3rd July 2020
Today we are solving problems about O'Clock.
2nd July 2020
Today we are learning to tell the time to the hour using analogue clocks.
The long hand on the clock is called the minute hand. It tells the minutes.
The short hand on the clock is called the hour hand. It tells the hour.
1st July 2020
Today we are learning about dates.
What day is it?
what day was it yesterday?
What day is it tomorrow?
What month are we in?
What month will it be next?
If it was May now what month would it be next?
Yesterday was Sunday. Tomorrow is?
Tomorrow is Friday. Today is?
What month is your birthday in?
June 2020
Today we are solving problems about before and after.
Can you solve these problems?
29th June 2020
Over the next two weeks we are going to be learning about time.
Today we are learning about before and after.
What do you do on the morning?
What do you do in the afternoon?
What do you do in the evening?
What time of day do you go to bed?
What time of day do you wake up?
Complete this worksheet looking at before and after
26th June 2020
Today we are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s using coins and to add coins.
25th June 2020
Today we are answering questions about money.
24th June 2020
Today we are learning to recognise notes.
23rd June 2020
Today we are using our knowledge of money to answer questions.
22nd June 2020
This week we are learning about money.
Today we will be learning to recognise coins.
Do you recognise any of these coins?
Which coin has the lowest value?
Which coin has the highest value?
Which coin would you want? Why?
Today we are learning to add one more and one less in numbers up to 100.
How many counters are there?
If you were to add 1 more how many would you have?
If you were to take 1 away how many would you have?
Count the numicon.
If you were to add 1 more how many would you have?
If you were to take 1 away how many would you have?
18th June 2020
Today we are ordering numbers.
Look at the numbers. Which number is the smallest? Which number is the largest?
21 33 51 12
Put the numbers in order from smallest to largest.
Put the numbers in order from largest to smallest.
17th June 2020
Today we are continuing to compare numbers within 100.
Today we are comparing numbers to 100.
Can you answer this question?
15th June 2020
This week we are continuing to learn about place value with numbers up to 100.
Use the 100 square to find a number:
- More than 70.
- Less than 45.
- In between 47 and 68.
- More than 78 but less than 82.
For more help with tens and ones see https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8sfr82/articles/zw4g2nb
12th June 2020
Today we are comparing numbers using the words more than, greater than, less than and fewer than.
My number is more than 40 but less than 50. What could my number be?
My number is greater than 20 but fewer than 24. What could my number be?
My number is fewer than 50 but more than 45. What could my number be?
11th June 2020
Today we are continuing to partition numbers up to 100.
Guess my number.
My number has 2 tens and 9 ones. What is it?
My number has 3 tens and 5 ones. What is it?
My number has 6 ones and 7 tens. What is it?
Can you complete the part whole models
10th June 2020
Today we are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.
Look through this power point to remind you how to partition.
9th June 2020
Today we are looking at reasoning and problem solving with numbers up to 100.
8th June 2020
Over the next two week we are learning about place value within 100.
Now can you count backwards from the pink number to the yellow number?
5th June 2020
Today is our last lesson on position and direction.
4th June 2020
Today we are continuing to describe positions.
Follow the directions in this song.
Today we are learning to solve problems using our understanding of position and direction.
1st June 2020
This week we are learning about position and direction.
PowerPoint Presentation for position
22nd May 2020
Today I would like everyone to play on Numbots. You can log in with the same username and password that you use for Oxford Reading Buddies. Here is the link https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school
Today is our Friday challenge and today we are cooking.
Go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Summer Term- week 4 (w/c 4th May)
Lesson 5- Friday challenge
After you have watched the clip try the activity.
21st May 2020
Today I would like everyone to play on Numbots. You can log in with the same username and password that you use for Oxford Reading Buddies. Here is the link https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school
Today we are learning to add more and count on within 20.
Go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Summer Term- week 4 (w/c 4th May)
Lesson 4- Add more and count on within 20 on.
After you have watched the clip try the worksheet.
20th May 2020
Today I would like everyone to play on Numbots. You can log in with the same username and password that you use for Oxford Reading Buddies. Here is the link https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school
Today we are learning to add together and find a part.
Go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Summer Term- week 4 (w/c 4th May)
Lesson 3- Add together and find a part.
After you have watched the clip try the worksheet.
19th May 2020
Today we are learning about fact families.
Go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Summer Term- week 4 (w/c 4th May)
Lesson 2- Fact families - linking addition and subtraction (1).
After you have watched the clip try the worksheets.
18th May 2020
Today we are learning our number bonds.
Now go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Summer Term- week 4 (w/c 4th May)
Lesson 1- Part-whole relationships number bonds.
After you have watched the clip try the worksheets.
15th May 2020
Today we are solving problems. Read the questions carefully before you answer them.
This is half of Lee's strawberries.
How many strawberries does Lee have?
This is half of Lee's shape.
What could the whole shape look like?
Tim buys a lolly and a chew.
The lolly cost 12p more than the chew.
The total cost of the 2 items is 80p.
How much does the chew cost?
14th May 2020
Well done everyone who has played on Numbots. If you haven't had a go yet I would like to try today. Log onto https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school with the same username and password as Oxford Reading Buddies.
Today we are solving problems.
Please go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Now go to Summer Term - week 2 (w/c 27th April). You will need to scroll all the way down the page.
Now go to lesson 4 Problem Solving.
After you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
13th May 2020
Well done everyone who has played on Numbots. If you haven't had a go yet I would like to try today. Log onto https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school with the same username and password as Oxford Reading Buddies.
Today we are finding a quarter.
Please go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Now go to Summer Term - week 2 (w/c 27th April). You will need to scroll all the way down the page.
Now go to lesson 3 Find a quarter (2).
After you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
12th May 2020
Well done everyone who has played on Numbots. If you haven't had a go yet I would like to try today. Log onto https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school with the same username and password as Oxford Reading Buddies.
Today we are finding a quarter.
Please go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Now go to Summer Term - week 2 (w/c 27th April). You will need to scroll all the way down the page.
Now go to lesson 2 Find a quarter (1).
After you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
11th May 2020
Today we are finding a half.
Please go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Now click on Summer Term- Week 2 (w/c 27th April)
scroll all the way down to find this.
Now click on Lesson 1 - find a half (2)
After you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
Today we are learning to find a half.
Please go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Now go to Summer term- week 1 (w/c 20 April)
Lesson 4 Find a half (1)
When you have watched the clip try the worksheet.
6th May 2020
Log onto Numbots using the same details as your Oxford Reading Buddies.
Count by 5's | Grandma and Grandpa at the Beach | Jack Hartmann
Today we are continuing to learn to make equal groups by sharing.
Please click the link below.
Now go to Summer Term - Week 1 (w/c 20 April) lesson 3 - Make equal groups (sharing)
When you have watched the clip try the worksheet.
Tuesday 5th May
Today we are learning to make equal groups
Count to 100 by 10s | Grandma and Grandpa Go on a Safari! | Jack Hartmann
Have you played on Numbots? If not use your Oxford Reading Buddies login details to log in.
Go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Now go to Summer term week 1 (w/c 20 April)
Lesson 2 Make equal groups (grouping)
When you have watched the clip try to do the worksheet. Don't worry if you don't have a printer just record your answers on a piece of paper then check how you did by looking at the answers.
4th May2020
We have an exciting new math game for you to play and learn.
Go to https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school
Enter our school's name Anglesey Primary School or our schools postcode B19 1RA
Your have the same username and password as your Oxford Reading Buddies.
Now you are ready to play.
If you need any help accessing numbots email your teacher on y1@anglesey.bham.sch.uk
Today we are learning to make doubles
Click on the link below.
Now go to Summer term week 1 w/c 20th April, lesson 1, Make doubles.
When you have watched the clip try to do the worksheet.
1st May 2020
Today we are learning to make arrays.
Please click on the link below.
Now go to week 2, lesson 5 - step 4 - make arrays.
When you have watched the clip try the worksheet
30th April 2020
Today we are learning to add equal groups.
Please click on the link below for today's lesson.
Go to week 2, lesson 4 - Add equal groups.
When you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
29th April 2020
Today we are learning to make equal groups.
Click on the link below.
Now go to week 2 lesson 3 Make equal groups.
When you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
28th April 2020
Today we are counting in 10s.
Please click on the link below.
Now go to week 2 lesson 2 Count in 10s.
When you have watched the clip try the worksheet.
27th April 2020
Today we are comparing capacity.
Click on the link below
Now go to week 2, lesson 1, compare capacity.
When you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
24th April 2020
Today we are introducing capacity and volume.
Please click on the link below.
Now go to week 1, lesson 4, introduce capacity and volume. When you have watched the clip do the worksheet.
23rd April 2020
Today we are comparing mass.
Please click on the link below.
Now go to week 1, lesson 3 comparing mass.
22nd April 2020
Today we are learning to measure mass.
Click on the link.
Then go to week 1 lesson 2 measure mass. watch the clip then have a go at the worksheet.
Important note to parents
White Rose – Home Learning Maths website is adding daily lessons in response to COVID-19 lockdown. This a very good website that we use to teach maths in school. It shows short video lessons, and activity then answers. You can choose the year that is appropriate for your child. Check it out by googling -white rose home learning maths or click on this link;
Tuesday 21st April
Follow the link;
Go to year 1 week 1 and watch the video on weight and mass lesson 1. Once you have watched the video do the work sheet below.
Monday 20th April 2020
This week we will be learning about weight and mass in Numeracy.