Calendar Dates
- RS to Sutton Park 27th January 2025
- RP to Sutton Park 28th January 2025
- Rocksteady band day 29th January 2025
Thursday 11th & Friday 12th Feb
Hi children,
On Thursday we will be continuing with editing. On Friday you will be expected to write up your final version of the story neatly.
For Thursday editing - look at the spelling square, punctuation point and Grammar Grove pictures below.
See if you can all find and correct:
5/6 spellings
3/4 punctuation errors
3 Grammar groves if you have used the wrong tense.
For Friday - this is the last day on this story.
We would like you to focus on your HANDWRITING and write up your work neatly, include paragraphs and make sure that you are attempting to join your letters.
We look forward to reading the final version.
Wednesday 10th February 21
Today we would like you to carry on checking and improving your completed story from the last two weeks. You do not have to edit or rewrite every sentence and paragraph. Find one or two sentences or sections that you can improve and concentrate on those using the guidance below. In this way you will improve different parts of your story over the next few days.
Yesterday you were asked to look at RE-WRITE STREET! Today we would like you to look at ADD MORE AVENUE. Find 2 or 3 sentences in your story where you could add more details to give more information to the reader and make your story more interesting to read. Take a look at the pictures below to see some examples. Don't worry if your work starts to look a bit messy - that's all part of the editing process!
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Yesterday was our last live lesson for The Secret of the Black Rock. So today we would like you to go back over your completed story from the last two weeks and start editing them to make them even better.
The first bit of editing I would like you to do is take a look at Re- Write Street! So we would like you to go back and read your story to make sure it all makes sense and flows. Don't worry if you've found that there are mistakes, this is our opportunity to make them right! Take a look at the picture below to see what you need to do. (Also if you haven't quite got round to finishing your story, now is your chance to catch up!).
Monday 08/02/21
Good morning everyone, hope you've had a lovely weekend.
We are back to Mrs C and carrying on with the wonderful work you have been doing. we are so impressed with all the writing that has been emailed into us. Keep up the good work!
Today we are on lesson 9.
Remember to have a piece of paper out in front of you, even better have the writing book you collected from school last wee out in front of you. One side for your jottings, the other for your independent writing.
(Hope you all picked up your book, there are still some left!)