Calendar Dates
- Year 2 to Alex theatre 7th February 2025
- Half term 17th February 2025
- Half term 18th February 2025
Thank you,
Year Two Staff.
This term we have done a lot of work on the topic of pirates. The children have really enjoyed this.
Upcoming Events:
15th February - We have a theatre company coming to school to perform a story called Robin Hood and the Withering Forest. You will receive a letter about this.
16th February - Year Two will be performing a pirate assembly to showcase all the work we have done this half term.
20th March - The children will have the opportunity to take part in a workshop about the Great Fire of London called Where There's Smoke.
Curriculum Showcase:
2F have been using objects to make bar models to help them find number facts for 10 and 20.
During this half term we have been finding out about light and electricity. To support this topic we will be visiting the Thinktank at Millennium Point in Birmingham. The children are very excited about this!
Also, this week we had a visitor in a school. He was called Paul and taught the children all about road safety. The children learnt about the Green Cross Code, Being Safe and Seen, car seat safety, bike safety and about wearing helmets and much much more.
The Lickey Hills
We visited the Lickey Hills on Tuesday 27th September to find out about an animal habitat.
In science we have been looking at habitats to see which animals and plants live there.
We made animal habitats and collected things we found on the floor of the woods.
All the staff in Year Two would like to welcome back all of our parents and children. We are looking forward to sharing all the fun things we do throughout the year with you so
keep an eye on our school website!
We have the following members of staff working in Year Two this year:
Class | 2K | 2F | 2G |
Teacher | Mrs Kelk (Year Manager) | Miss Freeman | Miss Gill |
Teaching assistant | Miss De-Costa | Miss Khatun | Miss Roberts-Lawler |
Coming Soon!
We will be going to the Lickey Hills very soon so look out for the forthcoming letters.