
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Speech and Language

Acrostic poems for Remembrance Day by SL2 (Y6)

Woodland Art by SL1 and SL2 children

SL1 visited Brighouse in Atherstone and enjoyed exploring woodlands.

Anglesey Speech & Language Resource Base

All the staff at Speech & Language Resource Base would like to welcome back all the parents and children. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.


Staff at Anglesey Sp & L Resource Base


Class SL1                                               Class SL2

Mrs Padwagga                                                  Mrs Johnson

Mrs Bath                                                          Mrs Hutton


A warm welcome to Mrs Bath to the Base. We are missing Miss Driscoll and Mrs Woolgar very much.


We are looking forward to sharing all the fun things throughout the year with you.


Every child in the Resource Base has a Home-School Liaison Book to enable parents and teachers to share information. Please have a look in the book regularly for day to day information regarding your child.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us on  0121 675 2811.

What children are learning in SL1


For the next few weeks, we will be reading poetry. The children will be learning about rhyme, rhythm and other features of poetry. They will attempt to write their own poems. You can help them at home by encouraging them to read some poems and find rhyming and repetitive word.

 (I will send a selection of poems for children to read at home)


In maths the children will

  • Look at number patterns and learn time tables (2, 3, 5 10)

  • Find 10 more 10 less than numbers to 100

  • Tell the time: o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

Science: We will learn about plants e.g.

  • Why plants have leaves, roots, stems and flowers.

  • How do plants change during the year

We will be visiting the Brighouse in Atherstone (with Year 3) to support children's learning by exploring the countryside and looking closely at the plants in the environment.


History (1950-2000)

We will learn about key events during this period and learn about how fashion, dance and music have changed over the different decades. We will visit Liverpool   in December with Year 3 to learn about The Beatles.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites