
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


How do you design a good character?


Part of ComputingDigital literacy


What do a marble, a hedgehog, a spaceship, a plumber and seven different shaped blocks have in common? They have all been the main characters in a computer game.

Computer games need to have stories with interesting characters in them or people won’t want to play them. Every story has a character to cheer for. They don’t need to be living things either. Anything that has a personality can be a character.


Review this BBC page, follow the rules and create your own character. 


Send them in for us to see!



Hello year 6


Today, you'll be looking to make a game on Scratch. You can load Scratch online by clicking this link. 


When you have finished, send in some screenshots of your project!


Scratch online


By following the tutorial, you will be completing the following objectives. 


Tutorial: How to make a catch game


Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output

Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs


Good luck!

Thursday 4/03/21


Click here


This lesson will work to inspire more creativity with coding. The purpose of this lesson is to solidify knowledge on sequencing by introducing new blocks and goals. In this case, you will learn more about pixels and angles using the new blocks, while still practicing your sequencing skills.


Remember, the code is GRQBFF

Thursday 25th February 2021


In this lesson, you will take control of the Artist to complete drawings on the screen. This Artist stage will allow students to create images of increasing complexity using new blocks like move forward by 100 pixels and turn right by 90 degrees


Click here


Thursday 11th February 2021


In this lesson, you will be practicing your programming skills using a new character, Laurel the Adventurer. When someone starts programming they piece together instructions in a specific order using something that a machine can read. Through the use of programming, students will develop an understanding of how a computer navigates instructions and order. Using a new character with a different puzzle objective will help you widen your scope of experience with sequencing and algorithms in programming.

Thursday 4th February 2020


Well done to those who completed Angry Birds


This week it is debugging


Debugging is when you find an issue in the program that you have written and repair it. We would normally do this by using something called a debugging cycle.

Thursday 28th January


Well done to those who completed 'Dance Party' last week. 


This week it is is Angry Birds.


Using characters from the game Angry Birds, you will develop sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side. To do this you will stack code blocks together in a linear sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right.


Click on the link and sign in. Fill in the comment box if you have an issue.


Haven't got an account? Look at last weeks work (below) on how to sign up. 


Mr Singh

Signing in issues?

Work for week beginning 18th January 2021


Can you go to then follow the instructions below. 


Click sign in (top right)


Click sign in (top right)



Then enter the class code:  GRQBFF


Sign up. 


Use your real name. Any accounts with 'alias' ' will be deleted. 




Once signed in. You will have joined 6S. Complete the Dance Party course.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites