Ambition, Pride & Success
At Anglesey, we are a vibrant and nurturing school community, where children are given the skills to become Ambitious, Proud & Successful learners.
Our curriculum provides a range of creative and inspiring experiences for all.
This equips our children with the life skills to be happy, flourish and be successful…
Today, tomorrow and in the future
Anglesey Primary School has high expectations and supports every child to be the very best they can be in their learning and behaviour. We provide a wide and varied curriculum that enables every child to grow, develop and exceed their potential in a safe, nurturing, positive environment, before the transition to secondary school.
The school is an active member of the local community and children are proud ambassadors for the school and its values when attending curriculum visits, fixtures and events. Teaching and support staff are committed to professional development and to the school’s values and child-centred ethos. The creative arts are embedded in school life.
We encourage parents and families to play a full part in school life and to role model positive values at home.
Promoting fundamental British values through SMSC
A key part of our plan for education at Anglesey is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.
We promote the basic British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
This ensures young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.
These values are embedded into the wider curriculum through a range of subjects and assemblies.