Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Thursday 20th June 2024 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
If you have a child who will be 3 by August 31st, they could start our nursery in September!
Please come along to meet us and to take part
in some fun activities.
This half term has been so busy with Science Day, World Book Day and now the arrival of our delightful chicks!
Please enjoy our photos by clicking on the Word Doc links...
On Tuesday, we had a special visit from the animal man. The children were very excited to meet some new animal friends. They met: a tarantula, a bearded dragon lizard, a rabbit, a snake and a toad.
A few children dressed up for Children in Need.
Children enjoying making Diwali diva lamps and Rangoli patterns.
Recently, all year groups have been
celebrating Black History Month.
In Nursery, we had an exciting visit from Em
who read us a story called Anansi the Spider.
This character is one of the most popular animal
tricksters from West African Mythology.
In Nursery, we also read a book called Coming to England about the life of Dame Floella Benjamin. As a child she travelled for 15 days on a ship from Trinidad to England where it took some time to feel like her and
her family were at home.
Floella is a Trinidadian-British actress, singer, presenter, author and politician. She is known as presenter of children's programmes such as Play School,
Play Away, Jamboree and Fast Forward.
Black History Month is a very important time of year. This national celebration aims to promote and celebrate Black contributions to British society, and to foster an understanding of Black history in general.
In class, our children also had the opportunity to make African masks in the creative area.
Nursery Induction Presentation
Welcome to Nursery!
Meet the team...
Class Teachers
Miss Freeman - Class NF
Miss Mummery - Class NM
Teaching Assistants
Ms Mir
Mrs Yousaf
Mrs Begum
All nursery children must be in Anglesey school uniform.
Red book bags and Red P.E. bags:
All nursery children need a red book bag so
they can borrow a library book from school.
They will also need a red P.E. bags to
keep their spare clothes in.
Please buy both bags online via the My Child At School app and collect your order from the
infant office on Anglesey Street.
Spare clothes are essential due to our messy
learning and some toilet accidents.
Please name all of your child's items.
Wednesday 11th October 2023
will be parent's evening.
Nursery will be closed for afternoon children only. Please bring morning class children as normal.
If your child is full time, please collect them at 2pm.
Please make an appointment via the
My Child At School app.
During parents' evening, there will also be support available for any parents who are having difficulties with their September reception place application.
Long Term Whole School Curriculum Overview
Nursery | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Science | Seasonal changes A How does the season change in Autumn? (weather)
What do you notice in your new environment?
| States of matter
What happens to ice when we add heat?
What happens to water when we put it in the freezer?
Introduce Senses | Living things and habitats
What birds do we see in our environment? How can we look after the birds in our environment? What kind of insects do we see in our environment? How can we care for insects in our environment? Can you describe where an insect might live? What does an insect eat? | Seasonal changes B
How does the season change in Spring? (weather) What is the lifecycle of a chick? What do our chicks need to survive? | Materials What objects are similar or different (bark, leaves, shells, rocks, pebbles)? Why are they similar or different?
Plants How do we look after plants? What happens to a plant over time? What does a plant need to grow? What happens if a plant doesn’t get what it needs? | Animals including humans
Can you name parts of your body? What do you need to survive? What animals might you find at a park? What food will those animals eat?
Seasonal changes C How does the season change in Summer? |
History | Where do I belong in my school community?
| How have I changed?
| What have I done in the past? -Sharing stories that we did. -belonging
| What did my family do? -share stories from family members pasts. -Eid celebrations
| How has my area changed? -look at old photos to compare and contrast. -Caretaker talk | What have I achieved?
Geography | Place Home, school Where do I live? | Place Home, school Where do I live? | Sustainability Weather What is the weather?
| Sustainability Weather
What is the weather? | Culture & appreciation
What is my culture? Culture | Culture & appreciation What is my culture? |
DT | Textiles: Can I make a Christmas decoration? | Structures: Can I make a tower that is strong and stable? | Food: Can I make a fruit kebab? | |||
Art | Explore colours in a variety of ways. Make simple models with playdough with adult support. Explore joining materials together. | Draw and paint pictures using shape (Kandinsky) Use natural objects to create transient art. Model making to create a rocket. Work with parents to create a christmas card. | Begin to add details to drawings, e.g. eyes on a face. Observational drawing – Van Gogh. Show different emotions in drawing and painting – the colour monster. | Colour mixing Use different methods and tools for observational drawings, Georges Seurat. Mould and manipulate clay | Discuss suitability of materials and tools for a purpose, e.g. paper boat. | Use 2D and 3D shapes to create pictures. Use playdough with other resources to create, e.g. a face. |
RE | An introduction to people of different faiths – use pictures – discussion time | Diwali – explore festival Christmas – know Christmas story | Chinese New Year – recap photos of their families / where do they see them in their homes / why is it important Colour red / dragon / money | Islam – Ramadan
Christianity – Shrove Tuesday | Eid – explore festival | Family customs and routines (clothing and places of worship generic) |
PSHE | Resilience Bounce Back | Safety & Anti-bullying | RSE Mental well-being | British Values Rights | Economic well-being | Keeping safe Drugs & alcohol Online safety |
PE | Gymnastics Moving with control and coordination | Gymnastics Moving with control and coordination | Dance Recognise and perform dance actions to music and beats
| Dance Recognise and perform dance actions to music and beat
| Body Management Learn body control and balance
| Body Management Learn body control and balance |
Music | Singing nursery rhymes Move in response to music Create sounds in a range of ways. Show an interest in the sounds of instruments. | Explore a range of sound effects and movements. Join in singing songs with actions. Explore a range of different ways to create sounds using instruments, e.g. loud, quiet, fast and slow. Christmas performance | Remember and sing entire songs. Play instruments with increasing control, to express their feelings and ideas. Begin to tap out a simple repeated rhythm. | Begin to copy singing in the pitch of a tone sung by another person. Begin to copy the melody of a song. Tap out a more complex repeated rhythm. | Create their own songs. Make own rhythms. Has a repertoire of songs they’ve learnt over the year End of year concert
| |
Computing | Use IWB to embed pattern drawing using Letter Join Colour mixing on an iPad / using iPads to choose colours to fill a picture. Use IWB to look at simple maps. | Use IWB to embed pattern drawing using Letter Join Take photos of transient art using a camera or ipad. | Use IWB to embed pattern drawing using Letter Join | Use IWB to embed pattern drawing using Letter Join Show an interest in digital books | Use IWB to embed pattern drawing using Letter Join Begin to navigate apps on an iPad with adult support | Use IWB to embed pattern drawing using Letter Join Navigate apps and websites using a drop-down menu to select websites and icons to select apps. |
Reading | Story of the Week Whatever Next The Blue Balloon Shark in the Park Three Little Pigs Walking Through the Jungle
| Story of the Week Wake Up Do, Lydia Lou Owl Babies Tiger that came to Tea Peace at Last Three Billy Goats Gruff The Snowman | Story of the Week Where’s my Teddy We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Gingerbread Man Monkey Puzzle Guess How Much I Love You? Poo in the Zoo | Story of the Week Little Red Hen Goldilocks and the Three Bears Oi Frog Lima’s Red-Hot Chilli Arghhh Spider Giraffes Can’t Dance | Story of the Week The Very Hungry Caterpillar Little Red Riding Hood The Gruffalo Ruby’s Worry A Squash and a Squeeze Handa’s Surprise | Story of the Week Smartest Giant in Town I Want My Hat Back Jack and the Beanstalk Farmer Duck The Extraordinary Gardner Dear Zoo Bears Don’t Eat Sandwiches |
Writing | Sensory mark making Makes marks using a variety of tools Uses whole-hand grasp to make marks | Gives meaning to some marks when painting or drawing Uses lines and waves to imitate writing Shows an interest in print and letters in the environment Begins to use thumb and first two fingers to hold mark making tools | Distinguishes between some marks Begins to draw identifiable pictures Gives meaning to the marks made Ascribes meaning to marks in different places Markes marks to represent letters in their name | Draw/paint identifiable pictures Begin to use letter knowledge for early writing Beginning to use their letter knowledge for early writing Writes initial letter of their name | Draw pictures with increasing detail and accuracy Talk in more detail about the marks they make and in different places Continue to use their letter knowledge for early writing Form letters in their name | Draws detailed pictures with increasing control and accuracy Annotates work to give meaning Writes own name independently forming most letters correctly Uses tripod grip to when drawing, writing and painting Shows awareness of appropriate size of letters |
Maths | Class routines and times of the day (visual timetable) Number nursery rhymes Number names in sequence Counting using fingers Takes or gives a specified number of objects Explores size and weight | Represents numbers 1-5 Notices numerals in the environment Compares objects – lots, more the same Counts 1-1 correspondence Explores capacity and length Explores differences between Day and night | Links numerals to amounts Say the total amount Represents numbers using marks and symbols Subitise numbers up to 3 objects and beyond Positional language | Name 2d shapes Explore shapes in the environment ABAB patterns Compare length and height Recites numbers in order to 10 | Separates a group of objects in different ways but knows that the total is still the same Recognises numbers 1-10 Links numerals to amounts Estimates number of objects Subitise up to 5 objects and beyond Explores and creates patterns using 2 or 3 objects Names 2d shapes | Orders numbers 1-5 Reasoning problems – sharing Use numerals to represent number Compare capacity Compare weight Compare length and height Explore ABC patterns, noticing and correcting errors Sequence events using language such as first, then, after, and before Addition and subtraction one more and one less |
Welcome to Nursery!
We are so proud of our nursery children for settling so well. Whether they are returning from last year or joining us new this term, they have all made us very proud - lots of social and emotional skills being developed and exploration of new environments and routines.
Here are some special moments from Class NM's settling time:
...Class NF have had a wonderful time settling too!
Please click on the icons above to see what we get up to in nursery!
The children have had a very exciting week, as we have had a special delivery of 10 chick eggs. The children have enjoyed observing the eggs in the incubator and they have learnt about how the incubator helps keep the eggs warm. After lots of anticipation the chicks started to hatch and the children got to observe this during the day. There were many discussions around what had happened and how the chicks had used their beaks to crack the egg shell.
After the chicks feathers were dry and fluffy, the children helped create a cosy new home for them in the brooder box. Everyday they have made sure to give plenty of food and water for the chicks. Well done!
The children have loved looking after the chicks and they have been making sure to be extra careful when holding them. We will be continuing learning about the life cycle of the chicks next week.
Please see below a video of the eggs hatching!
Our children have had an incredible first few weeks in nursery and they have settled in beautifully. They have enjoyed learning all about our routines in nursery, such as where to put their coats and bags in the morning to accessing all areas of learning. They have had lots of fun meeting and making new friends as well as joining in with a wide range of activities, such as painting, making playdough, exploring the outdoors and cafe area.
Please see the photographs below of our children's amazing start to nursery.
Happy Hatch Day!
The children have had a very exciting week, as we have had a special delivery of 10 chick eggs. The children have enjoyed observing the eggs in the incubator and they have learnt all about how the incubator helps keep the eggs warm. After lots of anticipation, our chicks finally hatched and the children were able to observe this during the day. There were many discussions around what had happened and how the chicks had used their beaks to crack the egg shell.
After the chicks' feathers were all dry and fluffy, the children worked hard to make them a cosy new home in the brooder box. Everyday, they have made sure to give plenty of food and water for the chicks. Well done everyone!
The children have also loved looking after the chicks and made sure to be extra careful when holding them. They have also enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a chicken during their learning group time.
Please see below for a video of the eggs hatching and photographs of the children's experiences.
Welcome back- 2022!
We hope you had a fantastic holiday and that you spent lots of quality time together as a family during the time off from school.
The children have done a great job with settling back into their routines!
Here are some pictures of us reconnecting with our peers.
Welcome to Nursery
We would like to welcome all of our new children and parents to Anglesey Primary School. In nursery we have an amazing new open plan learning unit that the children are able to access independently. Throughout the week the children take part in a variety of learning, consisting of both child initiated and adult led. Our priority at the beginning of the year is to ensure all our children feel happy and safe, so they are confident and ready to start learning.
Each half term we will update the website with a parent plan, as well as sending home Tapestry observations, so that you can see what your child has been learning at school and be able to support your child's learning at home.
NS - Miss Spilsbury and Miss Begum
NB- Miss Bradbury and Miss Mir
Speech and Language - Mrs Yousaf and Mrs Risat
Assistant Head Teacher: EYFS - Mrs Uredi
Here are some ways you can help your child when they first start nursery:
Toilet Training
Dressing and undressing
Feeding themselves
Have a good sleep routine
Recognising their name
Writing their name
Listening to stories
Talking together
Answering and asking questions
Recognising numbers
Following instructions
If you would like any help or support with your child's learning then please speak to a member of the nursery team and they will be happy to help.