Wednesday 8th July 2020 and Thursday 9th July 2020
For the next two days you will have some questions to answer about scales. When answering the questions you will be expected to be able to read a scale on a measuring jug or a set of weighing scales.
You are likely to have measuring jugs or weighing scales in your kitchen. Why don't you find out the weight of some of the food items in your kitchen, such as an apple or an orange? Can you pour half a litre of water into a measuring jug? What is the capacity of a tea cup or a mug?
By actually weighing items or measuring the capacity of something, it is a great way to learn. You can even weigh items in the supermarket, such as the fruit and vegetables that your parents buy on the daily or weekly shop.
Please take note of the units of measure that are used.
For example:
1. Are you weighing in grams or kilograms?
2. Is the capacity measured in millilitres or litres?
Monday 6th July 2020 and Tuesday 7th July 2020
To help you with your tasks you can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons from the week beginning 29th June 2020 which looked at how to measure angles. Please follow the link.
Please see the tasks below for the next two days.
Monday 29th June 2020 - Friday 3rd July 2020
You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which looks at how to measure angles. Please follow the link.
You only need to watch the videos and answer any questions in the videos.
Next week we will look further into this topic, with questions based around angles. If you don't have a protractor, see if you can borrow one from a friend or relative or look at purchasing one if this is possible. A protractor will be useful for you to have a home for the future.
Wednesday 24th June 2020
You are going to build on your lesson from yesterday by finding out how far away certain cities in the UK are from Birmingham.
You can go online and use a search engine such as Google to research this. You will need to find the distance in both miles and kilometres.
How far away are the following the cities from Birmingham:
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Today we would like you to have a little look around your home for your lesson.
Try to find out:
The capacity of a bottle of shower gel.
The capacity of a bottle of shampoo.
The weight of a bag of pasta.
The weight of a bag of rice.
How heavy an apple is.
The size of your TV screen.
The height of a door.
Your own height and weight.
You might also find out the weight, capacity and height of other objects or items of food. It is really important to have an understanding of measures in real life!
Please make sure you record your findings with the correct unit of measure!
Monday 22nd June 2020
Today you will be converting between units of measure.
You will be using measures such as grams, kilograms, metres, kilometres, litres, millilitres, centimetres, millimetres and metres.
This work relies on you using your understanding of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000.
1000g = 1kg
1000m = 1km
1000ml = 1 litre
10mm = 1cm
If you click on the following links, you will see some BBC Bitesize videos that relate to weight, mass, length and distance.
Thursday 18th June 2020
Today's task is a series of questions that are based around telling the time. They are represented as problems for you to solve.
Please see the task that is saved below.
Monday 15th June 2020 - Wednesday 17th June 2020
For the next few days you will be answering questions that relate to using a train timetable. You will be expected to work out what time a train arrives and departs from a station. You will also be working out how long a journey takes.
This is a life skill that you will need when you are older, especially if you are catching a bus, a train or a tram, to school, college, university or work.
There is also an activity that relates to converting between units of time.