
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Math: Time

Happy Friday Year 2. You've worked really hard this week looking at time. Today we are going to consolidate what you have learned so far. 


Your first task is look at 'Telling the time matching game'. You have to look at the clock and choose the correct time to match the clock. Don't worry of you can't print it out, you can draw the clock out instead and write the time next to it. 


Your next task is play 'Tell the time' board game. There are 4 different board games. Choose one that you are secure with, then choose one that is a little harder so that you can challenge yourself. 


The third and final task is a time dance/song. You've got 2 dances to learn this week. Wow what a fun day you'll have :)


 Lastly, next week we will be looking at 'duration', for your homework I want you to find out what duration means so that you're ready for your learning. 


Have a fun weekend. Don't forget to keep active and stay safe Year 2. 

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites