
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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We have a vibrant and nurturing school community, where children are given the skills to become, inquisitive, resilient, independent learners. Providing a creative, challenging and inspiring curriculum for all. Equiping our children with the skills to be happy, flourish and be successful...Today, tomorrow and in the future


Poetry, like music, has a rhythm. In music, the rhythm is made by the instruments but in poetry it is created by syllables.


Syllables are the number of vowel sounds that make up a word.


For example, in the word butterfly there are three syllables.


But - has the U vowel sound


ter - has the E vowel sound


Fly - has the I vowel sound


There are two types of rhythm in poetry, regular and irregular.


Regular rhythms have repeating numbers of syllables in each line or each verse.


Irregular rhythms show no pattern in terms of the syllables.


TASK 1: Looking back at yesterday's poem. Can you count the syllables in each line? Do you notice a pattern? Is it regular or irregular?


Task 2: Try writing two sentences that make sense and have the same number of syllambles.


For example:


There was a clever dog. - 6 syllables

The dog sat on a log. - 6 syllables


See how many pairs of lines you can make with the same number of syllables.


Have fun!
