
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Writing / Literacy

The Write Stuff

'The Girls'


This week we are looking at the story ‘The Girls’ by Lauren Ace.

Please watch and listen to the video below and pause it at 4mins 11sec.





Take a look at a close-up picture of the story below. Here you can see Doctor Sasha.



We are going to look at the ‘action’ lens for our discussion and writing.



Talk and have a go at writing words about what Sasha is doing.
- she cares for people
- she puts plasters on cuts
-she makes you feel better.


I’ve got a sentence in my head…. My sentence is…


She listened to beating hearts.


Maybe you can come up with a sentence to describe what she is doing!

You could even have a go at using your phonics to write your own sentence.

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