
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Nursery Story of the Week: Where's Your Smile Crocodile?

Learning Objective: We are learning new words to describe feelings.


Monday 12th July 

Watch the video of Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘Where’s your Smile Crocodile?’.  

Talk about the type of book it is. It is a fiction book which means it is a story, not real life. Talk about the title of the book, does it give you an idea about what the story will be about? Talk about the author and illustrator, the author writes the words in a book, the illustrator draws the pictures.  



Tuesday 13th July

Can your child talk about the setting of the story ‘Where’s your smile Crocodile?’.

For example, can they talk about what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story. 

What happened at the beginning of the story? 

What animals did the crocodile meet along the way?  

How did the story end? 

What made the crocodile smile? 



Wednesday 14th July


Watch the story ‘Where’s your smile Crocodile?’.

Can your child talk about how the crocodile is feeling? How do you know this?  

What makes the crocodile happy? Can you introduce new vocabulary e.g. glad, delighted, cheerful.  

Ask your child to repeat the word back to you and to copy your sentence. “The crocodile was delighted”.  


Thursday 15th July 

Watch our story of the week.  

Can your child draw a picture of their favourite animal from the story? 

Can they hear and say the initial sound of the animal? E.g. ‘Mmmm for Monkey’.  

After the children have drawn their picture, can they then have a go at labelling it? e.g. writing what they have drawn (monkey, crocodile, lion etc).  



Nursery Story of the Week: The Tiger Who Came to Tea

Learning Objective: We are learning how stories are structured 


Monday 1st March 

Watch the video of Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Can you talk about what happened at the beginning of the story? Who was at the door? Why did the tiger visit Sophie?   


Tuesday 2nd March

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’.  

When reading the story, can you talk about what you can see in the pictures. After this, can you talk about what happened in the middle of the story? What food did the tiger eat? Did he eat just one thing? What did the tiger have to drink? Where did he drink the water from? What food do you think was the tiger’s favourite and why?  


Wednesday 3rd March

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. When reading the story, can you remember what happens? Who is at the door? What food will the tiger eat? You can always pause the story to ask your child these questions before pressing play to find out. After the story, can you talk to your child about the end of the story. Can they remember why Sophie couldn’t have a bath? Why couldn’t Mummy cook Daddy’s dinner? What happened at the end? What did Mummy, Daddy and Sophie do? 


Thursday 4th March 

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading the story of the week ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Whilst reading the story, can you talk about the story and where the characters are. E.g. in the kitchen, at the café, outside etc.  

Can you also talk about how the characters might be feeling?   

How were Mummy and Sophie feeling when the tiger ate all the food and why?  


Friday 5th March

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Can you find any teddies/ toys around your home and have a picnic? You could have a go at acting out the story. Do you remember what happened at the beginning/ middle and end? You could even change the story and use your own ideas for how the story could end. Does the teddy bear/ tiger share with his friends or does he eat it all up? We would love to see some photographs/ videos of your tea party.  

Nursery Story of the Week: Oi Frog

Learning Objective: We are learning to hear rhyming words. 

Monday 22nd February

Watch the video of Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘Oi Frog’.  

Talk about what rhyming means. Words that rhyme sound the same or sound similar e.g.  

‘frog’ ‘log’ 

‘cat’ ‘mat’ 

‘fox’ ‘box’ 

‘lion’ ‘iron’ 


Tuesday 23rd February

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘Oi Frog’.  

Can you hear any words that rhyme? Can you count how many rhyming words you can hear in the story? Which rhyming words are your favourite? 



Wednesday 24th February

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week.  

If you have any toy animals from the book at home can you make some of them sit on the objects from the book? See photos below for ideas.  

If you don’t have any animals at home you could draw some pictures and cut them out instead. 

Can you remember which animals sit on which objects? Play a matching game with either your toy animals or your pictures and the objects. What do cats sit on? What do lions sit on? What do parrots sit on? 

Please show us some photos on Tapestry.  


Thursday 25th February

Re-watch our story of the week. Listen to the rhyming words in the book. 

Look at the rhyming word worksheet below. Click on the PDF icon to download it.

Can you match the pictures of words that rhyme? If you have a printer at home you can print off the sheet and complete it. If you don’t have a printer you could draw your own pictures on a plain piece of paper and then draw lines to match the ones that rhyme. 

Friday 26th February

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘Oi Frog’. Listen to the rhyming words in the story. Now play rhyming hopscotch. Older brothers and sisters can help play this game too. Use tape to create a hopscotch game inside, or chalk for an outside game. If you don’t have any tape or chalk you could just place the pictures on the floor and get your child to jump on them one by one. You will need some pictures either printed from a computer or cut out from a magazine or drawn by you! You can choose any pictures you want. Place the pictures inside each hopscotch square. See photo below.

The adult will say a word, then get the child to hop to the matching rhyming word. E.g. you have a picture of a snake in one of the hopscotch squares and you say “cake”. Your child has to hop onto the picture that rhymes with “cake” -the picture of the snake. Repeat with other pictures and rhyming words.  

Nursery Story of the Week: Jack and the Beanstalk

Learning Objective: We are learning to anticipate key events in stories. 

Monday 8th February

Watch the video of Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

Think about what happened in the story. At the beginning what did Jack have to take to the market to sell? What did Jack bring home to his mum? What was at the top of the beanstalk?  



Tuesday 9th February

Re-watch Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week. Talk about how the characters felt at different points in the story. 

How did Jack’s mum feel when Jack came home with magic beans? How did Jack feel when he saw the giant for the first time? How did the giant feel when Jack took the hen? How did Jack and his mum feel at the end of the story? 

Can you show the characters emotions on your face? Look in the mirror to see how your face changes when you look happy, scared or angry. 



Wednesday 10th February

Re-watch the video of Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Can you make your own beanstalk? You could collect sticks and leaves from outside or scrunch up some old newspaper into a tall bean stalk or stick some old toilet roll tubes together. Please show us some photos on Tapestry.  



Thursday 11th February

Re-watch our story of the week. Think about what you would like to find at the top of the beanstalk.

Draw a picture of what you would like to find and talk about what you have drawn. You could draw a swimming pool, a car race track, a big chocolate cake. Think about your favourite things.  



Friday 12th February

Re-watch Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Can you act out the story? You could dress up as the giant with big shoes and stamp your feet. Can you remember what the giant says? You could be like Jack climbing up the beanstalk and pretend your stairs are the beanstalk. When Jack hears the giant he is scared and hides. Can you find somewhere to hide in your home?  



Children's Amazing Work

Nursery Story of the Week: The Gingerbread Man

Learning Objective: We are learning to join in with repeated words and sentences in stories.

Monday 1st February 


Watch the video of Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week ‘The Gingerbread Man’.  

Can you join in with the gingerbread man’s song as he runs? “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!”.  



Tuesday 2nd February 


Re-watch Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Talk about what happened at the beginning of the story and how the gingerbread man was made. Talk about what happened in the middle and the end of the story. Who was chasing the gingerbread man in the middle? Who ate the gingerbread man at the end?  


Wednesday 3rd February 


Re-watch the video of Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Can you remember some of the characters who were chasing the gingerbread man? Draw a picture of your favourite character and talk about the marks you have made. Please show us on Tapestry. 


Thursday 4th February 


Re-watch Mrs Yousaf reading our story of the week. Can you talk about how the gingerbread man may have felt when being chased? Why do you think he felt like that? Look at the pictures for clues. After you have thought of some words for how the gingerbread man felt, maybe you could have a look on google for some new words that are similar. E.g. upset, angry, frustrated, sad, worried, scared etc. 


Friday 5th February 


Re-watch our story of the week. Look at the part where the gingerbread man gets to the edge of the river. In the story he climbs onto the fox’s back to get across. Can you think of a different way he could cross the river? Talk about why he can’t swim. Maybe you could make a boat for the gingerbread man to use to cross the river. You could use an old yoghurt pot and a pencil for the mast and some paper for the sail. See below for some examples.  We would love to see a photograph of your boat on Tapestry.  



Ideas for making a boat

Nursery Story of the Week: We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Learning Objective: We are learning to talk about the places and settings of stories. 

Monday 25th January

Watch the video of Mrs Riasat reading our story of the week ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’.  

Can you join in with Mrs Riasat when making the sounds of the swishy grass, the river, the mud and the snowstorm? Can you encourage your child to have a think what they are going to find? Can they talk about what they can see in the pictures? 



Tuesday 26th January

Re-watch Mrs Riasat reading our story of the week. It would be great if you could have a talk about the different characters and what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Can you remember what noise the grass, river, mud and snowstorm made? 



Wednesday 27th January 

Re-watch the video of Mrs Riasat reading our story of the week ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Can you draw a picture of your favourite character and talk about the marks you have made? Please show us on Tapestry. 



Thursday 28th January 

Can you make your version of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and make your very own bear cave? Can you draw a map of where your bear cave is? Follow your map and remember to watch out for the grass, mud, river, forest and snowstorm.  

We would love to see a photograph of your bear cave and map on Tapestry.



Friday 29th January  

Re-watch Mrs Riasat reading our story of the week. Can you act out the story? You could dress up as the bear or a member of the family and walk through the different environments. You could pretend your garden is the forest or under a table is the bear’s cave. At the end of the story you could run upstairs and hide from the bear in your bed!



Knock Knock Who's There?

Still image for this video

Learning Objective: We are learning to describe characters from stories.


Monday 18th January

Watch the video of Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘Knock, Knock, Who’s There?’.  Can you join in with Mrs Noakes when knocking on the door? Can you encourage your child to have a think about who could be behind the door each time? Can they spot the clues in the book? 



Tuesday 19th January

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week. It would be great if you could have a talk about the different characters and what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Can you remember the different characters knocking on the door? Who was it really? 



Wednesday 20th January

Re-watch the video of Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week ‘Knock, Knock, Who’s There?’. Draw a picture of your favourite character and talk about the marks you have made. Please show us on Tapestry. 



Thursday 21st January

Can you make your own version of ‘Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Fold a piece of paper in half to make the door. Draw the door on the front and a picture of someone who you would like to come and visit your home on the inside. This could be a superhero, favourite TV character etc.  



Friday 22nd January

Re-watch Mrs Noakes reading our story of the week. Can you act out the story? You could make masks for the different characters in the story using paper, scissors and string. You may even want to make your own character. Take it in turns to knock on the door, who could it be? 

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