
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Summer Term


We are approaching the end of our final term in Reception and what an amazing year we have had! We have experienced some exciting opportunities this half term. We have observed the life cycle of a butterfly and a duck, we have taken part in a whole year group Sports day and we have made instruction booklets for our friends in the other classes, making cheese sandwiches and popcorn. 


We have also learnt more phonics phase 3 diagraphs and we are getting really good at writing our own sentences using our phonic knowledge. We are also enjoying reading in our groups especially, when we share a book with a friend. 


In our math's sessions we have been working with numbers to 20 in a variety of ways, using numicon, cubes, money and numerals. We are getting very good at number sentences now and problem solving. 

RS Singing in Swahili

Uploaded by Anglesey Primary School on 2018-06-27.

RP and RL sing 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing

Uploaded by Anglesey Primary School on 2018-06-08.

Solo in assembly

Uploaded by Anglesey Primary School on 2018-05-11.

Reception - I love The Flowers

Uploaded by Anglesey Primary School on 2018-04-27.

Mini bus trips to Tesco

Puppet Videos

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We have all been super busy this term. We have been learning a lot of different phonics sounds recently and have been learning lots of facts about numbers 1- 10. 


All the children are doing extremely well in their reading groups. Most of the children are able to identify initial sounds in words, or blend small words already. Some children are even reading captions. 


The children's writing is also coming along nicely, they are beginning to form most the letters correctly and the majority of children are beginning to write small words or simple captions. 


There have many celebrations over this past half term and we have taken part in lots of different activities including Diwali, bonfire night and Children In Need.


We have also started our mini bus adventures and some of the children have had the opportunity to go to the large supermarket store and learnt all about sugary drinks and cereal. The children have gained confidence in different situations and are able to ask lots of questions when we are out. Additionally the are very good at following instructions and keeping safe in a different environment. 


The children have taken part in our Nativity play this year and were absolutely amazing. They were all extremely confident in singing and dancing and some of our children even narrated the play! It was fantastic and all of their teachers are very proud of them. 


Over the past week we invited the parents in to decorate a hat for the party and the end of the term. It was lovely to see so many parents come in and support their children. Thank you for coming. There will be other opportunities throughout the year for parents to come in again.  


We have had a super term and are looking forward to seeing the children continue to flourish in 2018!


Nativity Video clips

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All the Reception staff would like to welcome back all the parents and children. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. 


We have the following members of staff working in Reception this year:


RP - Mrs Porter and Miss Mahmood

RL - Miss Lee and Mrs Karir

RS - Mrs Smart and Miss Hamilton

RMK - Mrs Mitcham/Mrs Kelly and Mrs Chohan


We are looking forward to sharing all the fun things we do throughout the year with you.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to any of the teachers. 

Mrs Mitcham, Mrs Kelly and their super Scorpions!

Mrs Chohan and her lovely Ladybirds!

Meet Mrs Porter and her Beautiful Butterflies!

Miss Mahmood and her curious Caterpillars!

Mrs Smart and her beautiful Bumble bees

Miss Hamilton and her sensational Spiders!

Miss Lee and her fabulous Fireflies!

Mrs Satnam and her gorgeous Grasshoppers

On a Friday, we have our'Celebration Assembly'. Every week, we give out a certificate and prizes for 'Star of the week'.  We also send the puppies home to be looked after by different children each week and we celebrate birthdays.

We will put the pictures on the website so we can see who our special children are that week.

29th September

6th October

13th October

These children have 100% attendance for this half term. They were given some bubbles each. I wonder who will get bubbles at Christmas?

Welcome back after half term! We have a busy 8 weeks before Christmas. We will keep you updated on this website and also try and give you a flavour of what we are doing by uploading some pictures of the children.
Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites