Calendar Dates
- Year 2 to Alex theatre 7th February 2025
- Half term 17th February 2025
- Half term 18th February 2025
Well done Sami in 6P who has sent in the work he has completed during the last few weeks! It's great to see that some of you have been completing the activities we have provided. Sami has also sent in some amazing Art work that he has created. Go and check it out on the Art section!
And just a gentle reminder to check the Class page on the website every day. It's really important that you have a go at all the activities set out for you daily Year 6. As always, stay home, stay safe
Friday: 01.05.20
1. Times Tables Rockstar:
Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.
2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:
3. White Rose Lesson 5 Week 2
How did you all get on with yesterday’s lesson? You should be more confident tackling problem solving activities now. Every Friday, there will be a maths challenge for you to complete. Click the link below to access the challenge:
4. Interactive angles game:
As you’ve been learning all about angles this week, try out this interactive game and apply all you’ve learned when playing. Click on the link below and scroll down until you see this game.
Have a restful weekend Year 6 and see you again on Monday for a new week of learning.
Remember, stay home, stay safe.
Thursday 29th April 2020
1. Times Tables Rockstar:
Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.
2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:
3. White Rose Lesson 4 (Week 2):
How did you all get on with yesterday’s problem solving lesson?Today you will continue looking at problem solving. Remember, if you are having any trouble with these activities, please email us.
4. Problem Solving Activity:
How have you all been getting on with these problem solving activities? I've had very little response from you Year 6 which is a little disappointing. Well done to those children who have sent their work in.
Don't forget today's brain teaser located at the top of the main Maths page!
See you all tomorrow, bright and early!
Wednesday 29th April 2020
1. Times Tables Rockstar:
Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.
2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:
3. White Rose Lesson 3 (Week 2):
How did you all get on with yesterday’s lesson? You should have a good understanding of angles by now if you've completed all the lessons. Today you will be doing some problem solving activities. Remember, if you are having any trouble with these activities, please email us.
4. Problem Solving Activity:
Have a go at solving the problem below. It does require some thought and it may take several attempts, but that's why it's called problem solving! Use what you have learned today during the White Rose lesson to support you.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
1. Times Tables Rockstar:
Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.
2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below
3. White Rose Lesson 2 (Week 2):
How did you all get on with yesterday’s lesson? Today you will be looking at angles in regular polygons. You will need to watch the video and answer the questions that are set out for you on a piece of paper. Remember, if you are having any trouble with these activities, please email us.
4. Problem Solving Activity:
Have a go at solving the problem below. It does require some thought and it may take several attempts, but that's why it's called problem solving!
Monday 27th April 2020
1. Times Tables Rockstar:
Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.
2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:
3. White Rose Lesson 1 (Week 2):
How did you all get on with Friday's challenge? Today's lesson will continue to explore angles but this time, in special quadrilaterals. You will need to watch the video and answer the questions that are set out for you on a piece of paper. Remember, if you are having any trouble with these activities, please email us.
Click the link below to access todays lesson :
4. Problem Solving Activity:
Have a go at the solving the problem below. It does require some thought and it may take several attempts, but that's why it's called problem solving! You can just use a piece of paper to make the cards.
And lastly, a massive well done to Gaba in 6H who has sent in all his answers for the brain teasers as well as some of the maths work he has completed. I'm still waiting for the rest of you! Keep up the good work Gaba. And don't forget, there is a new brain teaser to have a go at every day in the "Brain Teaser" file at the top of the main Maths page.