
If any parents are using new phone numbers please email us to let us know so we can stay in contact.
in English we are carrying on with our basic skills and today we are looking at how punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence
Here we are consolidating some of our knowledge about lines and angles with a little challenge
We will start looking at some different religions in the UK over the coming weeks, here is a little introduction to the new topic.
Year 3 is sadly one of the worst years currently on Oxford Reading Buddy (especially 3J!)
We really need to get on there and improve our scores! There are loads of you that do it without fail every day, but if you haven't won the weekly oxford reading Buddy challenge set by Mrs Davies yet, please try and get your name up there!
I will be looking and congratulating those who go on (and maybe shaming those who don't!)
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 12/06/20
Congratulations to:
Asil Abdullahi Jama(3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Yusuf Ali (3P)
but also a big shout out to:
3D: Amanah Islam, Amara Shahin and Maryam Ali
3J: Akibnur Bishwas and Mohammed Samiul Ali
3P: Imanah Sattar, Mohammed Farhan, Muhammad Yusuf Tariq, Muhammed Mustafa Hussain, Nawal Nur, Ridwan Taj, Tasha Siddique and Yusuf Ali
who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!
During the school closure, it is more important than ever that children keep reading as this skill is crucial in learning across the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to read EVERY DAY.
Come on Year 3! Make sure you are logging on and reading EVERY DAY!!!
Target Reading Band for Year 3 Children | Number of children reading this week | Number of children making good progress in reading | |
3D | Band 12 (new target) | 31% (38% last week) | 31% (31% last week) |
3J | Band 12 (new target) | 24% (34% last week) | 24% (28% last week) |
3P | Band 12 (new target) | 31% (38% last week) | 45% (45% last week) |
See how Year 3 classes are doing in the school league table below!
Well done to 3P for being in the top 10!
This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.
Position | Class |
Points Attainment + Progress + Engagement |
1st | SL1/2 | 135 |
2nd | 2C | 134 |
3rd | 4M | 130 |
4th | 1D | 129 |
5th | 2S | 120 |
6th | 2K and 5F | 114 |
7th | 1W | 110 |
8th | 4D | 97 |
9th | 2B | 90 |
10th | 1L and 3P | 86 |
11th | 4C | 83 |
12th | NKM and RP | 80 |
13th | 5O | 77 |
14th | 3D | 76 |
15th | 5S | 74 |
16th | 5BG | 68 |
17th | NN and 6H | 66 |
18th | 6P | 62 |
19th | 3J | 51 |
20th | RL | 46 |
21st | 6B | 45 |
22nd | RB | 40 |
Good Morning Children
Here are some lessons for
Friday 12th June 2020
Here is how you say: "How are you?" in lots of different languages.
English - How are you?
French - Comment allez-vous (comon-tal-e-voo)
German - Wie gehts ( vee-gay-tz)
Spanish - Como estas (como-estaz)
Italian - Come stai (como-es-ti)
Listen carefully and read along with Miss Duncan as she reads Chapter 30 of Gangsta Granny by David Walliams.
Remember 'VIPERS'? 'VIPERS' stands for:
These are skills that you need to practice to become an excellent reader. Here are six questions about Chapter 30 of 'Gangsta Granny' that will help you develop your reading skills.
1. On pages 259 and 260 there are four words that are used instead of the word 'said'. What are they?
2. On page 261 it says 'One of the policeman approached her and rather sheepishly took the key.' If the policeman looked 'sheepish' it means he looked a bit embarrassed and ashamed. Why do you think the policeman looked like this?
3. The policemen didn't find the Crown Jewels in Granny's house. What did they find?
4. Why do you think PC Fudge 'laughed' and 'smiled' at the idea of Granny and Ben stealing the Crown Jewels?
5. What do you think Mr Parker will do next?
6. Can you say, or write, one sentence which tells us what happened in this chapter. Remember, you can use conjunctions such as: but, because, although.
Writing - Spelling and Grammar
Here are some SPAG activities. Read each section carefully. Answer the questions with a family member or jot your answers down on a piece of paper. Scroll down to see the answers.
Maths - 3D shapes
Click through this PowerPoint about 3D shapes. You are obviously not in the classroom but try and find some examples of the these shapes around your house. Look carefully at all the packaging in your kitchen and all the containers in your bathroom.
Play 'Guess the Shape'. Collect a few examples of 3D shapes from around your house. With a family member play a game where you take it in turns to hold a shape behind your back so that you can't see it. Without looking at it, describe some of it's properties (faces, vertices etc) and see if you can name them correctly.
Hi Guys,
I hope you are well. It was lovely to speak to some of the children and parents this week. I know Lock Down has made things difficult, but it's always good to talk. Anyway, below are your lessons for Thursday.
Happy Wednesday !
Hope you are all well and enjoying the work. Sad to see the weather take a bit of a turn, but still really important to get outside and keep fit.
I've just bought some equipment to stay active at home and in the park, also I've been following Mrs Patterson's PE lessons to keep me active.
Remember that you need a healthy body to have a healthy mind!
Continuing with our quick skills sessions I've done one on what a question mark is
Question mark
There's also a video on what an exclamation mark is,
Exclamation Mark
If you missed them from last week don't forget to check the videos showing what these different word types are.
Verbs- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAouLEvf590&list=PLGizpSRK9UkQZjfd5737GPCxX1t6HjS1a&index=2&t=
Nouns- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw50D47njgQ&list=PLGizpSRK9UkQZjfd5737GPCxX1t6HjS1a&index=3&t=
Adjectives- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlWJn2yabLE&list=PLGizpSRK9UkQZjfd5737GPCxX1t6HjS1a&index=4&t=
Adverbs- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ_uo4FcG_c&list=PLGizpSRK9UkQZjfd5737GPCxX1t6HjS1a&index=5&t=
Continuing with our shape and space topic, we already looked at the features of 2D shapes, so starting to look at some 3D shapes.
Pick a character from any story you enjoy and write a short paragraph to explain why you like the character.
What is it about them that makes them entertaining? or what is it that makes you have a connection with them?
Think about the things the character does, how the author introduces to you to them and how the writer makes you feel for the character.
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Here is how you say: "My name is................" in lots of different languages.
English - My name is Frances.
French - Je m'appelle Frances (zhuh-mah-pell)
German - Ich heisse Frances ( ick-hi-suh)
Spanish - Me llamo Frances (mey-yamo)
Italian - Mi chiamo Frances (me-k-yamo)
Good Morning Year 3!
We hope you had a lovely weekend. Unfortunately the weather was a bit miserable, I hope the sun returns this week.
Below are your lessons for
Monday. Enjoy
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 05/06/20
Click on the ORB subject button below for this week's results
Happy Friday!
Wow, what a week. We've had some amazing work coming in, keep it up guys!
carrying on with our work on shape, here is a little look into 2D shapes.
There has been some fantastic work on the letters which is great. Will be releasing more letter challenges in the coming weeks, building up to our final letter. Start thinking also about what problems there are in the community you would like to address, as we may write to our MP.
I'm carrying on with our core skills, developing sentences and basic punctuation.
Here are a series of Quick Skill lesson for you.
It's been a long time since we've heard from you about the books you are reading during lock down.
I'd like to hear a short review about the book you are reading. Use the skills we learnt during our non fiction topic (there are lots of videos on the school Youtube)
Who is it by? What is the name ? Who are the characters? What do they do? What is the problem? How do they solve it? Did you like it? WHY HOW WHAT WHERE WHEN???
(don't just answer my questions, use them to guide your writing!)
Here are some lessons for Thursday 4th June 2020
Learn how to say 'Good Morning' in lots of different ways.
English - Good morning
French - Bonjour (Bon-jur)
German - Guten Morgen (Guu-ten-mor-gen)
Spanish - Buenos días (Bwen-nos-dee-ass)
Italian - Buongiorno (Bwon-jur-no)
Happy Tuesday!
Hey everyone, hope you had a wonderful break from work.
(Always important to get some rest between the work!)
This week we are starting to look at shape so one of the first things you will need to know about are lines.
Here is a video with a big spelling mistake on the board!! (can you spot it?)
Also there is a final video to finish Time and converting 12 and 24 hour time, it is worth doing too.
English we are looking at some basic sentence structure and word types, so to star with, what is a sentence?
Also there is a final video from the weeks before on non fiction, looking at facts and opinions.
I was looking around Youtube and found a perfect reading activity for you guys from our very own Mr (Chessman) Moore
Scroll right down to find all the new activities for today:
Fun Stuff
Writing a Recount
Reading - Gangsta Granny Chapter 25
Playing Card Maths
You don't have to print out these worksheets - just grab a pencil and paper. Scroll down to the bottom to find out the answers. (No cheating!)
Science - Food Chains
A FOOD CHAIN shows how animals (including us) depend on plants and other animals for their food and survival. Two key words to remember here are PRODUCERS and CONSUMERS.
PRODUCERS are plants that make their own food using energy from the sun.
CONSUMERS are animals that eat plants and/or other animals for food.
First click through the PowerPoint which describes Food Chains in a bit more detail.
Then have a go at the Food Chain games from the BBC
Fun Stuff
Have a go at making these fantastic pictures of bugs, beetles and insects. You can use leaves and sticks, as shown here, or you can use bits of old (clean) packaging you been saving.
Writing a Recount
A RECOUNT is when you tell somebody about something that has happened to you, or something that you have experienced. I would like you to write a RECOUNT about something that has happened to you recently. I know a lot of you celebrated Eid a few days ago so you could tell me about that - what you did, where you were, what you ate, who you were with and how you felt. If you don't want to write about Eid you could write about something else you have done that you remember well - a trip to the park, making a cake with your family, playing with the hose pipe in the garden.
If you can, send a copy of your recount to the email address above and we will post it up on the website. Happy writing!
Fri - Yay
We hope that you all enjoy celebrating Eid this weekend. Remember to stay safe.
Next week we are taking a break from uploading lessons as it is half term.
Lessons will be available on Monday 1st June.
Although we wont be uploading lessons next week we would still like you to use Oxford Reading Buddy.
Happy Thursday!
Hope you are all doing well, we've been receiving lots of fantastic work via the email address from you guys, please keep it coming!
Here is a fantastic lesson from Mrs Davies (or should I say Senora Davies)
Great opportunity to learn a new language!
With Mrs Patterson we have been doing time and Mrs Duncan some more fractions so I've got some videos of both for you.
The time one
The fraction one
Some extra ones on fractions
Staying on the non fiction train this week.
Here is me making a review using time language, I think....
Here is a short video for you to watch and there are some questions to go with it.
How does Purl feel at the beginning? How do you know?
How would you feel at your first day at work?
How does her attitude change over the story? Why do you think this is?
What does she learn? What do the people in the office learn?
What do you think is the message of the video?
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Good Morning children.
Hopefully, it won't be too long before school opens.
We can't wait to see you all again.
Here are some lessons for today. Have fun.
Hi Guys,
We hope you are enjoying our lessons, we are trying to keep them as interact as possible.
Don't hesitate to email us if you have any problems with the activities we're setting.
Happy Monday!
Hope you had a lovely rest over the weekend and looking forward to a solid week of work. Not long now until we will be seeing each other again, we can't wait to see you guys and be amazed by all the progress you've made in your work.
This week we are starting to look at time.
First lesson is just understanding the clock and how it works.
Why not make and label your own clock to explain to me how it works.
English we are carrying on with non fiction writing.
Im looking to see you make me a recipe which isn't food based if possible, try and be inventive, what about recipe for being a good friend, or recipe for happy week?
As a year group we have one of the lowest scores in the school on Oxford Reading Buddy, actually 3J especially, so your target today is to get over 80% in at least three comprehensions, we will be going online to see who has accessed.
Friday 15th May 2020
Good morning children.
Here are some lessons for today:
Good Morning Year 3,
Hope you have a Fantastic Thursday!!!!
Besides school work we would love to know what other activities you have been doing since Lock Down.
It's important to have as much FUN as you can during this period of difficulty...
Maybe you can think of your own games to play with your siblings or parents.
I would like to THANK the parents who I spoke to yesterday. You all cheered me up and made me proud to work at ANGLESEY PRIMARY. We will always go the extra mile for our children.... Thanks for appreciating our videos.
Keep smiling guys.
Happy Wednesday!
Hey, hope you are all well. There's been so many exciting things going on, hard to keep on top of it all.
We have started to look at fractions this week.
Here is a video to look at fractions of shape
can you cut out some shapes and label them into fractions (such as into 1/4, 1/5, 1/10) and send them into us
We've been looking at lots of features of non fiction including, sub headings, bullet points, layouts, trying making adverts.
Now we are starting to put all our skills together, below is a video to show how I might go about making a biography.
looking forward to reading yours and learning about someone new!
Reading is a little different today, as part of next weeks non fiction we will be looking at writing a review. I want you to pick a good book, fiction preferably, enjoy reading it over the next week.
Think hard as you read about the different characters, how they interact.
What is happening in the story. Where the story is set.
Is there a dilemma in the story that the characters have to overcome? How do they do it?
Do you enjoy the story, why.
You don't need to write anything yet, but get thinking!
Have a go at drawing a face with Mrs Penn. email us your best one!
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Hello children. I hope you and your families are all well and not too bored. Sometimes it is difficult to stay happy and positive in these challenging times and I get a little down because I am missing you all and wish we could all get back to normal. However, I then think how lucky we are to have our families and friends, it's spring time and the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming, and we have the fantastic NHS to help us.
If you are feeling a bit down, try to have a chat with someone you are close to - I'm sure they feel the same way. Or keep a diary because sometimes writing things down can help you feel better. Be kind and helpful, do some exercises every day and lets keep going!
Oxford Reading Buddy
Latest news from Oxford
If you are using an IPAD to log in please make sure you have iOS11 or above.
If you have any difficulties accessing Oxford Reading Buddy do get in touch using your year group email so we can try and resolve it for you.
Also, if you notice books that have been read already reappearing, this is not a fault. Books will reappear if your child needs another opportunity to improve their quiz score in order for them to progress to the next book band.
VE Day 75th Year celebration
Times might be hard now, but 75 years ago today we celebrated the end of this.
Happy VE day everyone.
Today is such an important celebration as it is the day we celebrate the Victory over Europe (That's what the VE stands for)
World war two was the biggest war ever, and Britain played a central role defending the world against the tyranny of Right Wing extremism. Enemies wanted to take away our freedoms, they wanted to tell us what to do, what to wear and what to think. But we knew that freedom was the most important thing.
Countries such as Britain, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Many African nations, Canada, Australia all came together to defend our way of life.
Here is a quick video to show how the war spread.
This explains what VE day is
Your task is to make a poster, using the non fiction skills you have learnt, to show why VE day is so important.
Please send your completed work to y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk.
Lessons for Thursday 07th of May 2020
Happy Thursday!
Good morning children.
Hope you've been enjoying the sun and learning all about non fiction and capacity.
Continuing on from Mrs Patterson lesson looking at the different types of capacity, we are looking in more detail at how to read different points on the scale.
Can you find different types of scale around the house? They don't just have to be capacity!
If you label different points, can you work out what the value is?
We have been looking at non fiction texts and different features.
I would like you to invent your own creation, it could be something completely new that solves some problem we all have. And you are going to try and advertise it to me.
I am going to put the most tempting creations up on the website
Think about what problem your device solves, how it will change my life, what incredible things it does.
Inference: Your challenge is to watch the video and guess the feeling from what you see.
Extension: write down as many different emotions as possible on a piece of paper (at least 20!) cut them all up and pop them in a bag. Pick them at random and you have to do that feeling, your partner has to guess what your emotion is.
Send photos of your different emotions to our email if you would like! look forward to seeing the most unusual.
Tuesday 5th May 2020
We hope that everyone is well and staying safe at home! Below are your lessons for Tuesday. Please attempt all the activities!!!
If you have any problems feel free to email the teachers. We are more than happy to help!!!
Y3 Staff
Happy Monday
Hope you all had a lovely weekend and have been enjoying all the amazing resources offered by the BBC.
For Maths this week we are doing one more lesson on area and then moving on to capacity.
Here is the Area lesson
For English this week we are moving onto some non fiction writing. for our first lesson, a simple one just to remind us what subheading are and to have a go at using them in conjunction with bullet points.
Here is the Subheading lesson
For Reading I'd like you to get onto Oxford reading buddy and move up at least one level, that's your little challenge for today. Remember to do this you need to get at least 80% in five tests in a row. Easy way to do that is to check back for each answer, as all the answers are in the book, you could even use the internet to help you?
Have you had a go at the chess? All the pieces have been made, so more videos will be arriving to show some tactics.
Email us on y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 3 Readers of the Week 01/05/20
Click on the ORB subject button below for this week's results
Friday 1st May 2020
Gooooooood MoooooorNING children.
Silly stuff!
Play this game with your family using rolled up socks. Place baskets or boxes around the room and throw the rolled up socks into them. The closest baskets have the least amount of points, and the baskets furthest away have the most amount of points. You can have as many baskets or boxes as you want/have, but each one should have different points. Everybody playing the game has to throw from the same position. Add up the points at the end to see who has won.
Here is a quick video to show you how to draw a skeleton. Try to remember the names of the bones as you draw them ?
Here is some work on PERIMETER.
PERIMETER is when you measure around the outside of a shape. You will also need to remember the work that we have already covered on measuring in cm and mm. Grab a piece of paper to jot down your calculations and answers and then scroll down the worksheet to check your answers. Good luck.
Using the storymap of PIP, that Mrs Patterson asked you to draw, WRITE the story of PIP in words. You could even make your own little book to read to your family. Try to include some of the things that you have been learning about over the last few weeks:
Adjectives and adverbs
Fronted adverbials
Speech marks
Questions to the reader to build up suspense.
and, OF COURSE, don't forget your full stops and capital letters.
Thursday 30th April,
Hi everyone, we hope you have been enjoying the lessons we have set you this week.
It's important that you attempt all the activities. Remember to try your best guys!
What's also important is that you have FUN!!!!
We would love to see any fun activities you have been doing.
Email us: Y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
Lessons for Thursday are:
Hi Guys,
Here is Part 2 of Mrs Patterson's wall, watch the video and work out the perimeter of the Tile Creases please.
We are approaching world kindness day, can you keep a diary of all the kind acts you have done throughout the week.
You have been learning about Skeletons this week.
I would like you to write 5 Fun facts about Skeletons
Miss Duncan reads Chapter 9 of Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Why don't you read along with her?
Happy Wednesday
Hope you are all well and happy, I'm really enjoying all the story writing techniques.
There have been some great entries into the poetry competition. Am looking forward to seeing more poems, even if you don't perform them, you can still write them and hand them in. Why not write about Ramadan?
Can you research by talking to your family or going online, all about Ramadan and find out where it originates from?
What is the purpose of fasting? Why do people do it and how does it help?
Carrying on with our measurement week, in maths, here is a video all about perimeter, have a go at home.
To enhance your sentences with our story writing, here is some work to do with using your senses.
Listen to this story.
Quick questions...
Why did the boy eat so many books?
Why do you think he ate more than he should?
Why did he begin to have nightmares?
How do you think his parents felt?
What is the message of the book do you think?
Why is there a bite missing from the book?
Try our quick year 3 literacy quiz.
Pop in your name and answer the questions, we can see who has accessed it and how well you did.
Click the link below.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Hello children,
We hope you and your families are well. We have had lots of visits to the Anglesey School website and we hope you are finding the lessons and activities we are posting entertaining and educational. If you struggle to understand anything, or need to ask a question, email us with your questions and we will do our best to help you. You can also send us pictures of your stories, drawings and models and we will include them on the website.
Happy Learning!
Chapters 6 & 7 of Gangsta Granny
Watch the You Tube video first to help you complete the worksheet. You will need a pencil and paper to copy out some text, but if you don't have these you should just read all the information and try to remember the names of some of your bones.
If you have had a go at the maths from last week, (about measuring in centimetres and millimetres), you should be able to answer these questions. There are three - easy, medium and hard - but do as many as you can. Below the picture there is a word document with a maths problem for you to talk and think about.
Yesterday you watched a short film about Pip - a puppy who wants to be a guide dog for a blind person. On a piece of paper I want you to write a description of the following:
1. How do you think Pip feels as he walks through the school gates?
2. What pictures does Pip look at as he walks through the door? Why is he interested in these?
3. The female dog trainer needs to check that Pip is big enough to become a guide dog. What does he do to make sure he passes the test?
4. What does he do and how does he feel when he is allowed into training?
You don't need to write a lot - just a sentence or two but try to include some adjectives, some adverbs and some conjunctions (such as: because, even though and so) Keep hold of this work because it will help you later in the week when you write the story.
Ramadan Mubarak
With love from the year 3 team
email us on y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
Hi Year 3,
We hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to make the most out of the wonderful weather we've had!
Lessons for Monday are:
Watch the short animation clip. As you watch it start thinking about the questions below the clip.
This task is about using your imagination and inference skills.
How many different drills can you do?
Think about hopping, jumping skipping, bunny hops, lunges.
Do a minute of each drill if you can.
We've got little task for you over the weekend.
As we are having a school wide poetry competition, would you be able to write us a poem about Ramadan, if you are to shy to perform it, please just email us a copy of the poem to y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk but obviously it would be great for it be performed.
Poems don't need to have rhyming words (but they do sound good!)
Think about the rhythm and the pace of the poem.
It can be about the things you do, the way you feel and the reasons why.
See you Monday!
Year 3 Team.
Happy Friday guys!
And hope you're having a fantastic first day of Ramadan
hope you've had a great week and looking forward to the weekend.
There has been so much on...
School wide poetry competition
Chess club is up and running
Art lessons from Mrs Penn
Your English lesson today is a bit of varying openers.
Follow the tutorial and see if you can make an exciting paragraph. Work to be emailed into us please.
Your Reading today is to listen to Crazy hair.
Can you make your own poem about your hair? maybe you could perform it and send it in to us?
Your Maths is to learn all about adding and subtracting fractions.
There are two parts to this lesson, posted below.
Part 1
Part 2
Your PE lesson takes a lot of upper body strength.
Show me how strong you are Year 3!!!
I would love to see your videos.
Email us at Y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
Mrs P
Thursday 23rd April
Good morning Year 3,
Today we have the next section of the Spooky Story available for you in the Writing Section.
Why not check through all of the subject tabs to see if you have missed anything we have posted and be sure to see Mrs Patterson's new skipping post in the PE section!
Hi Year 3,
I made a quick skipping PE tutorial for your PE lesson tomorrow.
Please check it out on our PE page below. I look forward to seeing your videos.
I have also filmed a dance for Friday, I'm making them more tricky. Every Friday I will be teaching you the latest social media dances...
Hope you're well and staying safe.
Mrs Patterson
Wednesday 22nd April
Hi everyone!
Today, we have posted lessons for the following subjects in their subject pages:
Writing- complete the next paragraph of your spooky story!
Reading- have you completed the Superheroes comprehension and read some of the books on your Oxford Reading Buddy site?
Happy Tuesday guys!
Hope you all had an amazing break over Easter.
We set a challenge to find out what Easter is, who celebrates it and how it originally got it's name, I'm still looking forward to having your work on that, please send it to y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
For reading don't forget to login to Oxford reading buddy and move those levels up! There's also a reading comprehension to do too this week. CLICK ON THE READING ICON ABOVE TO FIND THE ACTIVITY.
We've got a little maths challenge for you today, to go with your work on measure, there is also going to be some work on multiplication.
Today will be looking at multiplication on a numberline and tomorrow will be looking at using the grid method. CLICK ON THE MATHS ICON ABOVE TO SEE THE VIDEOS!!
See if you can do the 60 second challenge below..... Record your score. I will record mine!
In PSHE this week we are looking at how others see us.
What do you think your Year 3 teacher might say about you?
Here is another fable. Remember, a fable is a story that usually has animals as characters. There are good and wise characters, who follow the moral of the story and lazy or foolish characters, who do not follow the moral of the story.
Follow Joe Wicks on YouTube for 30 minutes of live P.E..
Following on from Mr Jordan's lesson here is some work on main and subordinate clauses.
You have to learn how to tell the time on both a digital clock and an analogue clock. Have a go at identifying the times on these clocks.
Happy Friday Children.
Any questions, then email y3@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
Hope you've had a great week of work.
Make sure you are helping your parents as much as possible and being the best you can be.
Today we've got a little lesson on subtraction with a numberline for you to have a go at. Follow the video and pause to try things out as you go along. This should link into some of the other maths work you have been set.
We also have a lesson on enhancing sentences using subordinate clauses.
Make sure you've got a pen and paper to hand so you can work alongside it.
Miss Coleman has being doing an experiment with plants, which would be really nice to try as well seeing as the sun is out. There is a link to her video below.
For reading, I'd like you to have a conversation with your family members and find out what their favourite books are. You need to quiz them on why they like that book, what they find exciting about it. Who are their favourite characters and who they would recommend it to.
Those of you in 3J can continue the Matilda story on the School Youtube channel.
Hi Year 3,
I hope you are well and keeping up with all of the lessons!!!
On Thursday 26th March there will be four lessons for you to do.
You have:
Reading Comprehension
I have added another lesson which might not be on your classroom timetable.
I'm calling it life skills. Your life skills lesson for today will be to tie your laces.
I will upload a video of how to do it. Let's see how many of you can achieve it by the time you see us again.
Also, on Friday as promised I'm going to put on a dance routine for you to practise it's your PE Dance lesson. You have all been asking me to do the song
'Better when I'm dancing'.
I've finally learnt the moves again....... Will upload it on Friday for your Freaky Friday Fun!
See you later
Please try to read a little bit every day. We know that some of you took books home from school to read but take advantage of all the books that you can find and share them with your brothers and sisters.
Here is a special kind of short story called a FABLE. Fables usually have animals as the characters and there is an important lesson in the story for us all to learn from.
30 minutes of PE every day with Joe Wicks on You Tube.
Watch it live at 9a.m. every day or follow it when you have time.
Practise your number bonds to 100 and 1000
Number Fun – Free 30-day support pack
Anglesey uses a company called Number Fun to help deliver brilliant mathematics learning and songs.
Please see the link below and sign up for a free 30 day home mathematics support pack where you can download all sorts of activities and the children can continue to learn their favourite Number Fun songs such as:
Table Troopers
Groovy Man
Square Number Bashing
Fronted Adverbials - following on from Mr Jordan's lesson here are some sentences to practice with:
We have been learning about the Earth's surface in the last few weeks. Watch this video to learn a little bit about different types of rock that can be found on the ground beneath our feet.
Why don't you look in your own yard or back garden for interesting rocks, and start your own collection.
Welcome to Year 3
Class teachers.
Class 3P - Ms Patterson
Class 3D - Ms Duncan
Class 3J - Mr Jordan
Hope you've had a lovely break over the summer and are refreshed and ready for a wonderful year of school work.
We have so many exciting things coming up and can't wait to get started.
This term we will be focusing on our Powerful Plants topic. We will be visiting the garden and getting the chance to plant our own crops which we will be harvesting and cooking later in the year.
We are looking at fairy tales over this half term, as well as working on our basic number school.
In ICT we will be creating our own websites and beginning to learn how to make stop motion.
1. You can’t see your ears without a mirror.
2. You can’t count your hair.
3. You can’t breathe through your nose with your tongue out.
4. You just tried No 3.
6. When you did No 3 you realised that it was not only possible but that you looked like a dog.
7. You are smiling right now, because you were fooled.
8. You skipped No 5
9. You just checked to see if there was a No 5.
10.Share this with your family so they can have some fun too.
Lets all have a nice day 😊
Most important in these frustrating times – silly fun:
Have a treasure hunt around the house. There are different ways to do this:
Don’t forget that the ‘treasure’ does not have to be money. It could be some cookies or a drink of hot chocolate. We hope you have lots of fun with this game.
Anyway, here is some work for Thursday 2nd April 2020