
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Welcome to the last half term of the year

This half term we will be looking at the theme of Transition to assist the children  with their move to various reception classes in September. To support this we are creating reception class role play areas and arranging small group visits to reception both here and at St Francis.


During May the children visited the fire station at Handsworth where they leaned about safety and had a great time as well. They were able to dress up as firefighters, explore the fire engine, make the alarm call, see the pole in action and see the  water hoses set off. 

We are out home visiting all the new children for September and we are really enjoying meeting all the familiar and new families. We will  be writing to you again at the beginning  of July to invite you to a stay and play session where you will be able to meet the staff, fill in the paper work and the children will have the chance to play with the other children in their key group.


Please do not hesitate to come in and see us if you have any questions or call direct on 0121 464 4385.

Welcome to the summer term


We hope you all enjoyed the break and the weather did not spoil it for you. Last half term was very busy with the nursery taking part in World Book Day (see photos below) and Mother's Day activities. We finished the term with an Easter Bunny  hunt on the last day where the children had to search out Easter treats left by someone with suspiciously big feet.


This half term we are looking at the topic of Emergency Services as the children are currently enjoying playing police, firefighters, doctors and nurses and the aptly named fourth emergency service, breakdown truck drivers. We have a garage and baby clinic role play to support this play.



Of course we will also be continuing with the kitchen garden and we have just planted out the broad bean and onion plants that we potted before the holidays.

Offers of nursery places went out before the holidays and the closing date for acceptance is April 30th 2018. Shortly after this we will be contacting families to arrange home visits and support with your induction process in to nursery.

If you still wish to apply for a place or have not received a letter please call or drop in and see us as soon as possible.


Curriculum information can be found in About Us and you can contact us directly on 0121 464 4385. 

The children dressed up in some great costumes for World Book Day. The staff joined in too and acted out the story for the children who then made up their own versions.

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term, we hope you had a good break.


This half term we are looking at the topic of animals and dinosaurs as the children are demonstrating a real enthusiasm for this in their play. We will be planning some of our activities around this and also creating an explorers hut in the outside classroom to develop this play further.

We are also planning some activities around World Book Day . The book for the nursery focus is Goldilocks and the Tree Bears and we will be learning and acting out the story. If you would like to join in the children will have the opportunity to dress up as a bear or Goldilocks on Thursday 1st March. If you don't have a suitable costume please don't buy something specially, your child could just bring their teddy bear and we will paint  noses on the children's face.

We hope to begin indoor planting and work on our own kitchen garden this half term, weather permitting of course. If you would like to support with this project please do let us know as parents are always welcome.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us on 0121 464 4385 or come in and see. Also we will be posting pictures of events as they happen so please watch this space.


Nursery offers for September 2018 will be going out shortly so if you have not yet registered your child please do so as soon as possible at the infant office. Thank you.


Happy New Year and welcome to the first term of 2018

We hope you all had a great holiday and enjoyed the snow.

The nursery celebrated Christmas at the end of last term with lots of activities such as card making, writing and sharing and also a big end of term party with a visit from Santa himself. 

The children really enjoyed the dressing up, games, dancing, meeting Father Christmas and of course the gifts he brought them.


We would like to thank all of you for your kind gifts and presents as well.

Following on from last terms topic of  TV Favourites  we have decided to look at the topic of Our Community this term as this covers many of the areas  in which the children are showing an interest. These include transport, people working in the local community, our continuing garden project, building projects, toys and celebrations from home and family and school events.



We are continuing with the up keep of the kitchen garden and will be harvesting and tasting some of the winter crop when it is ready. As always if anyone is interested in supporting with this project please let your key worker know.

We will also be adapting out lessons to capitalise on events in nature such as the heavy snowfalls that we are currently experiencing, which give the children the opportunity to explore the world, temperature, texture, change of states pattern and many other   elements.

As always you can find an overview of the curriculum in About Us and if you have any questions please either call us on 0121 464v 4385 or come in and see us.

Please watch this space for photographs of events during the term.

We would like to thank all the children and parents who supported with our Children in Need day. You raised £66.12 just from  the nursery.

Here are a few pictures from the day, the full selection can be viewed inside the nursery.

Welcome back to the Second half of the Autumn Term 

The children are settled into the nursery now and we would like to thank parents for their support  during this time of transition.

During last half term the children had the opportunity to explore the nursery and all of the new activities on offer. This included the nursery kitchen garden; the children really enjoyed the experience, dressing up in gardening clothes, digging, planting and watering. This single activity has provided many learning opportunities across the seven aspects of the curriculum.

This project will continue as the year progresses with continued planting, weeding, watering and harvesting and will be further developed into cooking and tasting activities.

We would love parents to be involved in the gardening so if you are interested please let your key worker know.


The topic for this half term is "TV Favourites" as  the children are talking about these characters at the moment. We will be planning many activities around this topic and also stimulating new play ideas in the form of our local role play areas for inside. 



We will be inviting you into the nursery this half term to look at your child's Learning Journal and discuss your child's next steps. Please try and attend if at all possible as we believe the best results are achieved when school and home work together.


If you have any questions you can call us direct on 0121 464 4385 or come in and see us. On overview of the curriculum can be found in information.

Please keep an eye on this page for upcoming events and photos. 

Welcome to the new academic year 2017/18


It is the exciting start to another new year and we would like to welcome all the new children and parents. We would also like to welcome Mrs Khalid to the nursery from reception.


This half term we will be admitting all of the new children. The start dates are staggered to enable children to settle in calmly with their key worker and have the best possible start. We value your support during this time, which can be both  an exciting  and challenging experience for very young children


Our topic this half term will be Settling In and as usual we will be planning our activities around the children's interests. We will also be completing our on entry baseline assessments in order to plan appropriate next steps for your child and inviting you to share this information and gain support with these steps. The best results are always achieved when school and home work together.


The kitchen garden will require some input after the summer break and the children will be planting their autumn crop. We would welcome any support from parents with planting, harvesting or cooking so if you are interested please  let a member of staff know and we will arrange suitable times.


During the term we will be placing photos of nursery activities and  additional information on this site so please do check in regularly. Alternatively if you require any further information come in and speak to us or call 0121 464 4385 to reach the nursery directly.


An overview of the nursery curriculum can be found in information. 

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites