Calendar Dates
- Year 2 to Alex theatre 7th February 2025
- Half term 17th February 2025
- Half term 18th February 2025
Thursday 15/07/21
Hello again Year 6. Here is your work for today.
Starter: 8 a day activity
Have a go at these 8 questions using the four operations.
Main activity: Drawing line graphs
Continuing on from yesterdays session, work through the PowerPoint presentation below and then have a go answering the questions on the worksheet.
That's all for today. Don't forget that you should be sending your work to the year group email every day as well as logging onto TTRS. See you all tomorrow.
Wednesday 14/07/21
Hello Year 6. Here is your work for today.
Starter: 8 day activity
Have a go at these 8 questions using the four operations.
Main activity: Reading and interpreting line graphs
Work through the PowerPoint presentation and then answer the questions on the worksheet below.
That's all for today. Don't forget to send your work in and log onto TTRS daily. See you back here tomorrow.
Monday 13th July
Friday 9th July 2021
Hello Year 6, I hope you are doing well at home. Not long left until you are back in school.
Yesterday we were introduced to the area of a triangle. Today we are going to dive in and get a better understanding of an area of a triangle.
Thursday 8th July 2021
Today we are going to be focusing on the area of a triangle.
Wednesday 7th July
Today we will be focusing on area and perimeter.
Tuesday 6th July 2021
Today we are going to be focusing on Shape with the same area.
Today we are looking at Reflections.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - Reflection is a type of transformation. To reflect an object, you need a mirror line. When a shape is reflected, its size does not change - the image just appears 'flipped'.
Today we will be looking at Translations.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - In maths, translated means 'to move'. When translating a shape, it moves but its appearance doesn't change.
Today we will continue to look at Geometry, but extend this to all Four Quadrants.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - the first co-ordinate always represents the x-axis, the second co-ordinate represents the y-axis.
If you need more practice, watch this short video to have another think about co-ordinates in the first quadrant
Monday 1st March
It's the last week of home learning! We are really looking forward to seeing you all back at school next week.
Today we are going to look at Geometry - The First Quadrant.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - The x axis is the horizontal line, the y axis is the vertical line. The FIRST co-ordinate represents the X AXIS, the SECOND co-ordinate represents the Y AXIS.
If you're finding this a bit tricky, watch the video and have a go at the quiz on the link below
Finish the week by working through this fractions unit on Seneca
Click the link, then Start Assignment
Today we will recap multiplying fractions.
Don't be scared! It's easier than you might think
Adding fractions with different denominators
You need to change the denominator so make them the same before you add.
Remember, whatever you do to the bottom you do to the top
Fractions recap
Today we will be looking back at how to add fractions with the same denominator. It is vital you practice this in preparation for whatever secondary school you may be going to.
Monday 22nd February
Welcome back Year 6. We really hope to see you all back in school soon.
In today's lesson we are going to continue looking at Fractions of an Amount where we will be Finding the Whole.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - drawing a bar model will help you visualise how to solve the problem.
Today is the last day we will be looking at Fractions whilst you are learning at home. Please don't worry if you have found some of it tricky, we will look again when we are back in school. If you want some more practice today, click on the link below
Friday 12th February
Well done to 6P who are currently leading in the Year 6 TTRS tournament. The other three classes have until 3pm today to try to beat them!
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at finding Fractions of an Amount.
Please watch this video
If you need more practice, click on the link below
REMEMBER - We also want you to complete 15 soundchecks and spend 30 minutes completing garage sessions on TTRS. We will be looking at who has completed this by 3.30pm today!
Thursday 11th February
In today's session we are going to be looking at the Four Rules With Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - You need to use all four operations to answer today's questions on fractions. You might find it useful to look back at the previous videos on adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing fractions.
Wednesday 10th February
We're so impressed with the work you are doing on fractions but don't worry if you are finding some of it tricky, we'll look at it again when we're back at school. KEEP GOING YEAR 6 !!
In today's lesson we will continue to look at dividing fractions by integers.
Please watch this video
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Dividing Fractions by Integers.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - drawing a bar model may help you visualise the division.
If you are finding this tricky, try looking at the link below
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Multiplying Fractions by Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - to multiply a fraction by a fraction, you multiply the denominators together and then the numerators together.
For more practice, click on the link below
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Multiplying Fractions by Integers.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - when you multiply a fraction by an integer, the denominator stays the same.
If you are finding this a bit tricky, click on the link below
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Adding and Subtracting Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - to add and subtract fractions, it's usually easier to find a common denominator.
If this is a bit tricky, have a go at the questions on the link below
In today's lesson we are continuing to look at Subtracting Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - to subtract fractions you can draw a bar model or a number line (or convert both fractions to improper fractions if the question has mixed numbers).
If you would like a little more practice, click on this link
In today's lesson we will be subtracting mixed numbers.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - Finding a common denominator is really useful when subtracting fractions.
For more practice, click the link below
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Adding Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - to add fractions you can use different methods -
If you want more practice, click on this BBC Bitesize link
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Adding Mixed Numbers
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - When converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, the fraction bar is the same as the division symbol.
If you need extra practice look at the questions on this BBC bitesize link
In today's lesson we will continue to look at Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - To find a common denominator, you have to find a number that is a multiple of both denominators.
If you need some extra help, there is some useful advice on this BBC Bitesize link
In today's lesson we are going to be looking at Adding and Subtracting Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - To add and subtract fractions, you first must make the denominator the same.
If you are finding this a bit tricky, have a look at this link to BBC Bitesize
In today's lesson we will continue to look at Comparing and Ordering Fractions.
Please watch this video
REMEMBER - when the numerators are the same, the smaller the denominator, the greater the fraction.
There is some more help with comparing fractions in the link below
Today's lesson is looking at Comparing and Ordering Fractions.
Please watch this video
To find equivalent fractions or the lowest common denominator, you will need to know your times tables. Please continue to practise these by going onto Times Tables Rockstars.
You can also use this link to BBC Bitesize if you need a little extra help when Comparing Fractions!
Here is today's work
Fractions on a number line
Watch video 2.
Using a number line to show fractions can be a very helpful way to represent how a whole is divided equally into parts.
Remember, the denominator shows us how many parts there are in total and the numerator tells us how many parts we are talking about.
The BBC again has some great advice if today's work is a bit tricky.
Mixed numbers to improper fractions
Watch video 1.
Multiply the denominator of the fractional part by the whole number, and add the result to the numerator.
For example, suppose you want to convert the mixed number
to an improper fraction. First, multiply 3 by 5 and add 2:
(3 · 5) + 2 = 17
Use this result as your numerator, and place it over the denominator you already have.
Place this result over the denominator:
The BBC has got some great ideas to help
Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.
To convert an improper fraction into a mixed number, divide the numerator by the denominator. Write the whole number answer, then make a fraction from the remainder and the original denominator and add it to the whole number.
Simplifying Fractions
Hello all,
Today is simplifying fractions.
Watch video 3
Again the BBC provides some useful help.
Equivalent Fractions
Today we will be looking at adding and subtracting fractions. Watch the film about Equivalent Fractions and then complete the worksheet.
If you can't print it off write your answers with pen and paper.
The BBC link is also a great help.
Watch video 3. Then complete the simplifying fractions worksheet.
Thursday 14th January
To find unit fractions of a given quantity
During this lesson, we will continue to focus on unit fractions by finding fractions in different contexts. We will use pictorial representations alongside multiplication and division facts to solve a range of problems.
To recognise, identify and describe unit fractions
In this lesson, you will build on equal parts by looking at sharing amounts equally. You will name the fractions, and using your understanding of numerator, vinculum and denominator, you will write the fraction.
Good Morning/Afternoon
After yesterday's introduction to fractions, today we will be looking at understanding equivalences. Remember equivalent involves things being the same but looking different.
Monday 11 January
Today we start fractions. Have a watch of today's video of the part whole model and try the quiz at the end.
Friday 8th January 2021
Today you will solve problems involving division with remainders. There is a video to watch which is 18 minutes long. It will teach you the skills you need to solve division problems using the most efficient method. There is a quiz to go alongside this lesson.
Thursday 7th January 2021
In today's lesson you will use the formal written method of long division to solve calculations. There is a 20 minute video with mathematical questions to solve as you are watching. Take the knowledge quiz at the beginning of the lesson and at the end to see how well you have learnt today. You can either print off the worksheet or work out the answers on a piece of paper.
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Today your lesson is about short division and mathematical vocabulary related to this. There is a video to watch and Maths questions to solve as you go through it. There is also a quiz. Click on the link below to access your lesson:
Friday 11th December 2020
Today you will be dividing 4-digit numbers by a single digit using the bus stop method. Some of the questions are fluency questions - this means you will need to show us how you worked out the answer. Some of the questions are reasoning questions - this means, in addition to your working out, you will need to explain 'why'. From your explanation, your teacher will be able to tell if you understand the question. There are five questions altogether and this task should take you approximately 30 minutes. Please show all your working out and don't forget to bring your work in next week so that your teacher can go through it with you.
You also need to spend 20 minutes on TT Rockstars today.
Thursday 10th December 2020
Today we have some reasoning and problem-solving questions for you to have a go at. They are all about multiplying numbers using the column method. There are 6 questions altogether but they require some working out and explanations. It should take you 30-45 minutes to complete them. You need to bring your work into school next week so that your teacher can go through it with you.
You also need to spent at least 20 minutes on TT Rockstars today.
Wednesday 9th Dec 2020
Today we are going to tackle some reasoning and problem-solving questions related to what you have already learnt about the four operations. There are 6 questions altogether to have a go at today. Please show your working out and, for some questions, write a brief explanation as part of your answer. This work should take you about 30 minutes to complete. You also need to spend 20 minutes on TT Rockstars today.
You need to bring this work into school next week so that your teachers can go through it with you.
Tuesday 8th December 2020
Watch this short video to recap how to divide a 4-digit number by 1 digit, then complete the related questions in the worksheet below. Your Maths work should take you about 45 minutes to complete. Don't forget to show your working out!
Monday 7th December 2020
Watch this 10 minute video to recap how to multiply 4-digit numbers by a 2-digit number. Can you answer the questions in the video correctly? After watching the video, complete the worksheet below. Your Maths work should take you approximately 50 minutes today.
Friday 4th December 2020
Watch this 10 minute video which will show you how to multiply a 3-digit number by 2 digits. Then complete the questions below. Don't forget to show your working out. Your Maths work should take you approximately 45 minutes today.
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Watch the video to remind yourself how to multiply a 2-digit number by another 2-digit number - the video is 10 minutes long. Next have a go at the questions below the video - these should take you 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to showing your working out.
Wednesday 2nd December 2020
In school last week you were learning how to multiply a 4-digit number by a single digit. To recap you should watch the video below and then complete the worksheet. The video is just under 10 minutes long and the worksheet should take you about 30-45 minutes to complete. Make sure you show your working out.
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Watch the short video and answer the questions below.
Monday 30th November 2020
Watch this short video about multi-step addition and subtraction problems. Then complete the worksheet below. You can either print it out if you have a printer or write the answers on a piece of paper. The answers will be posted tomorrow for you to check your work and correct any wrong answers. Don't forget to show your working out!
Friday 23rd October
This half term you have been learning about negative numbers. You have been given a pack of work about negative numbers to complete. We would like you to make a start on this today and complete it over the half term holiday. To remind yourself about negative numbers you can click on the BBC Bitesize link below and watch the videos and complete the quiz.
Thursday 22nd October
This half term you learnt all about factors and common factors. Today we would like you to have a go at some SATs questions related to this. You will find the questions in the Word file below. The questions start off easier and get harder as you work through them. Before you tackle the questions you might want to remind yourself about factors - to help you we have provided you with a BBC Bitesize link below that has short videos you can watch that explain what factors are and some quizzes you can complete.
Wednesday 21st October
This half term you learnt how to round any number within ten million. Today we would like you to have a go at some SATs questions related to this. You will find the questions in the Word file below. There are 15 questions altogether and they start off easier and get harder as you work through them. Before you tackle the questions you might want to recap on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 - to help you we have provided a BBC Bitesize link below that has several short videos all about rounding numbers which you can watch and some quizzes you can complete.
Tuesday 20th October
Watch the video below about square and cube numbers and then answer the questions below.
Wednesday 14th October
Watch the video about Prime to 100 below and answer the questions set by your teacher. If you have a printer at home you may print the worksheet out, alternatively you can write the answers on a piece of paper.
Tuesday 13th October
Watch the video below about Common Multiples, then answer the questions we have set for you. If you have a printer at home you may choose to print out the worksheet and write on it, alternatively you can write the answers on a piece of paper.
Monday 12th October
Watch the video about Common Factors and then answer the questions below. You will need a pen/pencil and some paper or if you have a printer you may choose to print out the worksheet and write on it instead.
Friday 9th October
Watch the factors video below and then answer the questions we have set for you. You will need a pen/pencil and some paper to write on, or if you have access to a printer you may choose to print out the worksheet and write on it.
Thursday 8th October
Watch the negative numbers video below and then answer the questions we have set for you. You will need a pen/pencil and some paper to write on, or if you have access to a printer you may choose to print out the worksheet and write on it.
Wednesday 7th October
Watch the video about negative numbers and complete the activities in the video.