An important message for all Year 4 children.
Mr. Keeling will be leaving our school and will be saying goodbye to all the children on Friday.
Clink on this link to follow the live stream at 12 pm this Friday, 16th July.
Don't miss it!!
Good morning Year 4.
There will be a Google classroom at 2.30pm today for children in 4C.
Use this code to gain access. Hope you can join us.
Hello Year 4
Please make sure you register every day, ideally first thing in the morning.
You should also follow your daily timetable and you are EXPECTED to send photos/emailed documents of your work each day to your year group email:
This allows us to give you feedback on the work submitted and helps us to support you appropriately with your remote learning.
Sign in to show you have been doing home learning today. Email example: In the message box put your name and class. You will need to do this every day.
July 9th - 16th timetable
CBBC | |||||||||
Monday | 9.20 - 9.40 | Reading ORB | Maths | Writing | PE | ||||
Tuesday | 9.20 - 9.40 | Spelling Shed | Topic | Maths | Writing | ||||
Wednesday | 9.20 - 9.40 | Reading ORB | Art | Maths | Writing | PE | |||
Thursday | 9.20 - 9.40 | Spelling Shed | Topic | Maths | Writing | ||||
Friday | 9.20 - 9.40 | Reading ORB | Maths | Writing | PE |
Click on the subject buttons below to find today's work.
Thank you.
You can email your teachers at:
You can send completed work, questions, etc.
Please remember to put your name and class. Thank you.
Just a note that we will be recording Google classroom sessions as this will help us to monitor the learning and ensure a safe environment for everyone.
There are programmes on CBBC TV each morning
which may really help with learning at home.
At 9.20am there is a short programme for Year 4 children.
Welcome to our Year 4 Class page.
Here you will find useful information about our termly curriculum, how you (parents) can support your child at home and useful websites.
We look forward to sharing key learning opportunities with you, as the year progresses.
This term, our focus in Maths is on Number and Place Value. Please encourage children to learn their times tables facts up to 12 x 12 .
In English, we want our children to develop a broad vocabulary and plan our lesson to reflect this. Reading a wide range of text types will help your child's growing vocabulary and writing.
To help children perform at their best, we encourage them to:
. get plenty of sleep
. have a good breakfast and a drink, in cold weather have something warm
. wear suitable clothes and shoes
. remember to drink plenty of water
. read at home every day
. become inquisitive and independent learners
. develop resilience
. remember your PE kit:
4C Monday and Wednesday
4M Tuesday and Thursday
4G Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday
Indoor PE Kit – White t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. You may also want to add a pair of leggings (girls). Outdoor PE Kit- Your child will need a t-shirt, track suit and trainers.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher or a member of our team.
4C Mrs. Cumberbatch
4G Mrs. Gayle
4M Mr. Moore
Mrs Shah
Miss Judge
Thank you in advance for your support!