
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Year 3

Year 3 Summer Term


3D - Mrs Davies (year manager & class teacher), Mrs Sullivan (teaching assistant)

3K - Mr Keeling (class teacher), Mrs Akhtar (teaching assistant)

3L - Mr Henvey (class teacher), Mr Davies (teaching assistant) 




Year 3 trip to Weston



The children in year 3 have been looking at the different features of newspapers in order to write one for their Project X reading books.

Year 3 Natwest trip



As part of year 3's photography unit in ICT, the children created some excellent digital art and invited their parents to view it at a gallery opening.

Year 3 dance show

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As part of their physical education, the students in year 3 have been learning various dance routines.

Dance 2

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Dance 3

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Dance 4

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We apologize to the children in 3K who have been unable to go swimming this week due to work being carried out at the Swimming baths.


Children in 3K will be going swimming next week on Wednesday 18th January. 


Apologies, this was unforeseen when the letter was sent out before Christmas.



The following are days in which year 3 will be having P.E. this Spring Term.


3D - Wednesday and Thursday 

3K -Wednesday(swimming) and Thursday

3L - Tuesday & Friday


A black tracksuit is advisable in the PE kit for times when children are outdoors during the colder months. Standard indoor P.E. requires a plain white polo shirt and black shorts or leggings.


Children will need a swimming costume or trunks and a hat is advised for children with long hair. Pupils may also bring their own swimming goggles or can purchase these from the swimming baths (these are not a requirement). Swimming is compulsory in year 3 if for any reason your child will not be taking part then please speak to the headteacher.


If your child has eczema they may wish to bring some cream to apply after showering.



Homework will usually be given to students on a Friday each week. Children are expected to return the work in a timely manner within the time frame set by their teacher. Homework often includes spellings and times tables to learn in preparation for tests the following week. 

School Fund


School fund is collected every Thursday, a suggested amount is 50p, although any donation will be gladly received. If you wish to pay your school fund donation termly then this is also welcomed.


School fund is vital in order for us to provide additional activities such as: educational visits; celebrations; visitors to the school and play equipment. 

Liverpool Beatle's Story

Liverpool Beatle's Story trip

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We all enjoyed dressing up as the Fab 4 and even pretended to be them dancing along to some music!!!

Year 3 Stop Motion Animations. The First Moon Landings.

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Year 3 have been learning all about the First Moon Landings in our history topic. As part of this we have all created small animations to reflect this historic event.

Aiden Yusuf Safah

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Beenish and Isa Ali

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Ayaan and Zakariya

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Samiyah riyad and riyan finished.mp4

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Sami and Khalid finished.mp4

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sajad and yasin finished.mp4

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Monowara ridwan and afrin finished.mp4

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Researching the moon landing: Using IPads; Text books and interacting with displays.

Year 3's trip to Atherstone


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The children worked together in teams and used information around the class in order to sort information.

Number and place value


The year 3 pupils have been finding different representations of the number 17.

Do you want to be a wizard?

As part of their poetry topic in literacy, the year 3 children have been performing and learning different poems.
