
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Multiplication and division

Friday 8th May 2020


Play the factors and multiples game from Nrich today.


The instructions for the game are saved in the link below.


This is a two player game, so get one of your parents, a brother, a sister or anybody that lives in your house to play this with you.




Thursday 7th May 2020


Please view the lesson on division for today's date by clicking on the link below.


Once you are on, you can scroll down the page to the other multiplication and division sessions that have been taught, which include some great examples of when to use both written and mental methods.

Wednesday 6th May 2020


Watch lesson 3 of week 3 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.

This lesson looks at dividing with remainders. This is a new area of work for many of you, so it may take a little bit of time for you to fully understand this topic.


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


Other videos to help you can be found below:


BBC Bitesize have produced a short video on how to use short division using remainders.


Short division with a remainder.


Short division with a decimal remainder.


Long division.


Tuesday 5th May 2020


Watch lesson 2 of week 3 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.

This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around multiplication and looks at multiplying 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. Your tasks from yesterday helped you to prepare for this lesson.


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Monday 4th May 2020


There are two multiplication reasoning tasks saved below for you today.


Task 1 is harder than task 2.


Choose which one is best suited to your ability.


This will help you with the White Rose Home Learning that you will be continuing with tomorrow.

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