
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Monday 15th June 2020 - Friday 19th June 2020


You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which builds on your fraction, decimal and percentage work from before half-term. Please follow the link.


You only need to watch the video and answer any questions in the video.

Monday 8th June 2020 - Friday 12th June 2020


You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which build on your decimal and fraction work from before half-term. Please follow the link.


You only need to watch the video and answer any questions in the video.

Monday 1st June 2020 - Friday 5th June 2020


You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which build on your fraction work from before half-term. Please follow the link.


You only need to watch the video and answer any questions in the video.

Adding fractions - Introduction. With Mr Singh

Unsure on how to add fractions? This simple intro can help

Introduction to subtracting fractions with Mr Singh

Unsure on how to subtract fractions. Watch this introductory how to guide!

Improper fraction to a mixed fraction introduction with Mr Singh

Intro on how to turn an improper fraction to a mixed fraction for KS2

Wednesday 20th May 2020 and Thursday 21st May 2020


Watch lessons 3 and 4 of week 5 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.


These lessons look at adding and subtracting mixed numbers.

There are two short videos for you to watch which use images to help you understand how to add mixed numbers together and how to subtract them.


See the link below for your task which is a game that you can play. You will need both a partner and a set of colouring pencils.

Add and subtract mixed numbers game

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Watch lesson 2 of week 5 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.


This lesson looks at adding fractions.

There is a short video for you to watch which uses images to help you understand how to add fractions together when the denominators are different.


For your task today, you need to complete the questions that are included in the video.

You can also carry on with the Fraction Bingo game or scroll down the page to the fraction activities that relate to adding fractions to revise your previous learning.

Monday 18th May 2020


Watch lesson 1 of week 5 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.


This lesson looks at adding and subtracting fractions.

There is a short video for you to watch.


There are also some videos from BBC Bitesize and Youtube for you to watch.


Adding and subtracting fractions videos: – adding common denominators – adding different denominators – subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators



Please click on the link below for the activity for today’s lesson.

Use the resources to play Fraction Bingo with your family.

One person will be the caller, who will ask the questions and check the answers at the end of the game, using the calling card and the answer sheet.

The other people will each have a playing board.

You need a full board to win, it is just like playing normal Bingo.

Friday 15th May 2020


Lesson 5 of week 4 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term is the Friday maths challenge.


You can click on the Friday maths challenge below.


There is also an activity for you saved below.

Please click on the link below for the activity for today’s lesson.

Fractions, decimals and percentages of shapes task for Friday 15th May 2020

Thursday 14th May 2020


Watch lesson 4 of week 4 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.


This lesson looks at comparing and ordering fractions less than one.

There is a short video for you to watch.


There is also a video from BBC Bitesize for you to watch.


Please click on the link below for the activity for today’s lesson.

Compare and order fractions task for Thursday 14th May 2020

Wednesday 13th May 2020


Watch lesson 3 of week 4 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.


This lesson looks at converting improper fractions into a mixed number and vice versa.

There is a short video for you to watch.


There is also a game saved below for you to play. Please click on the link.

There are various levels on the mixed numbers game.


Please click on the link below for the activity for today’s lesson.

Mixed numbers and improper fractions task for Wednesday 13th May 2020

Tuesday 12th May 2020


Watch lesson 2 of week 4 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.

This lesson recaps how to find equivalent fractions.

There is a short video for you to watch.


There is also a link to a fraction wall activity for you to access. Please click on the link.


You can click on the previous activities that relate to equivalent fractions that are still saved below if you haven’t already completed these.




Multiplying fractions tasks for Tuesday 31st March 2020

Finding a fraction of a number game for Friday 27th March 2020

Adding fractions tasks for Thursday 26th March 2020

Equivalent fractions tasks for Wednesday 25th March 2020

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites