Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Wednesday 10th February
Our Science topic is:
Evolution and Inheritance
Click here for our final lesson:
What impact are humans likely to have on life in the future?
In today's lesson, we will learn about some of the impacts that humans have on life on this planet. We will look at pollution, global warming, hunting and deforestation. We will learn what happened to the dodo bird and about some amazing organisations that are working hard to ensure that other species do not become extinct.
Answers for this comprehension task on What is evolution? from Monday are also posted below.
Monday 8th February
Our Science topic is:
Evolution and Inheritance
Click here for our fifth lesson:
What impact have humans had on plants and animals?
In this lesson, we will look at how humans have changed over time and use the theory of evolution to explain these changes. Learning how to make and use tools, shelter, fire and language has enabled humans to spread all over the world. We will start to look at the impact that humans have had on some species of plants and animals. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson.
There is also an additional Seneca unit, click here:
Please email your scores to
Finally, complete the Reading Comprehension which links into our topic: What is Evolution?- attached as a document below.
Answers for this text will be posted on Wednesday.
Answers for this comprehension task on Diary from the Beagle from Monday are posted below.
Wednesday 3rd February
Our Science topic is:
Evolution and Inheritance
Click here for our fourth lesson:
Which organisms lived during each era of time?
In this lesson, we will learn what the fossil record has taught us about the history of organisms that have existed on our planet. We will learn what a geologist is and what they can tell us about the organisms that have lived during each geological era of time. For this lesson you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler.
There is also an additional Seneca unit, click here: Fossils
Please email your scores to
Finally, complete the Reading Comprehension which links into our topic: Diary from the Beagle- attached as a document below.
Answers for this text will be posted on Monday.
Answers for this comprehension task on Common Descent from Monday are posted below.
Monday 1st February
Our Science topic is:
Evolution and Inheritance
Click here for our third lesson:
What are the different animal kingdoms?
In today's lesson, we are going to learn how living organisms are classified. We will learn about the 5 kingdoms and then we will focus on the animal kingdom. For this lesson, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and a ruler.
There is also an additional Seneca unit, click here: Evolution
Please email your scores to
Finally, complete the Reading Comprehension which links into our topic: Common Descent- attached as a document below.
Answers for this comprehension task will be posted here on Wednesday.
Wednesday 27th January
Our Science topic is:
Evolution and Inheritance
Click here for our second lesson:
How do fossils provide evidence of evolution?
In this lesson, we are going to learn how fossils are formed and how they provide evidence for the theory of evolution. We will learn what the fossil record is and why there are parts missing from the record. In this lesson, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil.
There is also an additional Seneca unit, click here: Variation
Please email your scores to
Answers to the Reading Comprehension from Monday's Science reading,The Finch Solution, are also attached as a document below.
Monday 25th January
Our new Science topic is:
Evolution and Inheritance
Click here for the first lesson: What is the theory of Evolution?
In today’s lesson we look at Darwin’s observations from his trip on HMS Beagle. We will then put all his observations together to see how Darwin came up with his theory. His theory is called evolution. We will apply this new knowledge to two other examples of evolution, mice and giraffes.
There is also an additional Seneca unit Adaptation
Finally, complete the Reading Comprehension which links into our topic: The Finch Solution - attached as a document below.
Please send in your Seneca scores and Reading answers to:
What are the key parts of a healthy diet?
In this lesson, we will learn about what is important in a healthy diet. We will discuss the seven nutrients we need to know as well as their role in the body.
Thursday 10th December 2020: Science Activity
Look at the three images below and make a list all of the similarities and differences between them.
Thursday 10th December 2020
Here is a short video about how our circulatory system functions to keep us alive.
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Science Experiment at Home! The Pumping Heart Model
We have learnt a lot about the heart recently. Let's do a revision and then you can try this experiment at home!
The heart pumps blood all around the body. The left side of the heart pumps blood that contain oxygen around the body through the arteries. The blood travel from the arteries into capillaries where it delivers oxygen and nutrients to every parts of the body.
Veins take the blood back to the right side of the heart. It is then pumped to the lungs.
Artery- Away from the heart
Vein- In the heart
The heart has two features that keep blood flowing in the right directions. These are chambers and valves. The chambers fill with blood and then squeeze to pump the blood out. The upper chamber is called an atrium and the lower chamber is called a ventricle. There is a valve between the atrium and the ventricle that control the direction of the flow of blood between these two chambers.
Now, who is ready to make a heart model at home?
You will need the following:
A clean and transparent jar
A balloon
Red food colouring
2 plastic straws
A tray
When you push down on the balloon this is like your heart is contracting and squeezing the heart chambers. This pushes blood out of the heart and into the arteries.
Answers to 'What is in your blood?' questions:
Wednesday 2nd December 2020
What is in your blood?
Watch the short clip about the blood and answer the following questions:
Tuesday 1st December 2020
What does the heart do?
We have been studying the circulatory system and the heart recently.
Here is a short video about what the heart does. Watch it and have a quick revision.
There is a small quiz at the bottom of the page!