
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

Home Page


Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


All the Anglesey Nursery staff hope you and your families stay safe and well over the coming weeks. 

On this page you will find a message from your teachers along with some videos we recorded for you. 


Click 'Home Learning Activities' to see fun activities and ideas you can do at home to help your child learn. These will be updated each week. 

Click 'Useful Resources' to see a wide range of free resources available for you to use at home. Some resources are specific to our weekly home learning activities. 

Click 'Your Photos' to see photos and videos of your learning sent in from home. 

Click 'Oxford Reading Buddy' to see how to log in to the website and view readers of the week and progress reports.

Nursery goodbye message

Nursery's goodbye and Reception's welcome.

Mrs Mitcham's nursery bedtime story

Nursery story about a princess

Nursery Stories - Dinosaurs Don't Draw

Listen to Mrs Kelly read 'Dinosaurs Don't Draw'.

Nursery Stories -Knock Knock, Who's There?

Mrs Noakes read the book 'Knock Knock, Who's There?'

Nursery - Phonics

Recap some letter sounds with Mrs Kelly.

Chalk obstacle course

Nursery's Mrs Mitcham made a chalk obstacle course.

Nursery Stories -Whatever Next!

Mrs Noakes reads the book 'Whatever Next!'

Nursery Stories -Where's Your Smile, Crocodile?

Mrs Noakes reads the book 'Where's Your Smile Crocodile?'

Nursery stories with Mrs Mitcham

We're going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen, our family version of this fantastic story!

Nursery - Numicon

Recap the numicon pieces with Mrs Kelly.

A message from your Teachers

Still image for this video
We are all missing you very much, so we made you all a little video to show you just how much.

Hopefully we will see you at school soon, but for now stay safe and home and look after each other!

Nursery Stories -Where Oh Where Is Kipper's Bear?

Mrs Noakes reads the book 'Where Oh Where Is Kipper's Bear?'

Nursery stories- Dear Zoo

Bedtime story with Mrs Mitcham.

Nursery - A night time story

Mrs Kelly reads 'Guess How Much I Love You'.

Welcome to Nursery


We would like to welcome all of our new children and families to Anglesey Primary School.


Class NN: Mrs Noakes, Mrs Akhtar, Mrs Yousef.

Class NKM: Mrs Kelly, Mrs Mitcham and Mrs DeCosta

Targeted Support: Mrs Kaur



Parent E-Safety Workshop


Thank-you to all of our Parents that came to our E-Safety Workshop, we hope you found it useful and now feel confident in how to keep your children safe on-line. Please see website below if you would like further support.

Happy Chinese New Year!


Nursery have had a great time learning and celebrating Chinese New Year. They have used different tools to make Chinese Lanterns, learned and performed a Dragon Dance and made a Stir Fry. The children really enjoyed cooking the Stir fry, learning the names of the vegetables and most of all using their senses to smell, see, feel and then taste the delicious food. 

Happy New Year!


We would like to welcome all of our children and families back to school and we hope you had a restful holiday. The children have moved to their new classrooms and have settled in well.

This half term is Chinese New Year and we will be learning all about this exciting festival. The children will be cooking a stir fry. They will use their senses to taste, smell, look, feel and even listen to the vegetables as they fry. We will also be making Chinese lanterns and learning why these are so important to Chinese New Year. 

It is also Valentines Day this half term and we will be making biscuits for some-one we love. We will write a list so that we know what ingredients we need. Whilst we make the biscuits we will observe how the ingredients change when mixed together and then how it changes from a dough to a biscuit when it is cooked in the oven. 

Over this half term we will be writing a letter to the Zoo, as we will be learning all about the story of 'Dear Zoo'. When the children have wrote their letter, they will take them to the local post-box and post them. I wonder what animal they will choose?

On Tuesday 11th February we will be having a Parent meeting to talk about

E-Safety. During that week the children will be learning about keeping themselves safe on-line. 




Children In Need Day


Nursery had a fantastic day celebrating and raising money for Children in Need. The children wore their own pyjamas and took part in a range of activities which included: creating a Pudsey Bear using various materials, Pudsey Counting and dancing. We talked with the children about the reason behind why we give to Charity and how we can help children who are less fortunate than ourselves "Its for children who don't have any toys" one of children told their friends. We would like to say a BIG Thank-you to all of Parents for their donations, as we raised £66.08.








National Fitness Day


Nursery took part in National Fitness Day!! We had a great time doing our exercises in range of ways...we found out nursery can do fantastic dancing, jumping, running, balancing and even playing Basketball!!  


Starting Nursery School


This is a very exciting time for our children, as they start nursery, meet their new teachers and begin to make new friends. It is important for us to ensure that the children settle well into nursery and are happy in order for them to begin their learning journey.


At Anglesey Primary School we use the Early Years Curriculum to plan for your child's emergent learning needs, as well as allowing the children to follow their own interests during Child Initiated Play to further develop their learning. The teachers also plan a varied curriculum that is tailored to our children. This is updated each half term and can be viewed on the Curriculum page.


During this half term the children will learn:

How to be a good friend and share toys.

To develop their speaking and listening skills.

Be independent in self care e.g. going to the toilet and managing personal hygiene.

To become confident in exploring the indoor and outdoor classroom.


Once the children have settled we will have a variety of Parent Workshops. As a school we believe that working with our parents is of the upmost importance in order for our children to have the best education possible. As part of the workshops you will be able to see what and how we teach the children and in turn this allows for you to support your child's learning at home. The details of workshops will follow throughout the year.


We would like to Thank-you for your support in helping to settle the children and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to your child's teacher.

The Nursery Team


Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites