
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Thursday 25th February

Years, months, weeks, and days


Learn the poem below.  It will help you to know how many days are in each month.

                  Thirty days hath September,
            April, June and November,
            All the rest have thirty-one,
            Excepting February alone.
            Which has but twenty-eight days clear,
            And twenty-nine in each leap year.


Watch the you tube video below to find out more about the relationship between years, months, weeks and days.

Years, Months, Weeks And Days | Maths For Kids | Periwinkle

There are two sets of worksheets below.  One is easier than the other.  Choose which one is more suitable for you. The answers have been provided for you.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites