Video Messages
Sign in to show you've been doing your home learning today. You will need to put your child's full name, and parent email address. You will need to do this every day.
Every day you must make sure you sign in using the year group register above. This lets us know that your child is engaging with work at home. Please put their full name, use your parent email address and in the message box, you can put their class either NN or NS.
We can also see when you log on to your Tapestry account to view Child Initiated Activities on there.
It is EXPECTED that you us send an example of your child's home learning activities each day. Please send us one subject each day. You can choose between Reading or Writing or Phonics or Maths or one of the Tapestry Child Initiated Activities.
This can either be done by adding an observation to Tapestry or attaching a photo to an email and sending it to We will reply to you.
Use the timetable below to help manage your day.
Nursery Home Learning Timetable
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Reading |
Reading |
Reading |
Reading |
Reading |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Child-Initiated Activities |
Child-Initiated Activities |
Child- Initiated Activities |
Child-Initiated Activities |
Child-Initiated Activities |
Phonics |
Phonics |
Phonics |
Phonics |
Phonics |
Writing |
Writing |
Writing |
Writing |
Writing |
Home Learning
Our home learning is taking place across our two platforms - our class page on this website - and Tapestry
Each day a child initiated activity will be uploaded onto Tapestry. These will be activities that link to the things we may have been doing that week in school. There will also be a link to our website. On our website class page, we will upload the phonics, maths, reading and writing activity for that day (unfortunately Tapestry doesn't allow us to upload word documents). We do not expect your children to be working all day... the activities are there to help keep your child in a routine, and continue their learning they would have been doing in nursery without forgetting everything we've taught them so far.
You can email us on to ask any questions, Mrs Noakes and Miss Spilsbury will get back to you. You can also upload any photos of the fun stuff you've been getting up to at home onto Tapestry for us to take a look at.
We will be making wellbeing phone calls once every two weeks, so if you receive a call from an unknown number, it could well be your child's teacher.
Stay safe, look after each other and we'll hopefully see you all soon.
The Nursery Team
Welcome to Nursery
We would like to welcome all of our new children and parents to Anglesey Primary School. In nursery we have an amazing new open plan learning unit that the children are able to access independently. Throughout the week the children take part in a variety of learning, consisting of both child initiated and adult led. Our priority at the beginning of the year is to ensure all our children feel happy and safe, so they are confident and ready to start learning.
Each half term we will update the website with a parent plan, as well as sending home Tapestry observations, so that you can see what your child has been learning at school and be able to support your child's learning at home.
NS - Miss Spilsbury and Miss Begum
NB- Miss Bradbury and Miss Mir
Speech and Language - Mrs Yousaf and Mrs Risat
Assistant Head Teacher: EYFS - Mrs Uredi
Here are some ways you can help your child when they first start nursery:
Toilet Training
Dressing and undressing
Feeding themselves
Have a good sleep routine
Recognising their name
Writing their name
Listening to stories
Talking together
Answering and asking questions
Recognising numbers
Following instructions
If you would like any help or support with your child's learning then please speak to their teacher and they will be happy to help.