
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Wednesday March 3rd

So many feelings this year - worried sometimes, happy at others....we are all coming back to scholl next Monday and that can feel a bit daunting. So here's a video all about getting over those nervy feelings and feeling brave.

Wednesday 24th February

Hi all! We are still thinking about our feelings this term. It's been a pretty worrying year for everyone, though maybe things are starting to be a bit brighter. Please watch the video below as it can help you think about and learn to deal with some of the worrying feelings we can have.

Wednesday 10th February

Hi all! We are moving on to a slightly different aspect of personal and social education andwe will be looking at our feelings for the next few weeks. This year has been really difficult, especially with losing the routine and sociability of coming to school. It's natural to sometimes feel OK and at other times to feel down, so we are going to think about coping with this range of feelings.


OK - so there are two parts to your task today. Firstly watch the video below - it's all about HAPPY feelings. Then draw us a picture of the things that make you happy and send it to us at

Wednesday 3rd February

All of this term we have been thinking about what makes us the same and what makes us different, and that it's really ok to think differently, look different or believe different things from our friends. We still have so much in common. Please watch the video below for a fun story about our similarities and differences.

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Hello everyone! We are carrying on with our thinking about Similarities and differences this week. One of the similarities and differences that we have at Anglesey is the fact that we have the English language in common but have many other languages that we speak at home too! And we are not the only school like this....

Could you start of by watching the video below, where children at a London school talk about their languages and translate a story too.

Now guys - think about the languages you speak. Do you speak English at school and another language at home? Or do you speak a mix of both of your languages in both places? Both is great - there's no wrong and right answer!

Can you e mail us at

and let us know - you are better at languages than your teachers by the way!

Wednesday 20th January

Have a look at the video below, it explains our task today which focuses on what is the same and what is different between us.
