Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Welcome back to a new term at Anglesey Primary School.
5D – Ms Duncan
5P – Mrs Bennett
5M – Mr Moore
Teaching assistants:
Mrs Clarke, Mrs Kaur and Mrs Hussain
One of the highlights of this term so far was the visit to Atherstone on a field study trip. The children and staff really enjoyed this trip and it was a great learning experience. The trip took place over two days, 6/02/17 and 7/02/17. There was also an opportunity for 30 children to stay overnight on a residential trip to The Brighouse. All the children had a fantastic time creating unique and muddy memories!!
Shakespeare Experience
On Wednesday 15th February, Year 5 & 6 will be visiting Shakespeare's birthplace. The children in 6O will be working a tour guides for the day and they will be guiding the other children in Year 6 and children from Year 5 around Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratford-Upon-Avon. The children in 6O will also be acting as tour guides for the general public, which will include tourists from around the world! Stratford-Upon-Avon is a popular tourist attraction for visitors from America and China. We are really looking forward to this experience.
The following are days in which year 5 will be having P.E. this Spring Term.
5D - Monday and Tuesday
5P -Wednesday and Friday
5M - Monday & Wednesday
A black tracksuit is advisable in the PE kit for times when children are outdoors during the colder months. Standard indoor P.E. requires a plain white polo shirt and black shorts or leggings.
Attending school regularly means that your children will learn and progress. Each week we have a prize draw for the children with 100% attendance. The winner for each week earns a place on the bus for the end of year trip!
It is really important for the children to be able to recall the multiplication and division facts for the multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. The children should try to spend a little time each day learning these multiplication facts. We would like the children to have a rapid recall of these facts and the work that the children do at home will help with this.
A really good website to help your child is
The children have the opportunity to visit the library every week, where they can loan one book.
The children are encouraged to take this book home to read. Please try and encourage your child to read their book each evening.
School Fund
School fund is collected every Thursday, a suggested amount is 50p, although any donation will be gladly received. If you wish to pay your school fund donation termly then this is also welcomed.
School fund is vital in order for us to provide additional activities such as: educational visits; celebrations; visitors to the school and play equipment.
Thank you for your continued help and support.
The Year Five staff would like to welcome all the children and parents back to Anglesey Primary School for what we are hoping is going to be a very exciting year. You will be able to follow what is happening on this page of the school website.
This year, we have the following members of staff working in Year 5:
Class | 5D | 5P | 5M |
Teacher | Mrs Duncan | Mrs Patel | Mr Moore |
Teaching assistant | Mrs Hussain | Mrs Kaur | Mrs Clarke |
Additionally, Mrs Rose will be the Year Manager.
For the Autumn Term P.E will be taught twice a week for each class. The days for each class are as follows:
5D: Monday and Wednesday
5P: Wednesday and Friday
5M: Monday and Tuesday
Children are expected to have a white t.shirt, a pair of black shorts, a pair of tracksuit bottoms, trainers and pumps. We are very lucky to have new outside gym equipment meaning more P.E lessons will be taught outside and therefore trainers and tracksuit bottoms are important for the children especially as we approach the winter months!
Children can purchase tuck at break time which is priced at 30p per item or 55p for two items.
Coming Soon!
This term we will be going to the Black Country Museum and have a series of workshops arranged with the Welsh National Opera.
To ensure such activities and school trips can continue we would ask children to bring in 50p SCHOOL FUND EVERY THURSDAY. Your continued support is appreciated and allows us to fund exciting opportunities to enhance the children's learning.