
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Today we are moving away from writing lists and we are going to practice our Diary writing. Do you remember when we learned about diary writing when we went to the Mosque? We all had to write a diary about our day and what we did at the mosque and what we learned.


There are a few things to remember about diary writing:

  • you write in the first person (using words like I, me, my, we, us)
  • you can write your thoughts and feelings
  • you write as if you are talking to your best friend.


Guess what? You get to pretend you are OLIVER today! Let's pretend you went to Grandpa's house and went into his garden. You will write in your diary about the things you saw and what you got to taste! You can even write about your love for potatoes!


Here's an example of what it might sound like at the beginning:

You can tell your diary all about the vegetables you found and maybe even add a secret like..


Don't tell anyone, but I actually loved the beetroot!


Make sure you end your diary telling it that you'll write again soon!


You can use the word mat to help you with spellings if you need it.

I've also made a sheet you can print off to write on, or you can use a piece of paper you have at home.

Just incase you need the story again, here it is:

Oliver's Vegetables

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