
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

School Keep Clear campaign

Road Safety Talks

Paul DaSilva from Birmingham City Council Road Safety Team visited Year 1 and Year 2 to talk about road safety. All of the children joined in and listened carefully to the important safety messages.


The importance of wearing a helmet whilst cycling

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Young Active Travel Summit

Two of our Y6 children went to the council house to meet with other Birmingham schools to discuss safer ways of travelling to school.

They met with councillor Brigid Jones.

We are close to getting our bronze accreditation for MODESHIFT stars.



Starting on Monday 19th September, we will be taking part in the Living Streets campaign to get children walking to school.


There are many health and safety benefits to walking to school.


From Monday your child's class teacher will be recording how they travelled to school.

Each month, there is a different badge for your child to collect, free of charge!


Don't worry if you come to school in the car. Try and walk one day a week or park away from the school and walk the last part of your journey.

Park and Stride

Parents, your child can still get a badge if you bring them in the car, but you park away from school and they walk the last part of the journey.

See if you can do this at least once a week.

KS2 bikeability 2016

Year 5 and Year 6 children participated in 'bikeability' again this year. The aim is to help them to become proficient cyclists and have awareness of cycle safety.

Traffic Enforcement

The Traffic Police came to school to give the message to parents about parking away from school and wearing seatbelts.

They spent the morning with the children, showing them their vehicles and giving the safety message to put on their seatbelt as soon as they get into the car.

They also did an assembly and checked to see if the children needed to use a car seat.



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This is the school council after school outside the Junior school, giving stickers to children who have walked to school and holding up their posters and banner. Thank you to the Speech and Language children for their support too.

Tomorrow the traffic police will be here to help out.

The School Council were outside the infant department this morning supporting the campaign. They asked parents to park safely away from school and not on the zigzag lines. They had made posters and banners and gave out stickers to children who walked to school. Sam O'Dell the PCSO was there with them and spoke to a few parents.

We are pleased to be supporting the 'School Keep Clear' campaign. 

We have banners up outside the Infant and Junior sites to ask parents to park away from the school and the zigzag lines.

KS1 and KS2 children have already taken part in assemblies about keeping safe on the way to and from school.



On Monday 14th March the school council will be outside school at the start and the end of the day with their posters to tell parents to park away from the school.

The following day, traffic officers will be outside each site to see how bad the problem is.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites