Wednesday 23rd June
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE.
Look at the video, Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Can you explain why the animals decided to help the duck?
Tuesday 22nd June
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY.
What words could you use to describe how the duck is feeling? Can you create your own mind-map of answers? Or maybe a list.
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Monday 21st June
Here we find ourselves again... welcome back to Reading via home learning.
Hopefully you haven't watched the video of Miss Lee reading Farmer Duck yet... as today's reading focus is PREDICTION.
Take a look at the front cover below of this week's story - 'Farmer Duck' by Martin Waddell.
Q: What do you think will happen in the story?
Q: If you have listened to the story... what do you think will happen to the farm now?
Friday 5th March
Today we are thinking about… EXPLANATION
Miss Lee will tell you what she wants you to do.
What was your favourite part of this animated story? Why?
Thursday 4th March
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY
Look at the video, Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do. Think of some words to describe the giraffe.
Watch the video below for some answers.
Wednesday 3rd March
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE.
Look at the video, Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do. Where do you think they live? Why do you think that?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Tuesday 2nd March
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE.
Look at the video, Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do. How do you think the girl feels about losing her pet? How do you know?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Monday 1st March
Hopefully, you haven’t watched the entire video we are using for this week’s writing and reading – So Good To Me by Chris Malinchak.
Today we are thinking about… PREDICTION.
Watch the video, Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What do you think the little girl has lost?
The answer is in the video below...
Friday 26th February
Today we are thinking about… EXPLANATION
Miss Lee will tell you what she wants you to do.
What did you like about the book? What was your favourite part?
There is no right answer to this question as it is based upon your personal opinion, so there will not be an answer video.
Thursday 25th February
Today we are thinking about… RETRIEVAL
Look at the video, there is a picture of Joe setting to work.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What did Joe need to learn to do to be able to grow the plants?
Watch the video below for the answers...
Wednesday 24th February
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE.
Look at the video, there is a picture of Joe sharing his garden with the people in the city.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Why did Joe decide to share his garden with the people in the city?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Tuesday 23rd February
Today you can watch Miss Lee tell the full story in the video below.
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY
Look at the video, Joe has found an apple pip.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What words do you think you could use to describe the size of the pip?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Tiny… small… miniscule… petite… minute… little… slight…
Monday 22nd February
Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely half term.
You won’t have watched the full story of The Extraordinary Gardener yet…
Today we are thinking about… PREDICTION
Watch the video, Joe has had an idea. Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What do you think Joe’s idea is? Why do you think that is his idea? What do you think will happen next in the story?
The answer is in the video below
Friday 12th February
Today we are thinking about… EXPLANATION
Miss Lee will tell you what she wants you to do.
Is there anything you would change about this story? What would you change?
There is no right answer to this question, so there will not be an answer video.
Thursday 11th February
Today we are thinking about… PREDICTION
Look at the video, there is a picture of the Hedgehog and Tortoise hugging.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What do you think happened next?
There is no correct answer, so there won’t be another video to follow.
Wednesday 10th February
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of The Hug. Hedgehog and Tortoise are hugging.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
How did they both feel as they were hugging?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Excited… ecstatic… content… overjoyed… thrilled… delighted… elated… pleased…
Tuesday 9th February
Today we are thinking about… RETRIEVAL
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of The Hug. Hedgehog and Tortoise have just met.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Hedgehog and Tortoise have just met. What happens next? Why does this happen?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Monday 8th February
You will need to have watched Mrs Satnam telling the story of The Hug. The video is below…
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story, The Hug. The fox is about to go and knock over the bin.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Can you explain why the fox has found something better to do? Why won’t he give Hedgehog a hug?
The answer is in the video below...
Friday 5th February
Today we are thinking about… EXPLANATION
Miss Lee will tell you what she wants you to do.
What was your favourite part of the story? Why?
There is no right answer to this question, so there will not be an answer video.
Thursday 4th February
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE
Look at the video, there is a picture of the furious owners.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Why were they furious? How do you know?
The answer is under the video.
The neighbours were furious because Sid had been sneaky. They all thought he belonged to them, and was their cat, however he was pretending to be 6 different cats. It's almost like he lied to them (if cats could talk).
You can tell that they are furious because of the picture. Look at their body language. They have their arms crossed or their hands on their hips. They are all staring or glaring at Sid. They are frowning or have scowls on their faces, none of them are smiling.
Wednesday 3rd February
Today we are thinking about… SEQUENCING
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of Six Dinner Sid. Sid is thinking life is perfect in Aristotle Street, but then he got a cough and went to the vets.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What happened after Sid went to the vets? The answer is below the video.
Tuesday 2nd February
Today we are thinking about… RETRIEVAL
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of Six Dinner Sid. Sid is yawning.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Sid is worn out. Can you explain why Sid is worn out? What has he been up to?
Were you correct?
Sid is tired and worn out because he has visited 7 different houses, pretended to be 7 different personalities... he chased a dog, played games with some of his owners, and let them stroke him. He also ate 7 different dinners.
Monday 1st February
You will have needed to have watched Mrs Satnam tell the story of Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore.
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of Six Dinner Sid. Sid is being naughty.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Can you think of any other words that describe Sid’s behaviour? You can talk about it or have a go at writing the words down, using your phonics.
There are some answers in the video below.
Naughty… mischievous… silly… bad… disobedient… playful… rebellious… sneaky
Friday 29th January
Today we are thinking about… EXPLANATION
Think about our animation we have been watching this week – The Bridge.
Miss Lee will tell you what she wants you to do.
Who is your favourite character? Why?
Watch the video below to find out who Miss Lee’s favourite character was.
Thursday 28th January
Today we are thinking about… PREDICTION
Look at the video, there is a picture of the bear and moose hugging each other and screaming because the bridge has flipped and they are going to fall.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What happens to the bear and the moose? Where do they go?
There isn’t a right or wrong answer as you are using your imagination to predict. Great work!
Wednesday 27th January
Today we are thinking about… RETRIEVAL
Look at the video, there is a picture from the animation of The Bridge. The rabbit is shouting at the moose.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Do you remember what happened to the rabbit after this?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
Tuesday 26th January
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY
Look at the video, there is a picture from the animation The Bridge. The racoon is lying on the ground after the bear threw him off the bridge.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
The Racoon has just been thrown off the bridge. How does he feel? Can you come up with lots of different words?
Watch the next video to find out the answers.
He may feel… angry… annoyed… cross… mad… livid… furious… irritated… fuming… outraged
Monday 25th January
You will have needed to watch the animation of The Bridge by Disney Pixar, below, to work through this week’s reading activities.
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE
Look at the video, there is a picture of the bear and moose fighting to cross the bridge.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What could they do instead? Rather than arguing or pushing their way past what could the bear and moose do?
There are some answers in the video below.
Friday 22nd January
Today we are thinking about… PREDICTION
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of the Little Red Hen. The hen is eating her bread in the sunshine.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Have a guess… what might happen next? What will the Hen do with the left-over bread? What will happen to the other animals?
There is no correct answer.
Thursday 21st January
Today we are thinking about… EXPLANATION
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of the Little Red Hen. The pig, rat and cat are sad.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do. If you need help, scroll down and watch Mrs Satnam tell the story again.
Can you explain what happened for them to feel this way? Why are they sad? What did they do?
Wednesday 20th January
Today's were testing your memory and your RETRIEVAL skills...
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of the Little Red Hen. The hen has baked some bread.
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
What did the Hen do to get to this point? What did she have? What did she do with it? What were the other animals doing?
Watch Mrs Satnam read the story again, and you will find the answers.
Tuesday 19th January
Here's Mrs Satnam reading the story of The Little Red Hen again if you need a reminder...
Today we are thinking about… INFERENCE.
Look at the video, there is a picture from the story of the Little Red Hen. The hen is planting the corn…
Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
How do you think she feels when all of the other animals don’t want to help her? Talk to an adult or have a go at writing down your answers, using your phonics.
Monday 18th January
Here's Mrs Satnam reading the story of The Little Red Hen... You will need to have watched this video and listened to the story before you complete today's reading activity...
This will be our 'story of the week', so each day our reading activity will be about a picture from this story. Each day the focus will change... we may focus on:
Today we are thinking about… VOCABULARY.
Look at the video below, there is a picture from the story of the Little Red Hen. The cat is asleep… Miss Lee will tell you what you need to do.
Can you think of any words that describe how the cat is feeling for him to be asleep? You can talk about it or have a go at writing the words down, using your phonics.
There are some answers in the next video.