
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Year 4

Welcome to the Summer term!

We have been back in school for a few weeks now since the Easter holidays and we have been very busy.  Our main topic this half term is World War 2. The children are learning about life on the home front including evacuation, rationing, air raid shelters, VE day and what life was like at this point in British history. They have been very enthusiastic about researching newspaper articles, personal recounts and looking at old photos. During the week of 18th May we will be visiting the Museum of Cannock Chase for a WW2 Experience day. The children will have a hands on day looking at artefacts, participating in a mock evacuation and seeing how people lived in the 1940s. Letters have been sent home this week. It would be great if you could sign and return them as soon as possible. Make sure to check back after our trip to see photos from our day out.


The summer term also means gardening! We have been given the opportunity to work in the Organic garden with Martin, who has taught us about the different crops and how to take care of a garden. We have been planting vegetables, studied the life in the pond and cleaned up some planting beds ready for new crops. Here are some pictures of our Friday mornings in the garden.



World Book Week!!


This week has been an exciting one as we have had many writers come and visit us. On Wednesday, in Year 4, poet Donavan Christopher spent the day with us and we wrote many poems throughout the day.








As Thursday was World Book Day, many children came to school dressed as their favourite book character. What a great effort the children made! We hope that this week has inspired them to read more. Please encourage your child to read at home and share books with you. They can also bring in a book to share with the class at any time. We love hearing more about their reading.


4D dressed up


Children in 4W




4L in their great costumes




Year 4 have been to Atherstone and Birmingham City Centre this term for our Geography topic. We are delighted with how much the children enjoyed the trips and want to say a big “well done” to children as behaviour was very good!


Below are some pictures of the children. It would be great if you could go through them with your child. They will tell you all about them!


The children have written a comparison report on Atherstone and Birmingham. Ask them what the similarities and differences are.





We have reached the end of the first half term! We would like to thank parents who made it to parents evening. It was lovely to meet you and talk about your child. If you have any questions or issues that you would like to discuss in future, please let us know and we will be happy to talk with you!




All children have worked very hard this half term! no Well done Year 4!

We know that they will need a rest, but there are a few areas that always need practice:


      Daily tasks:

· Practice times tables

· READ!! For at least 10 minutes per day.

· Look at the clock throughout the day. What time is it?

· Practice spellings


We have also sent home some practice questions and sentence work.

They will be in your child's school bag.


See you in November!


We have many exciting topics, trips and activities to look forward to in Year 4!


Your teachers are:


4W Mrs Whittall

4L Ms Lowden

4D Ms Duncan


Teaching Assistants:


Mrs Kaur in 4L

Mrs Kaur in 4W

Mrs Alam in 4D


Important dates to remember:


Children in Year 4 will be visiting Atherstone on  6th November  and 13th November as a part of our Geography topic. We will have the opportunity to visit the canal side, the market place and Long Street. We want to thank parents for your patience as this trip has been postponed due to weather for the children. The children are looking forward to going.


Make sure to check back to see photos from our trip!


PE days

4W - Tuesday and Wednesday

4L - Tuesday and Wednesday

4D - Monday and Friday


Please send your child with a PE kit on these days with suitable shoes.


The weather has been lovely this month and we have been able to take our PE lessons outside.  We've been working on football skills: controlling the ball, creating space, as well as defending and attacking skills.


Here are 4W practicing their dribbling skills.




4D have been receiving football training from a professional coach.





Keep checking back for more updates!




Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites - Training Day - School Closed to Pupils - Friday 15th November 2024