Calendar Dates
- Y2 Great Fire of London experience day 10th October 2024
- Oak and Willow closed for staff training 11th October 2024
- Y1 parent assembly 11th October 2024 at 09:00
Good morning! Today we are starting a new story to go along with our unit on Plants called The Enormous Turnip.
This is a story about a farmer who plants some turnip seeds. Read the story and find out what happens.
The first thing we would like you to think about is different words for Enormous. These are called synonyms. A word that means the same thing, such as:
Enormous, big, massive....
Can you think of two more?
Next, you are going to make up another character who could help pull the turnip out! Is it a boy or girl, or maybe a princess, superhero or animal?
Draw a picture of your character in the box on the sheet and write a sentence telling us who the character is and why this character would be good to help the family.