
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Rounding up our lessons on skeletons here is some information about muscles. There are some videos to watch, something to read and a few questions to answer. Next week we will be moving on to food and food chains.


Our skeletons help us to move around, they support our bodies and protect our organs. However our skeletons need our  muscles  in order to move.


Mrs Penn shows you how to draw a face on YouTube, which you can watch here ,but I thought you might be interested to learn a little bit about why we have muscles, and have a look at a picture showing all the muscles in your face.


Read the information in these pages, grab a pencil and a piece of paper and see if you can answer the questions below. 

How Do Our Bodies Move?

A SciShow Kids viewer wants to know: How Do Our Bodies Move? Jessi explains, while Squeaks works out! ---------- Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and a...

How do our muscles and bones work? | BBC Teach

Using a skeleton, elastic bands and rubber gloves, presenter Zoe demonstrates to a group of children how our muscles and bones allow our body to move. We hea...

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