
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Science - Storms


Hi everyone!  Did you see the lightning and hear the thunder last night?  Over the last few days there has been a few storms.  Meteorologists are saying there will be some more over the next few days.  When I was little, I was scared of them and I don't really like them now but I also think they are very, very interesting. Meteorologists (Scientists who study the weather as a their job) still don't know much about thunderstorms or lightning but let's look at what they do know.  

What is thunderstorm? Why questions, science and home experiments for kids

What is thunderstorm? Let's find out what it is and why it happens. In this educational cartoon for children we explain what is lighting and thunder, why we ...

What Makes Thunder and Lightning for Children: 60 Second Science Questions for Kids - FreeSchool

Have you ever wondered what makes thunder and lightning? It turns out that lightning is a form of static electricity created when particles in the clouds rub...

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