
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Year 1

Year 1 visited Handsworth Park during science week. They went to look at the plants and trees. They also had to find some physical and human features around the park.

In RE we are learning about different religions, we have been looking at religious symbols and places of worship. Here are pictures of Year 1 visiting the Mosque.

We are learning about materials in science. We have looked at different materials and some of their properties. Here are pictures of 1S working together to build a model house using different materials.

Happy New Year!


Our topic this term: ‘Things and Stuff.’

The children will be visiting Soho House and learning about Matthew Boulton. This trip will help the children study the lives of individuals in the past in our local area. The children will then begin to write a recount of their trip in Literacy.

Some of our displays...

Here are pictures of class 1S visiting Cherry Tree Park. We looked at the features of the park and played on the park equipment.

This term we are learning about ‘Parks and people.’

We will be visiting three local parks and comparing each park’s play equipment.

Twycross Zoo Trip:


As part of our 'Animals' topic this term, Year 1 will be visiting Twycross Zoo to develop their understanding of different animals. 


We will be travelling by coach on Tuesday 29th September, leaving school at 9.15am and will aim to return by 3pm.


The children will need to wear their school uniform and all children will be provided with a packed lunch.


Please complete and return trip letters to class teachers,


Thank you.

Welcome to Year 1!



(Teachers and Teaching Assistants)


Class 1K: Miss Kaur

                  Mrs Shah


Class 1P: Mrs Patterson

                 Miss Khatun


 Class 1S: Miss Samra

                 Mrs Chowdhury

                 Mrs Aijaz               




Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites