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5O writing

Wednesday 14th July 2021 and Thursday 15th July 2021

I have saved the video of The Ridge for you to watch again and a copy of the poem we used in class.


Over the last two lessons, we have identified language to describe the mountain, the landscape and the mountain biker.


Now it is your turn to write your own poem about his journey and adventure to 'The Ridge'.


I have attached the poem that we used in the lesson on Monday and Tuesday. You have already tried to write a poem with your talk partner about the film by Danny Macaskill. Now you get to write your own independent poem!


Please email you work to or share it with me in the Google Classroom.

Danny Macaskill: The Ridge

Find out more about our team - the scenes of making the film -

The Ridge 


The calm water surrounding me echoes the peaceful scene ahead, 

Rippling gently beneath the bow. 

Overhead wispy clouds lie silently watching, 

Neatly groomed like the breeze has pulled a fine comb through them; 

spying on me and documenting my journey from afar. 

The peak towers above the jagged mountains entice me and make my heart beat. 




A scene to behold. 

Ascending will be the most difficult of challenges. 

Descending will bring the happiest of joy. 

But the peak on the ridge, 

That secluded spot, 

Is where the magic lies. 

Thursday 24th June 2021


Please visit your Google classroom where you will find the link to today's Zoom call at 10am. This will help explain your task for today. There is also a PowerPoint slideshow that you will need to use. I will talk about this in the Zoom call.


I have also attached the PowerPoint slideshow below.


If you have not completed the lessons from Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday please complete these lessons first. They are saved below. The videos are also saved in the newsfeed on your Google Classroom account.

Edit of the final piece of writing.

Wednesday 23rd June 2021


Please visit your Google classroom where you will find a video that I have recorded for you. This will explain your task for today. There is also a PowerPoint slideshow that you will need to use. I have talked about this in the video too.


I have also attached the PowerPoint slideshow below.


Please remember to watch the video that I have posted in the Google Classroom.


If you have not completed the lessons from Friday, Monday and Tuesday please complete these lessons first. They are saved below.

Plot points 4-6 of the independent newspaper article - Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Tuesday 22nd June 2021


Please visit your Google classroom where you will find a video that I have recorded for you. This will explain your task for today. There is also a PowerPoint slideshow that you will need to use. I have talked about this in the video too.


I have also attached the PowerPoint slideshow below.


Please remember to watch the video that I have posted in the Google Classroom.


If you have not completed the lessons from Friday and Monday, please complete these lessons first. They are saved below.

The start of your own newspaper report - Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Monday 21st June 2021


Please visit your Google classroom where you will find a video that I have recorded for you. This will explain your task for today. There is also a PowerPoint slideshow that you will need to use. I have talked about this in the video too.


I have also attached the PowerPoint slideshow below.


Please remember to watch the video that I have posted in the Google Classroom.


If you have not completed the lesson from Friday, please complete Friday's lesson first. It is saved below.

Vocabulary collecting lesson - Monday 21st June 2021

Friday 18th June 2021


Please visit your Google classroom where you will find a video that I have recorded for you. This will explain your task for today. There is also a PowerPoint slideshow that you will need to use. I have talked about this in the video too.


I have also attached the PowerPoint slideshow below.


Please remember to watch the video that I have posted in the Google Classroom.



Steps-to-success lesson for Friday 18th June 2021

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites