
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

Home Page


Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Thank you and see you soon from Miss Lee :)

Last day of Home Learning!


Thursday 15th July 2021

Activity 1: Have you filled your bucket today?

Story by Carol McCloud


Today, let’s listen to this important story about mental health and recognising what we can do to make ourselves feel good, and what we can do to help others to feel good.


Once you have listened and watched the story, maybe you could write a list or draw pictures of the things that you do that make you feel happy.


You could also push this activity a little further and write down things/draw pictures of the things that you could do for other people to help them to feel happy.


Have You Filled a Bucket Today ? by Carol McCloud (Ferne Press) - Read Aloud

Susan reads aloud this heartwarming book that encourages positive behaviour as children see how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, a...

Activity 2: Target practice!!!

Today why not have a go at some target practice to get your gross motor skills into action!


You can create your own target by using a box or an empty bin (check out the creative monster boxes below!) or putting a piece of paper on the floor or wall and aiming for that.

This could be an indoor or an outdoor activity!


Here are some target examples:



For balls, you could use paired socks or scrunch up balls of paper or use wet sponges if you are outside.


At first, start close to your target. If you can get it in easily- then move back a step, making it harder, continuing to move back each time it starts to get easier!


You could play the aiming game with your family and even create and record your own tally chart with the scores of each player!


Life Skills Activity

Activity: Developing independence with your self-care skills.


Today we would like you to practice dressing and undressing yourself.

It would be brilliant if you can start Year 1 being able to do these things independently:


  • Putting a coat/jacket on and doing up and undoing the zip
  • Put a t-shirt and jumper on the right way
  • Putting on and taking off your socks/tights and shoes
  • Doing and undoing buttons on shirts, jackets or trousers.


Wednesday 14th July 2021

Activity 1: Write a letter to your new teacher

Today let’s use our phonics skills to write a letter to your new Year 1 teacher.


You can begin with ‘Dear Teacher’ and then write some short sentences to introduce yourself to them.


You can include a list of things to tell them about yourself including:

  • Your name and age
  • An interesting fact about yourself
  • Your favourite games to play
  • Your favourite food and drink
  • Your favourite toy, TV show or movie
  • What you loved best about Reception
  • What you are looking forward to most in Year 1
  • Your dream or wish for the future
  • A drawing of some of your favourite things you have included


Upload your pictures to Tapestry for us to share with your new teacher or hold onto them until you meet your new teacher in September – they will be thrilled to read your letters! 😊


Activity 2: One Minute Challenge

What can you do in one minute?

Take a look at the challenge cards below and see how you do!


Remember to have a watch, clock or timer close to time your challenge.


Perhaps you can compete against other family members to see who is the One Minute Champion in your house!


You can also make up your own one minute challenges to keep the fun going! 😊


Life Skills Activity

Activity: Helping with household chores


Today we would like you to help mummy and daddy to take care of your family home.


It is really important to take responsibility to help keep your house clean and tidy – every family needs clean dishes for meals, clean clothes to wear and a clean home to live in each day.

So, let’s get to it!


Here are some ideas of household chores that you can help with today and throughout the summer holidays:

  • Wash the dirty dishes or load the dishwasher
  • Put the clothes into the washing machine
  • Hang clothes on the washing line
  • Use the vacuum / hoover to clean the carpet
  • Put clean clothes away in the cupboards
  • Pair socks to put away in the drawer
  • Put toys away


Remember, household chores can be fun too – play some music, make up silly songs or have a chat as you clean and tidy.


You can even set a challenge such as how many socks can you pair in one minute! 😊


Tuesday 13th July 2021

Activity 1: Write about a picture


Today let’s use our phonics skills to write about a picture.


Take a moment to look at the picture below.

Have a think about what is happening in it –

what does it show?

What happened to the ship?

Why did it sink?

What will the diver find inside?


Now write a few sentences in answer to some of these questions.

Or you could write a short story about this picture using your own imagination – perhaps you will write about pirates and a lost treasure or a giant sea monster.


Happy writing!  😊


Activity 2: Be an Avenger!

Watch the video below and follow the moves to train like a Super Hero!


Avengers | Train Like a Super Hero with Les Mills 🔥 | Marvel HQ

Avengers Assemble.... Train with Les Mills in this EPIC Avengers Super Hero Training Class! Whether you want to train like Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow ...

Life Skills activity:


As you are at home with your family, maybe you could have a go at helping your grownups to make breakfast or one of the meals.


Listen carefully to the instructions given to you and learn how some of your favourite foods are made.


Sports Day


Yesterday we had our Reception Sports Day!


We had races within our own class where we did- egg and spoon, balancing a coit, balancing a beanbag and hurdles.


Check out the photos of our activities!

Falconry experience


This week in our ‘The Write Stuff’ sessions we are reading the book ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.


On Monday a man called Jason came in and showed us different birds of prey and told us some interesting facts about them.

We then got to stand next to the birds to have a closer look at them, and we even had a photo taken with them!

Check out your child's tapestry to see them with one of the birds of prey!

Back to School


Hi everyone,


School will reopen tomorrow, Thursday 24th June. 


We cannot wait to see you all!


Enjoy the sun today... smiley


Miss Lee

Home Learning


Every day you must make sure you sign in using the year group register above... this lets us know that your child is engaging with work at home. Please put their full name, use your parent email address and in the message box, you can put their class (RB / RL / RP). 


It is EXPECTED that you send examples of your child's work each day. This can either be done by adding an observation to Tapestry (look in Tapestry information for a how to video) or attaching a photo to an email and sending it to Your child's teacher will reply. 

Year group register

Sign in to show you have been doing home learning today. You can use an email address of any grown up at home or just use this one Remember to put your name and class/teacher. You will need to do this every day.

Use the timetable to manage your day...


Please click the icon to find the planning for that subject today...


Making Father's Day cards

This week we have been talking about Father's Day and all the lovely things that our Dads and/or important people in our lives do for us and also that some people don't perhaps have Dads but have someone else special in their life.


Here are some pictures of the children making cards and some of their writing in their cards. 

Welcome back and Summer term 2!


Welcome back everyone! We are all settling in really well after the half-term break.

We have lots of exciting activities coming up this last half-term.


The children can look forward to:


  • Trip to Hatton Park Farm


***Please remember to pay using the 'my child at school' app and sign and give your permission/consent slip to your child’s teacher as soon as possible to ensure your child can go on the trip***


  • Sports day


  • A falconry birds visit


  • Enterprise week.


Keep your eyes peeled on this page to look for the updates and photos documenting our activities!



Last week, we had 5 duckling eggs arrive in the incubator. Over the space of two days we observed the ducklings hatching out of the eggs, and watched as they slept and their feathers dried before moving them into their cage. Unfortunately, due to them being too weak after hatching, 2 of our ducklings didn't make it and we were left with 3. We've each held them, exploring how soft their feathers feel, and how tickly their little claws feel on their hands. We loved their webbed feet, and learnt that they need them to help them to swim. We watched them swimming in our little pool, and loved seeing them diving about and splashing us. 


On Friday 28th June, our new little friends were picked up and went to their new home to a farm in Yorkshire. We feel so lucky to have been a part of their start in life, and have learnt so much about the duck lifecycle. 



At the end of last week, we had some tiny caterpillars delivered. Over time they have grown HEAPS until they are now nice and fat. They have slowly made their way up to the top of the pots and turned into a chrysalis. Before the weekend, we will transfer the top of the pot and the chrysalis that is attached into a net, where we will leave some oranges and nectar. Hopefully by Monday we should have some butterflies that we will observe for a few days before releasing them into the wild. 

Trip to the Junior garden pond

This week in The Write Stuff we have been reading the story 'Tadpole's Promise' and we thought it would be really nice for us to go down to the pond at the Juniors to look for tadpoles and frogs!

Take a look at the photos below to see what we found!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears- Porridge making!!!

This week we have been reading the fantastic story

"Goldilocks and the Three Bears".

Each class got to help their teacher to make porridge by discussing, weighing, measuring and mixing the ingredients and we then got to choose a sweet topping to have on our porridge.


Maybe you could have a go at following a recipe and making porridge at home together as a family!

Mr Gumpy's Outing activities

Last week we were reading the story of 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' in our 'The Write Stuff' sessions.

Some of our activities included making boats through junk modelling and we also tested our boats to see if they floated or sunk!

Recognising and talking about Stephen Lawrence Day


Following the death of Stephen Lawrence and on the 25th anniversary in 2019, our prime minister at the time, Theresa May, introduced The Stephen Lawrence Day.


His death raised questions regarding police practice, and the subsequent report highlighted the need for serious changes in the British Race Relations Act.


Stephen Lawrence Day is a day to reflect on the part we play in creating a society where everyone can flourish.


This week we created a friendship thread (see the photos below) where we each chose a friend in our class and told them something we saw as a good quality in them.


The children said the following things:


Nada: ''Hannah gives good hugs''.

Fouzia: ''Saira always shares''

Salwa: ''Taibah plays with me''

Maimuna: ''Jude is so smart''

Lenoi: ''Osman is always polite''


Welcome Back!!


Hi everyone, 

We hope you had a wonderful time off for the last 2 weeks... although the weather hasn't been wonderful (where did that snow come from?!), at least things are opening up a little more now and we are able to venture out. 


This term we have some SUPER exciting stuff to look forward to:


In phonics, we will be moving onto phase 4. We're hoping to run some kind of workshop to support parents in supporting us with teaching phase 4... this may be via Microsoft Teams, but we will let you know. 


We are continuing with The Write Stuff, and our texts are going to be centered around some VERY exciting things happening. 


We have the caterpillars arriving soon. We will be feeding them, and looking after them until they become butterflies, observing the lifecycle as it happens. 


We also have the duckling eggs arriving in their incubator, and we'll be able to see them hatch into ducklings. That's where the fun begins, and we can put them in their own swimming pool. 


The falconry team will be visiting us with some real live owls, and other birds to link to our book 'Owl Babies'.


And, of course, most of our children will be soon celebrating Eid, so we will be learning lots about Ramadan, and joining in with the festivities. 


We can't wait to see our favourite little faces tomorrow!!


Happy Sunday smiley

Flip’s Puppet skills show and workshops


This week Flip came to see us again! This time he brought all of his puppets with him and we watched him perform a show with different puppets with different personalities!

After the show, each class got to have a puppet skills workshop with Flip where he showed us how to make our puppets move and how to do silly voices.


We then got to explore these skills by using them with our friends.

Handa’s Surprise activities


This week in our ‘The Write Stuff’ sessions we have been reading, talking about and writing words and sentences about the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’.


As an enhancing activity we got to smell, taste and cut up the different fruits that Handa had in her basket.

We also explored a maths data element by tallying our favourite fruits after the tasting.


Here are some photos of these fantastic and memorable moments!

heart Happy Mother's Day heart


Wishing all of our wonderful Mothers, Grandmothers, Step-Mothers and every other woman who has a hand in raising our wonderful children, a very happy mother's day on Sunday. 


It really does take an army!! 


Have the best day 



Flip's Circus


We were so lucky this week to have Flip the clown visit us. We participated in a show where he showed us how to juggle, ride a unicycle and a few magic tricks.

Then each class were able to have a go at some of the circus skills themselves. They had SO much fun!

Settling Back In


We've had such a wonderful week this week settling back into school. The children have surprised us all, and proven what resilient little things they are. Although there were a few expected tears on Monday morning, they bounded through the door and got stuck straight back into their daily routines. 


We are SO loving having them back. 

heartThank you!!heart


A huge, massive, giant thank you to you all for all of your support during this lockdown. We know it has been tough, and completely not what any of us were expecting during our teaching careers, or parenting, I'm sure. 


The children have worked so hard, and we're so proud of how they have settled into their home learning routine. That's because you, their parents, are wonderful. Not all heroes wear capes!! 


From next week, our class page will turn back into our class blog where you can look at what all of your children have been up to in school. If we do end up having to close our bubble, our class page will become our home learning page once more, but hopefully that won't happen. 


You can still upload anything you like to Tapestry, we'd love to see what they get up to at home in their evenings or weekends. We will go back to working with 4 focus children a week so at some point in the next 8 weeks you will see lots of pictures of what your child has been up to in school. 


We can't wait to see you and your children next week!! I'm sure there will be ALOT of cuddles and squeezes. 


Have the best weekend, 


Miss Lee, Miss Bradbury Mr Pendry & Mrs Uredi

Mrs Satnam, Miss Mummery, Miss Mahmood, Mrs Dhinsay and Miss Begum 





As it is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March, there will be some activities available this week. Please click the icon and find out what you can be getting up to... Some of the activities are live events so please take note of the times. 


Scroll down for your home learning subjects. 


The 24-hour teach-a-thon goes live at 9am on Monday 1st February 2021. You will find the link below as well as a link to the go fund me page. We look forward to seeing you there. You will need either a pen, pencil and paper or a word document to write on. If you wish to join in the live chat you will need to be signed into a YouTube account. If you wish to join in the cooking session, you will need: 140g self raising flour, 1tsp baking powder, 140g caster sugar, 2 eggs, 140g butter, 2 bananas (overripe if possible), a wooden spoon, weighing scales, a baking tin (a small loaf tin would be great!), baking paper and a large mixing bowl. You will also need the use of an oven but ensure THIS IS DONE BY AN ADULT.

24 hour - Teach-A-Thon - Charity Special.

To raise money for charity, Anglesey Primary is doing a 24 hour special live stream. Non stop teaching for 24 hours!


Our website lay out is changing slightly... so please bare with us. It will be complete for Monday morning. 


In future all of your home learning will be under the icon for that particular subject. If you need the previous day's planning for that subject, just scroll down the page. 



Friday 15th January


Happy Friday everyone!!!


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on

Thursday 14th January


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on

Wednesday 13th January


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on

Tuesday 12th January


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on

Monday 11th January


Happy Monday everyone!


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, where the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on

Oxford Reading Buddy


Well done to those who have been logging in and reading. We know that there has been an issue with logging on and hopefully, this has now been resolved.

Do email us if you have any further problems.


Oxford Reading Buddy - Readers of the Week! 


These children have done some amazing reading on Oxford Reading Buddy this week.


Well done to: 

RB: Hajrah

RL: Nuha

RP: Aleena


Let's see who will win next week!

Friday 8th January


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on

Thursday 7th January


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on


Wednesday 6th January


Your lessons for today are below. Click the icon, the activity and documents will be available for you.


Please remember to access Oxford Reading Buddy - it's a great tool for learning to read, and the quizzes will test your comprehension. We do check our classes engagement and how they've done on the quizzes.


If you have any questions, don't forget you can email us on


Home Learning


Hi everyone, 

Wishing you all a happy new year. Unfortunately we find ourselves in the same position we were in last year, which is not what any of us wanted for our children, but obviously public health is a priority and must come first. 


Our home learning will take place across our two platforms - Tapestry and our class page on the website -


Each evening, 2 child initiated activities will be uploaded onto Tapestry for the next day, these will be activities that link to the things we may have been doing that week in school. There will also be a link to our website. On our website class page, we will upload the phonics, maths and writing activity for that day (unfortunately Tapestry doesn't allow us to upload powerpoints and word documents that you may need as resources). 


We totally understand children will be sharing devices, you may not have a device in your household (please contact school if this is the case), parents are working from home, and all of the other difficulties a lockdown brings with it. We do not expect your children to be working all day... the activities are there to help keep your child in a routine, and continue their learning they would have been doing in school without forgetting everything we've taught them so far. 


You can email us on to ask any questions, and Mr Pendry, Miss Bradbury or myself will get back to you. You can also upload any photos of the fun stuff you've been getting up to at home onto Tapestry for us to take a look at. 


We will be making wellbeing phonecalls once every 2 weeks, so if you have a call from an unknown number, it could well be your child's teacher. 


Stay safe, look after each other and we'll hopefully see you all soon. 


Miss Lee :) 

Happy New Year


We hope you all had a lovely break, and enjoyed Christmas, if you celebrate it. 


This term we have Flip the clown visiting, an experience with the owls, we'll be exploring bark and leaf rubbing in forest school, we will celebrate Valentines Day and Chinese New Year, and many more exciting things. 


As always, if you have any questions this term, please book an appointment with your child's teacher, or email us - 



This week we finally performed our Nativity- “A Wriggly Nativity”!

The children did such a good job with learning and performing their lines, songs and dances.

Here are some photos for you to look at- complete with Nativity costumes!

Festive Jumper Day!


We wanted to say thank you for participating in Festive Jumper Day by wearing a jumper of choice and donating things to the charity Roshni.

The refuge were astounded and humbled by the generosity of this community.

Thank you so very much.

Making gingerbread men


This week we have been reading the story “The Gingerbread Man” in our The Write Stuff sessions (which we have all loved).

Together in groups the children explored the recipe, ingredients, weighing, smelling, mixing, patting and cutting.

We then put them in the oven to cook ready for the children to take home to enjoy.


Have a look at the fun we had!

Observing changes of state with chocolate!


This week we did a fantastic and very engaging activity with chocolate.

Each child was given a piece of chocolate to hold in their hand. Together as a class we discussed what the chocolate looked and felt like.
We then went on to talk about what the children thought might happen if we started to rub our hands together. After this discussion we rubbed our hands together with the chocolate in our palms to see if our predictions were right. We observed how the solid chocolate had started to melt and turn into liquid from the warmth of our hands.

As a treat at the end of the activity- the children (and teachers!) took great delight in eating the chocolate left on their hands.

*children washed their hands BEFORE and AFTER this activity*

Nativity practice


This week we have been going to the hall some days and learning songs and dances for our Nativity (“A wriggly Nativity”) performance in December.

We are having a great time rehearsing with our friends and teachers!


Look at the photos below to see how much fun we’ve been having!!!

Anti-bullying week


This week during carpet time we have been learning and talking about bullying. We have discussed how to spot if you are being bullied, what to do if you or someone else is being bullied, how you can help yourself or someone else who is being bullied and how to help someone that is being a bully.

It has been really important for us all to learn and talk about this subject as it can of course happen at school and in other places and can happen to anyone: children or grown-ups.


If you would like more information about bullying please see the NSPCC section on their website for information and support. The link is below:



On Wednesday this week we participated in Remembrance Day by holding a 2-minute silence at 11am to remember all those that we have lost to conflict.

As a follow up activity, we talked about why people wear poppies and we painted our very own poppies using bottle ends and red paint. Below are some lovely photos of us doing this activity.

Learning about Diwali


This week we have been learning about Diwali and the festival of light.

We explored Rangoli patterns, diva lamps and the story of Rama and Sita. Have a look at the photos below to see what we got up to!

Fireworks and Bonfire night


This week we have been learning about bonfire night, fireworks and fire safety. As a child-initiated child activity, we set up a painting station where children could explore colour mixing and create their own firework picture!

We all had LOTS of fun doing this!

Half-term learning activities


We are now officially on our half-term holiday and the children are to come back to school on Monday 2nd November.


During this time we won’t be putting up daily learning for you but instead we have designed a range of activities you can do as a family to help your child with their learning.


We hope you enjoy the activities and we will see you on Monday 2nd of November!

We are missing you all very much and can’t wait to see you all.


Friday 23.10.20



Today is Friday and on Friday we always learn a new tricky word and some high-frequency words.

Today’s tricky word is ‘into’ and our high-frequency word is ‘like’.


Work your way through the powerpoint below for today’s exciting activities!



Today we have a fantastic maths activity for you!


Watch the video below and follow the activities where you will learn about matching objects into unequal sets.


Child-Initiated Play / Adult focus

This week we would have done a special activity with the teacher where you would have compared the sizes of different boxes.


Have a look at the lesson below and respond to the activities.




Don't forget to read your reading book in your book-bag and also remember to log into your Oxford Reading Buddy (on the internet) and have a go at reading the books and doing the quizzes to help you with your learning.


Thursday 22.10.20



Today we are working on the initial (first) sound in words.

 Open the powerpoint below and work through the day’s activities.



Today we have a fantastic maths activity for you!






Child-Initiated Play / Adult focus

Yesterday you had a go at making your own musical instruments.


Maybe today you could sing your favourite song with your family and play your instrument along to the steady beat!



Don't forget to read your reading book in your book-bag and also remember to log into your Oxford Reading Buddy (on the internet) and have a go at reading the books and doing the quizzes to help you with your learning.

Wednesday 21.10.20



Today we are learning the new sound digraph ‘ll’.

 Open the powerpoint below and work through the day’s activities.



Today we have a fantastic maths activity for you!

You will need a dice and 6 objects (the can be different objects).

Roll the dice (or use the dice generator powerpoint below) and see what number it lands on. Then select the number of objects to match the number on the dice. Once you have done this, put the objects into a pile again and roll the dice again and repeat several times for 10 minutes.



Child-Initiated Play / Adult focus

Yesterday you watched the short animation ‘One Man Band’.

Today I wonder if you can make your own musical instrument? You could put some rice or pasta into an empty bottle and play it like a shaker, or turn a pot upside down and bang it with a wooden spoon like a drum, or make a home made guitar!

Below are some pictures to give you some ideas.



Home Learning

As you know we have closed the school for the rest of this week. We have given you homework papers today for your child to work through at home.


Also, each day this week, we will be putting Phonics, Maths and focused activities which are great for some extra learning.


Tuesday 20.10.20



Today we are learning the new sound ‘l’.

 Open the powerpoint below and work through the day’s activities.



Can you match and compare the amounts on the 5 frames?

Use the ppt document below and have a chat about them together with your grownup. 

- below are some questions prompts to help you discuss and compare:

How many ____ are in this group? (e.g. How many apples are in this group?)

How many ____ are in this group? (e.g. How many butterflies are in this group?)

Are the groups equal? How do you know?

Which group has more? Which group has less?




Child-Initiated Play / Adult focus

Today we started to watch the short animation ‘One Man Band” in our Write Stuff session.

Here is the link below.

(Don’t forget to watch with the sound turned on!)


We watched up until the point (1min 1sec) where the little girl Penny held a shiny golden coin in her hand.

I would like you to watch the rest of the video and think about the sounds of the instruments- e.g. the drum banged and boomed and the cymbals crashed and clanged! Can you think of any other words to describe their noise?


 I then want you to think about what Penny thought about their music: did she like it?

How do you think she feels?

Discuss these points and the video with your grownup.



Don't forget to read your reading book in your book-bag and also remember to log into your Oxford Reading Buddy (on the internet) and have a go at reading the books and doing the quizzes to help you with your learning.

Harvest, Autumn and making soup


This week we have been learning and discussing what happens during the season Autumn. We have also talked about the vegetables that are harvested at this time of year.


We had a fantastic time making soup with vegetables. We carefully used knives to cut them up and then we put them into a machine to make soup. After that we all had the chance to try our delicious home-made soup, which was a real hit with some of our children!

Black History


During this month we are celebrating Black History.

We talked about Martin Luther King and his famous and important speech. During this discussion we spoke about what we dream of and how people should be to be a good person and for us all to feel equal and valued.

We then each looked at our own skin tone and selected an appropriate colour of paint to create a handprint. The handprints have then been used to make a fantastic display in our classrooms.   

Name writing


This week we have been focusing on our name writing. Below are some photos of us having a go at writing our names.


Don’t forget to practice at home using your laminated name-card and whiteboard pen. If that is too easy… then have a go at writing your name on a piece of paper with a pencil from memory!




Please click the link below for this week's homework. Your child was handed a copy on Friday, along with a whiteboard pen and laminate card of their name to practise writing it independently. 

Forest school


Every Friday some of our children go outside into our garden and learn about Forest School. During each of our recent sessions we have created our very own bug hotel to encourage nature and insects. Have a look at our photos to see how we’ve worked together as a team and what progress we’ve made so far!

Reading Letter


Dear Parents,

As of Monday 28th September, we will be sending your child home with a reading book every week. They will receive their book every Monday, and we will take it back on a Friday. It is important we receive the books back, a lost or damaged book will incur a charge of £5.00.

Please spend some time reading with your child for 5-10 minutes each day. Due to COVID-19 and the time missed from Nursery, our children have missed some vital parts of Phase 1 Phonics. This is where they learn how to blend sounds (when you say… c…a…t… out loud and they can blend the sounds together to say cat). It is important they practise this skill every day… alongside recognising the sounds in their books.

Reading isn’t just about the actual reading of words. It is also about the child’s understanding. Please ask them questions that include: who, what, when, where, why and how.

Oxford Reading Buddy is a wonderful tool to use for reading at home if you have access to the internet and a device. We have attached your child’s log in and recommend they read on here once a week at least. There are fun quizzes to complete and if your child completes 12 quizzes at 80% they will be able to move onto the next level. Please ensure you are letting the children do the work!!

If you have any questions, please email and include your child’s name and class in the subject. Or, you can wait until all children are dismissed at the end of the day to speak to your child’s teacher.

Kind regards,


Miss Lee

Reception Year Manager

Dinner times


We have been settling in really well to our dinner time routines. The children have been choosing their own food and clearing their trays away with the help of the dinner ladies. Check out our photos of us in action!




Your child needs to have a red book bag in school every day. They are £3.75. If your child does not have one, please send in an envelope with the exact money and your child's name and give it to your child's teacher. 


Flu forms need filling in and returning to school ASAP please. That is whether you want your child to have the flu spray or not. 


Welcome Back


What a wonderful start to the new year we have had. The children have settled into their new classes wonderfully, and are eager and enthusiastic to learn. Below are some photos of things we have been up to!


Our classes this year are:

RB - Miss Bradbury & Miss Mummery

RL - Miss Lee & Miss Mahmood

RP - Mr Pendry & Mrs Satnam

Support staff - Mrs Dhinsay. 


Welcome to Reception


Wow! How is it September already?! It hasn't quite been the year we all anticipated has it?


We're so excited to have your children with us in their new classes... our taster mornings have been so much fun, and it's been lovely to see so many smiley faces.


As of Monday 14th September, we will be full time - 8:55am-2:55pm.

RP and RB will continue to drop off and pick up from the garden, where as RL will continue to drop off an pick up through the Reception office entrance (there is a sign on the gate). This gate operates on a timer and will be open from 8:45 - 9:00am. If you arrive after 9:00am, your child will need to go to the office to sign in as they will be late. 


A letter will be sent home regarding breakfast club next week.


Please ensure your child has a clearly labelled spare change of clothes in school, and you have purchased a bookbag for £3.75. If you do not have one, you can send an envelope with £3.75 inside, and your child's name labelled clearly. They will then be given a bag at school. 


Your child has a labelled cup of their own in school which is washed every evening, so they do not need water bottles in school. 


Please ensure all of your children's uniform, and coat is labelled. 


Your staff in Reception this year are:

Mrs Uredi - Early Years Assistant Headteacher

Miss Lee - Reception Year Manager and Class RL Teacher

Miss Bradbury - Class RB Teacher

Mr Pendry - Class RP Teacher

Miss Mahmood, Mrs Satnam, Miss Mummery & Mrs Dhinsay - Class Teaching Assistants


Due to the current COVID situation, we do not have the time during pick up or drop off to discuss things in depth with parents. If you would like to talk to your child's teacher, please wait until the class has been dismissed at the end of the day and we will be able to talk to you then. Or, you can book an appointment with us for a telephone consultation. 


We're going to have the best year, and we can't wait to get started smiley!


Induction Information for New Parents


Following your consultation meeting with your child's new teacher, please read through the information in the powerpoint link below. 


Thank you

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites