
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Monday 21st June 2021

Here is some pictures from The Roman Period


1) Open Google and Search for this website

2) Look for the following pictures within the subsections on the website , Equipment, weapons, clothing for example to find out about the following pictures on the sheet

3) On a sheet write the numbers 1 to 9 and tell me what the object is and what the object is used for in the roman era.

4) Once you have finished finding the following information up , you may post your answers back onto google classroom so I can check

Tuesday 22/06/21


The Romans


What is it like living as a Roman?

1) Click on the following PDF to read different pieces of information about what the life of a roman was like.

2) Write a Diary entry about your day in the life of a roman and in it describe:

· What your town looks like

· What did you have to eat?

· What you will do for the day? Did you go to school? play games or do something entertaining ?

· What toys do you have?

You decide what kind of life you live, use your imagination !

3) Draw a picture at the bottom of your sheet showing what you and your roman town looks like

Here is an example,

Dear Diary,

What a day that has been! Where do I even begin? Well, it started off by having to get up super early so that me and my family could go into town to the public baths. It was super busy and there was a lot of people around. I spent the day at school while my father was out working hard and tirelessly building roads. We ate dinner in the late afternoon as a family. We had some pig followed by some fruit and of course we got ice cream today which was a nice treat.

Anyway I can’t write much more as we are going to the Amphitheatre to watch a play !

See You Tomorrow,


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