
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


PSHE Tuesday 6th July 2021


As you are all preparing to move to your secondary schools, we are thinking about how we cope with change. Complete the task below.  Please bring your letter in to school next Tuesday 13th July. Some children have already completed this task. If you have, look at the second task .

Task 1:

Write a 'Message to self!'


Write a short uplifting message of advice to yourself.  This can be opened and read on the evening before you start your new school.


Which key bits of advice are going to help you manage your thoughts and feelings so that you are ready to cope with all the opportunities and challenges of moving into Year 7?


Task 2:

What is Mental Health?


What’s our starting point?  Write down all the words, feelings and emotions you think are associated with mental health. 


What is mental health?

Mental health is an individual's level of psychological wellbeing which can affect a person's mood and their thoughts and can sometimes dictate their behaviour. Everybody has mental health, and it can be better, worse or fluctuate depending on the individual.


Mental health can be thought of as being on a scale that can move up or down, a bit like a thermometer.​ We can move along the scale at any time, between being healthy or unwell.​ There are things we can put in place to help us feel better and move out of the struggling or unwell areas.


Activities for health: Sort the statements into activities that help physical health, mental or do not help either...


Taking medicine
Spending time
with friends
Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables
Washing and keeping your body clean

Drinking water regularly
Swimming, dancing or indoor sports
Helping an elderly neighbour with their shopping
Having fun with your family

Stroking a pet
Taking rest, relaxing, quiet time

Going outside, fresh air
Talking about problems to a doctor, nurse or counsellor
Playing board games
Playing active games outdoors
Joining a sports club
Drawing, painting or making something
Listening to music

Playing on the computer
Thinking of happy times
Offering to do a chore a home
Taking the dog for a walk
Going to bed at a sensible time to get enough sleep at night
Allowing enough time to do homework in
Expressing feelings
Drinking energy drinks
Having an internet/phone free day

Reading a good story
Watching tv or favourite films
Eating lots of sweets
Helping someone you notice needs help
Practising mindfulness

Punching a pillow

Talking to a trusted adult
Chatting to a friend

Going to the dentist

Haircut and style
Volunteering to help


Taking deep breaths
Learning something new

Tidying up

Walking to school



Can you think of anything else that would help improve your physical and mental health?Bring your final list into school next Tuesday 13th July.




PSHE week beginning 1st March 2021


Preparing to go back to school...

We are looking forward to seeing you all in school next week , this week in PSHE we will be reflecting on our time during Lockdown.


Think back over the last few weeks, there will have been some highlights and low points for everyone.


Watch the video below then use the sentence starters to write a reflection on your time at home.


You could write it as a diary entry, including your thoughts, feelings, highs and lows.



CAMHS Tips: Returning to school after lockdown

Here's some thoughts & advice from one of our Youth Worker's - Eliza (Tamworth CAMHS) on around returning to School after lockdown ends. If you'd like some f...

My back to better journal  - Keep track and reflect on your journey.


Challenges I have faced recently are…


Things that helped me feel better and overcome the challenges were…

Things I’ve learned for the future are…

One kind thing you did for yourself this week...

One kind thing you did for someone else this week...


My thoughts and feelings about being away from school during lockdown...


A change I have made during lockdown that I want to keep...



The NHS voice over

Resilience work sent in by Muttaqi

PSHE week beginning 8th February 2021


Have a Growth Mindset


Watch the video below then use the questions below to help you create a mindmap all about the brain.


Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

  • Why is our brain the most important part of our body?
  • How can you strengthen your brain?
  • How can you give your brain a good 'workout'?
  • What is one good way to help your brain learn and grow?
  • What if you don't take any risks or try to learn new things?
  • What happens in your brain when you are learning challenging things?
  • What is the job of the different parts of the brain?





prefrontal cortex


Try the activity below...

Growth Mindset




PSHE week beginning 1st February 2021

Children's Mental Health Week


This week is Children's  Mental Health Awareness week. We all have mental health, it can be good and at times not so good. We have all had challenges to deal with since the start of the pandemic. Different people find different ways to relax and cope with stresses. Watch the videos below...


Made with Pond5: Express Yourself

Express yourself and live through your imagination! Being creative helps us see things differently, better deal with uncertainty, and become stronger problem...

I Express Myself Through Art with Hannah Brooks, Annabelle Davis, Oli Hyatt and Ayo Norman-Williams

Join Hannah Brooks (Aardman), Annabelle Davis (The Dumping Ground), Oli Hyatt (Blue Zoo Studios) and Ayo Norman-Williams (2018 BAFTA Young Game Designer fina...

Can you think of ways to express yourself?


Remember, just as we look after our physical health(our bodies) by doing things like exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep, we also need to look after our mental health (our minds). One way of caring for our mental health is to notice and share how we are feeling. Expressing ourselves in creative ways can help us do this.


Think of something creative that you enjoy doing and see if you can create something that expresses how you are feeling at the moment. It may be more than one feeling.


You could

  • write a story
  • draw or paint something
  • create a model
  • make up a dance
  • write a song or poem
  • make a poster
  • make a video


Send in photographs of your creative way of expressing yourself, you can email the year 6 mailbox.



PSHE week beginning 25th January 2021


Managing Anger


Everyone gets angry at times. Watch the video below, then try the two exercises. You don't need to print it out, just record your answers on paper. You can send in a photo of your answers if you want to share them.


Anger Management for Kids (and Adults) short fun video teaching kids and adults how to manage their anger in 5 simple steps. Super easy to do with instant results! Try it...




PSHE week beginning 18th January 2021


Being thankful and showing gratitude


Watch the video and listen to the story below...


Gratitude As A Life Skill - GoStrengths!

Gratitude with GoGoggles! Nik receives an assignment in school to write down all the things he is grateful for in his Gratitude Jo...

"Thank You, Mr. Falker" by Patricia Polacco, narrated by: Mr. Ronayne

Think of something that someone has done for you, that you are grateful for.


  • How did their actions make things better for you?
  • What effort did they make for you?
  • Why might they have taken that action for you?


Make a poster or a short video about people to whom you feel grateful.


Keep a gratitude diary for a week, note down small things you feel grateful for each day.


Make a tally of how many times you say thank you in one day and record some of the things you are thankful for.


You can email in to year 6 to share your work. We will put your posters and videos on the website. Get thinking!




PSHE week beginning 11th January 2021

Mr Huff


Watch the video and listen to the story.


What does the metaphor of the black cloud mean in the story?


What did you notice about the start of the story compared to the ending?


Think of the Bounce Back acronym. Can you remember what the first B stands for?


What does optimism mean? Write a definition.


What does the saying ' glass half full, the glass half empty' mean? 


How can this help you be optimistic?


Fortunately, Unfortunately


Play this game, you can work alone or in pairs or small groups. If you are working from home you can play with your family.


Think of a starting sentence or use the sentences below...


Bill went for a swim in the sea.

Unfortunately, there was a shark.

Fortunately, Bill could swim faster than the shark.

Unfortunately, a huge wave washed over Bill.



How long can you continue the story?





Mr HUFF By Anna Walker

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "f...

Tuesday 8th December (1 hour)


Bounce Back

Look back at the work we did in the previous isolation. Can you remember what each letter of the Bounce Bak acronym means?


Create a poster to explain what one or all of the letters mean.

Here is a reminder of what some of the letters stand for, can you remember the rest? If not, look back and find out.


Bad times don't last, things always get better, stay optimistic



Nobody is perfect, not you and not others



Blame fairly



Keep things in perspective



Monday 7th December


Anti-bullying (1 hour)


Watch the videos below and then complete the activity.

Funmoods - "Be an UpStander" - Safemoods series -Video on Bullying

This is another chapter from our Safemoods series that shows all kids that you shouldn't remain on the side while your friends are being bullied!!!! Stand up...

Create an anti-bullying poster, use these questions to help you -


  • What is bullying?
  • What is cyber bullying?
  • Why do people bully?
  • What can we do to stop bullying?
  • What is a bystander?
  • Are rumours and teasing forms of bullying?



Thursday 3rd December - Anti-bullying - Rumours   (45 minutes)


Listen to the story below and then try to answer the questions.

Trouble Talk Day 2

Day 2 of "Our Nation" Lit Study: Trouble Talk by Trudy Ludwig

Trouble Talk


  • What is meant by 'never judge a book by it's cover'?
  • What does the word assumption mean?
  • Can you think of a time when you made an assumption, judged a person by how they looked or spoke?
  • Was there a time when someone made an assumption about you, how did you feel?
  • Why do we sometimes believe rumours without checking the facts?
  • How can rumours contribute to the process of bullying?



Hello again year 6. In the Choices programme we have begun to look at cyber bullying and internet safety. Watch the video below and then complete the survey.

What's Cyberbullying?

Watch this clip about cyber bullying.

Bullying Survey






Hello Year 6,



This week please look through the work below and make sure you have watched all the videos and responded to the questions or completed the activities. Remember to fill in your 'Kindness Diary'. See if you can find out the meaning of the word altruism.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page, start at number 1 and work your way up.



Blame Fairly


Read the text below...


Nicki and Khan are good friends. They are in the same basketball team and play together every Saturday. Recently, their team lost a semi-final by two points and they weren't able to get into the finals. After the game, they were all disappointed, but they thought differently about why they had lost the game. Nicki said it was her fault the team had lost, because she missed an important three point shot. Nicki was really angry with herself. She was surprised to hear that Khan thought they had lost because two members of the team arrived late for the game and did not play well. Also, Khan thought it was bad luck that their team's best player was sick and couldn't play.

Blame fairly. How much of what happened was due to you, to others and to bad luck and circumstance?




Bad luck or circumstance


  • Who or what did Nicki feel was to blame?
  • What did Khan think?

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Book

Blame Fairly.

  • What would happen if we always blamed ourselves unfairly when things went wrong in our lives?
  • What would happen if we always blamed others unfairly when things went wrong in our lives?
  • What would happen if we always blamed things on bad luck ?

Think of the things that may have gone wrong for you over the past week, write bullet points of the problems and then decide whether it was you, others or bad luck and circumstance that caused things to go wrong. Try to be HONEST! BLAME FAIRLY!









Everybody experiences sadness, hurt, failure, rejection and setbacks.


Watch the video below...

The Teenage Double Amputee Fighting To Race Again | Billy Monger's Incredible Story

The remarkable story of teenager Billy Monger, one of Britain's most exciting young racing drivers, who in April 2017 was involved in a devastating crash tha...


  • What do people do to keep physically healthy?
  • What do we mean by being mentally healthy?
  • How did Billy demonstrate physical and mental fitness?
  • Research a paralympic athlete, think about their ability to persevere, to overcome adversity, their resilience. Present your work as a poster, a factfile or a report.
  • Be ready to share your research with your class when you return to school.








Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter


Watch the video below...

Australian Black Summer Aftermath - Behind the News

Many people are still dealing with the effects of the Black Summer bushfire crisis. We revisit some of the young Australians we met in the BTN Bushfire Speci...


  • Where is Australia?
  • What is a bushfire?
  • What are some of the good bits in this bad situation?


  • Think of a time when something went wrong in your family or at school or with your friends. can you think of any small positives in this situation? was there a funny side to it? Write about this and bring it in to school on Thursday 5th.


Best Twins Baby - Cutest Twins Babies Laughing Together Video

Just to make you laugh!



Nobody is perfect - not you and not others


Watch this episode of Newsround...

Now read the text below and try to answer the questions.

I'm Perfect



Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset - think again


Watch the video below...

Real Time Resilience

The skill, Real Time Resilience, is part of Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2). Real Time Resilience shuts down counterproductive thinking to en...

  • What were examples of helpful thinking?
  • What were examples of unhelpful thinking?
  • How does negative or unhelpful thinking influence how we feel and act?
  • How do our positive thoughts influence how we feel and act?
  • Write your own definition of unhelpful and helpful thinking, include how it makes you feel and give an example. You can use the sheet below or set it out in your own way.





Other people can help if you talk to them - get a reality check


  • What do you think this means?


  • Listen to the story below

The Huge Bag of Worries

Author: Virginia Ironside Illustrated by: Frank Rodgers Read by: Matthew Willsher Wherever Jenny goes, her worries follow her - in a big blue bag. They are there when she goes swimming, when she is watching TV, and even when she is in the lavatory. Jenny decides they will have to go.

Think about these questions


  • Why do we choose different people to talk to about different situations?
  • How can other people help if you talk to them?
  • What might happen if we don't ask for help or talk to a trusted person when we are distressed or worried?

Now click on the link below to find out what a 'reality check' is...

Reality Check




Hi Year 6,

Remember to add to your 'Acts of Kindness' diary and then try the activity below...


Bad times don’t last, things always get better – stay optimistic.


  • What do you think the title above means?
  • Watch the video Behind the News: Bushfire Aid, then try to answer the questions...


  • Think about the bad thing that happened, how do you think the children felt
  • Did it take long for things to get better?
  • What might happen if you only focus on the bad times?
  • How might looking for the positives help you bounce back from a difficult situation?

Bushfire Aid - Behind the News

More than 50 homes have been destroyed and many kids evacuated after fires ripped through NSW and the ACT recently. We checked in with some of the kids of Be...

  • Find out what optimism/optimistic means and write a definition in your own words.


  • Find out what pessimistic/pessimism means and write a definition in your own words.


  • Bring your definitions back to school on Thursday 15th October.
Now watch this video. What do you think of this one? Did it make you feel optimistic? Did it make you smile?

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Kid President believes the things we say can help make the world more awesome. Here he shares a special list of 20 things we should say more often. What woul...



Hello Year 6,


Last week we were looking at Kindness as a core value in PSHE.

During your time in isolation please keep a diary of 'Acts of Kindness'.


Every day, try to do some thing kind for someone in your family. It has to be in your household because none of us can go out until Thursday 15th October! 


Bring your 'Acts of Kindness' in to school on Thursday 15th so that we can share what you have done. Each day record -


The date

Who you were kind to

What you did

What the results were - your family's reaction to your kind deeds


If you want to print a Daily Diary form you can click on the link below. If you cannot print from home, simply make a diary from plain paper.



Watch the Kindness Boomerang video again, show your family. Click on the link below.



Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motio...

Acts of Kindness Daily Diary

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites