
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Thursday 25th February 2021

When you return to school we will be starting a PSHE project called Choices.


The project aims to increase your resilience by helping you to understand and develop strategies for better-informed choices when faced with negative pressures from friends and children who you play with.


Today we would like you to watch the short trailer about the project which focuses on a boy called Marcus. There is a task saved below where we would like you to research the meanings of the following words:


  1. Identify
  2. Ethnicity
  3. Values
  4. Belief
  5. Aspiration
  6. Characteristic


Please write the meanings of these words on the activity sheet and email your work to us at:

Stolen Lives - Marcus' Story Teaser for Session 1

Recap of Year 5 story for use during session 1

Understanding the language of Choices.

Thursday 11th February 2021

...please click on the PowerPoint below for today's lesson. Have your sound turned up so you can hear my voice on the audio clips. 

(I have embedded 2 video clips in the PowerPoint. However, if they don't work you can either copy and paste the links into your Google search bar or watch the videos on this page. Just come out of the PowerPoint and the videos are here - scroll and you'll see them under the PowerPoint link.)

Y5 PSHE - 11/2/21 - The Ability to Bounce Back

Resilience but what is it? Here's 5 ways to build resilience

We all face challenges and we all find ways to overcome them. Resilience is ordinary not extraordinary. We all have it to larger or smaller degrees. We want ...

Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss Read Aloud

Order the book here! inspirational Dr. Seuss book often read and given as a gift at graduation.

Thursday 4th February 2021

This week is Children's Mental Health Week!

Children's Mental Health Week is taking place on 1-7 February 2021. This year's theme is Express Yourself.

Watch our Royal Patron HRH The Duchess of Cambridge's video message to mark the start of the week.

Our Virtual Assembly with BAFTA and Oak National Academy is now available to view and share – featuring Jodie Whittaker, Oti Mabuse, Matthew Lewis and many more…

Click on the link below to explore more about this 

Thursday 28th January 2021 - PSHE: The Importance of Self Respect.

Thursday 21st January 2021 - PSHE Mental Health Week

Thursday 14th January 2021 - PSHE

Reframing Thoughts

We all have negative thoughts and may get into patterns of negative thinking. In times of distress, these may occur more frequently, and it is easy to be self-critical and focus on the negative thoughts. Sometimes we might catastrophise a situation, making it seem worse than it really is, or we might blame ourselves for things out of our control. Recognising these thoughts and re-framing them is a way of training our brain to reduce anxiety and over-thinking.

Below is an example of how we can retrain and reframe our negative thoughts. Being able to rethink a seemingly negative situation and focus more on the positives is a key self help skill.


Negative/ Unhelpful Thought

Evidence Against This


I had an argument with Kya.






I have no friends, everyone hates me.

Sam and Ciara were nice to me and asked me to play with them.

It is good to have more than one friend to support you, like I do.


Use this reframing tool in your own life. Keep a notepad or some pages of pages safe somewhere so that when you get a negative thought you can record it in a table like the one above.

Wednesday 21st October 2020

Today's topic from BOUNCE BACK.

Blame Fairly


Read the text below.


Nicki and Khan are good friends. They are in the same basketball team and play together every Saturday. Recently, their team lost a semi-final by two points and they weren't able to get into the finals. After the game, they were all disappointed, but they thought differently about why they had lost the game. Nicki said it was her fault the team had lost, because she missed an important three point shot. Nicki was really angry with herself. She was surprised to hear that Khan thought they had lost because two members of the team arrived late for the game and did not play well. Also, Khan thought it was bad luck that their team's best player was sick and couldn't play.


Blame fairly. How much of what happened was due to you, to others and to bad luck and circumstance?


  • Who or what did Nicki feel was to blame?
  • What did Khan think?

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Book

Welcome to Storytimebookclub! I hope you enjoy today's story Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, published in 1972.

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Today's topic from BOUNCE BACK.

Everybody experiences sadness, hurt, failure, rejection and setbacks.


Watch the video below.

British racing driver Billy Monger talks to BBC Breakfast about getting back to driving

On 16 April 2017, Monger was involved in a high-speed crash at the Donington race, as a result he had the lower part of both of his legs amputated. Now he's fought for rule changes, so he can compete in a single-seated car.

  • Research a paralympic athlete, think about their ability to persevere, to overcome adversity, their resilience. Present your work as a poster, a factfile or a report.
  • Be ready to share your research with your class when you return to school.

Monday 19th October 2020

Today's topic from BOUNCE BACK.


Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter.


Watch the video below.

Australian Black Summer Aftermath - Behind the News

Many people are still dealing with the effects of the Black Summer bushfire crisis. We revisit some of the young Australians we met in the BTN Bushfire Special to see how their families are coping now. We also find out about the Royal Commission that’s looking in to the cause of the fires, their effects, and what we can do to prevent a similar crisis in the future.


  • Where is Australia?
  • What is a bushfire?
  • What are some of the good bits in this bad situation?


  • Think of a time when something went wrong in your family or at school or with your friends. Can you think of any small positives in this situation? Was there a funny side to it? Write about this and bring it in to school on Friday 23rd October 2020.

Friday 16th October 2020

Today's topic from BOUNCE BACK.

Nobody is perfect - not you and not others


Watch this episode of Newsround.

Now read the text below and try to answer the questions.

Friday 16th October 2020 - I'm perfect

Thursday 15th October 2020

Today's topic from BOUNCE BACK.

Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset - think again.

Watch the video below.

Real Time Resilience

  • What were examples of helpful thinking?
  • What were examples of unhelpful thinking?
  • How does negative or unhelpful thinking influence how we feel and act?
  • How do our positive thoughts influence how we feel and act?
  • Write your own definition of unhelpful and helpful thinking, include how it makes you feel and give an example. You can use the sheet below or set it out in your own way.

Thursday 15th October 2020 - helpful and unhelpful thinking

Wednesday 14th October 2020

Today's activity from BOUNCE BACK.

Other people can help if you talk to them - get a reality check


  • What do you think this means?
  • Listen to the story below.

The Huge Bag of Worries

Author: Virginia Ironside Illustrated by: Frank Rodgers Read by: Matthew Willsher Wherever Jenny goes, her worries follow her - in a big blue bag. They are t...

Think about these questions:

  • Why do we choose different people to talk to about different situations?
  • How can other people help if you talk to them?
  • What might happen if we don't ask for help or talk to a trusted person when we are distressed or worried?

Now click on the link below to find out what a 'reality check' is.

Reality checks Wednesday 14th October 2020

Tuesday 13th October 2020

Remember to add to your 'Acts of Kindness' diary and then try the activity below from BOUNCE BACK.


Bad times don’t last, things always get better – stay optimistic.


  • What do you think the title above means?
  • Watch the video Behind the News: Bushfire Aid, then try to answer the questions...


  • Think about the bad thing that happened, how do you think the children felt?
  • Did it take long for things to get better?
  • What might happen if you only focus on the bad times?
  • How might looking for the positives help you bounce back from a difficult situation?

Bushfire Aid - Behind the News

More than 50 homes have been destroyed and many kids evacuated after fires ripped through NSW and the ACT recently. We checked in with some of the kids of Be...

Find out what optimism/optimistic means and write a definition in your own words.


Find out what pessimistic/pessimism means and write a definition in your own words.


Bring your definitions back to school on Friday 23rd October.


Now watch this video. What do you think of this one? Did it make you feel optimistic? Did it make you smile?

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Kid President believes the things we say can help make the world more awesome. Here he shares a special list of 20 things we should say more often. What woul...

Monday 12th October 2020

Last week we were looking at Kindness as a core value in PSHE.

During your time in isolation please keep a diary of 'Acts of Kindness'.


Every day, try to do some thing kind for someone in your family. It has to be in your household because none of us can go out until Friday 23rd October! 


Bring your 'Acts of Kindness' in to school on Friday 23rd October so that we can share what you have done. Each day record:


  1. The date
  2. Who you were kind to
  3. What you did
  4. What the results were - your family's reaction to your kind deeds


If you want to print a daily diary form you can click on the link below. If you cannot print from home, simply make a diary from plain paper.



Watch the Kindness Boomerang video again, show your family. Click on the link below.

PSHE - Acts of kindness diary

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motion.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites - Training Day - School Closed to Pupils - Friday 15th November 2024