Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Friday 9th July
Today we are learning about the season of summer. Watch the lesson below.
Monday 5th July
In school we have been learning about plants and the seasons. Today we would like you to look at the powerpoint and think about the seasons, specifically which months are in each season and the different activities that you can do in Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. Miss Malik has given you some great examples at the end of the powerpoint. Have fun talking about seasons!
Monday 1st March
Today we are learning about objects and materials. Look through the powerpoint and then click on the links below for your work today.
Friday 26th February
Today we are continuing to learn about materials. Watch the YouTube clip below and look through the PowerPoint.
Monday 22nd February
Today we are starting a new topic about materials.
Look through the PowerPoint which tells you about materials you can find in your home and complete the task by finding and naming different materials in your home.
Friday 12th February
Today we are learning about Valentine's Day! This Sunday is Valentine's day so we thought we could learn about how this day started and who is St Valentine! Click on the power point below to read the story.
Then if you want to be creative, you can make your own Valentine's day card! It can be for anyone! Parent, grandparent, sibling, relative, friend. Here are a few examples:
Monday 8th February
Today we are learning about animal groups.
We will learn about mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. You'll also learn about which animals belong to each group.
Friday 5th February
Today we are learning about Fossils. Have you ever heard of them before? Click on the power point for your lesson.
One last fun activity! Have a go at this quiz about fossils:
Monday 1st February
Today we are learning all about what Dinosaurs eat! You will learn the words carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. Look at the power point below and use the resource if you wish.
Friday 29th January
To start our topic lesson today, let's do some dancing!
Today we are learning about the different parts of a dinosaur.
We will be using labels and learning words like scales, tails, teeth, claws and jaws!
Read these pages with a grown up. They show us some parts of a dinosaur. You saw these yesterday in your reading activity.
You have a choice of three activities today!
#1: Draw a dinosaur and add labels to it. Don't forget to colour it!
#2: Cut out and label a dinosaur.
#3: Put the dinosaur back together. Label the dinosaur after you do it.
Monday 25th January
Our new topic is Dinosaurs!
Listen to this power point to find out about when dinosaurs lived and learn the names of some! I bet you already know a few.
When you open the power point, just press the speaker icon on the page and you will hear it.
Once you've completed the power point and you've had a go at labelling the dinosaurs, have fun with this game to learn even more!
Friday 22nd January
Happy Friday everybody!
We are going to continue learning about an important person today. The person we are learning about today is in the news a lot at the moment, for all of the wonderful things he is doing, and the changes he is trying to make. That person is... Marcus Rashford.
There is a power point for you to listen to, just press the speaker icon on the page and you will hear it.
Once you have listened to the power point, we would like you to write a couple of sentences about what you have learned about Marcus Rashford, and why he is important. There are some words on the worksheet to help you if you get stuck.
We would love to see any writing you do, so please send any pictures in once you have finished to
Have a lovely day, and learn lots!
Monday 18th January
Good Morning everyone! Welcome to today's topic session. We have been learning about important people throughout history and also people who are important to us.
Today we are going to learn about a very important lady and her name is Princess Diana.
There is a power point to watch and listen to (please press the speaker button to hear it) and then there is a word document for you to write some sentences to describe Princess Diana. The presentation will give you the information, but there are some key words on the worksheet that may help you too. There are a couple of pictures to help you remember some key points in her life as well.
We would like you to write 2 or 3 sentences to describe Princess Diana's life,
We hope you learn lots today!