
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Hello everyone!


We are going to do a pea investigation.


This is all about seeds and bulbs.  There are a list of things you need to do.


  • First of all look at the PowerPoint.  You might need someone to help you read and understand it.
  • Next watch the video about how to plant the pea seeds at home.
  • After that, have a go at planting you own peas.
  • Then, watch the video which explains how to fill out the pea diary to make observations about how the pea changes.
  • Finally, have a go at writing the first page in your pea diary.

PowerPoint about seeds and plants

Pea Plant Investigation.

This is a simple activity that children can do at home. You can either find things to use from your home or garden or these can be purchased easily when you buy you essential items from the supermarket.

How to use your Pea Plant Diary

This video shows how to record information in your Pea Plant Diary. The first part will be looking at writing the plan for carrying out the investigation.

Pea diary for recording changes you observe of the pea plant.

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