Welcome to Anglesey Speech & Language Resource Base
Our team
Class SL1 Class SL2
Mrs V Padwagga Mrs G Johnson
Miss E Driscoll Mrs V Hutton
Speech & Language Therapist Ms J Blease
Inclusion Manager Mrs V Woolgar
Assistant Inclusion Manager Mrs J Profeta
Everyone at Anglesey Resource Base would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas! In the last couple of weeks we have been very busy making Christmas Pomanders, Christmas cards, snowflakes and learning about the Christmas story. On Wednesday we had our Christmas party. We had lots of fun! Father Christmas and his Helper came to see us, he brought us lovely presents.
As part of our topic 'The Dark Dark Wood', SL1 went to Licky Hills with Year 2 classes. The children had a great fun.
Here are some pictures...