Welcome to Friday's session children. A huge well done to all of you that have had a really good attempt at the alliteration work this week. You have all tried really hard and we are so proud of you all. Keep up the good work!
Today is the final day for trying to write an alliterative sentence, so let's try and make it a good one!
We are going to watch our story 'Look Up' all the way to the end today! We are going to focus our writing on what Rocket saw at the park, when she was lying on the hill with her brother Jamal. She is looking up at the sky, watching the meteor shower.
What do you think she can see? The dark blue sky? The shooting stars? Maybe there is a bright moon? You could write a sentence on any of these things. I'm going to write an example for you. I am going to write my sentences about the stars. I will write my sentence next to the noticing lens and my first attempt may look something like this:
Rocket can see lots of stars
I know that I can do a better sentence than this, so I must remember on my second sentence to include the correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops) and to include some alliteration. Can you remember what alliteration means? When a group of words starts with the same sound! Well done! So I am going to try and improve my sentence by using more words that start with s like stars does. Here is my second, improved sentence:
Rocket can see lots of super, sparkly stars in the sky.
I have used more words that start with s to describe my stars. I have also made my sentence a little bit longer to include another word (sky) that starts with the sound s.
You should have your sheet from Monday still, and Friday should be the last 2 sentences you need to do! I will add the worksheet link and the link to watch the video again at the bottom of this page.
Enjoy the wonderful story of 'Look Up', and we look forward to reading your sentences. Don't forget to send them into year1@anglesey.bham.sch.uk