
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Hello Everyone!

There's a list of things to do today so if you need help ask someone to help you at home.  Keep up the great work!

1. Print out the animal feature cards and cut them out.

These cards are colour coded to help you match them correctly. Use these if you need some help in sorting the features.

If you are confident and you think you can remember all the features of each animal group, try these cards. They are the same cards but they are not colour coded. You will need to remember which features each group has.

2. Print out these Animal Group sorting mats.
3. Now sort the animal features in to the correct animal group. DON'T stick them down.  This is a game you can use lots of times so it's best to keep it somewhere safe to play when you like.
4. When you have sorted them, check you were correct by looking at this answer page.  If there were some you put in the wrong group, try to remember where they go.
5. When you have corrected any mistakes you made, play the game again and see if you can get more cards in the correct place.  See if you can remember the features of each animal group without looking.  Keep playing until you remember them all.  See how quickly you can sort them.  Can you get quicker?

6. Once you think you know them all, ask someone at home to test you.  For example, if they said tell me the features of mammals, you might say,


"There are 7 features of mammals,

1. They feed their young milk.

2. They have 3 ear bones.

3. They are vertebrates.

4. They have fur on their body. 

5. They have warm blood. 

6. They breathe through air. 

7. They have a hinged jaw."

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites