
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

Home Page


Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Useful websites

CBBC Newsround

When ever you can, watch BBC Newsround.  It is the home of news and fun facts for kids. Find out what is going on, with stories, pictures and videos. Try a quiz or one of our free games.



Our school has link on YouTube where the teachers and childen have been uploading lots of lessons and fun videos. 

Just search Anglesey Primary School on You Tube. 


White Rose Maths website will continue to upload activities during the holidays.

Click on this link;



Maths: Hit the button: Interactive maths games





BBC Bitesize: Daily lessons are here!


School shut? We’re bringing you three new lessons every weekday, with videos, activities and more.


Purple Mash


All of the children have an individual login to access the Purple Mash website at home. Login and try it!


Use your own username and password - same as Reading Buddies


Reading Buddies


Keep up with Reading Buddies. The children, who login regularly, are doing really well with their reading. 






Another fun reading website for you to enjoy during the school closure.


This site follows the phonics scheme we use in school so is a really good one to use alongside Oxford Reading Buddy.


Click on the link below.





Another great website offering free phonics games and support for parents during the school closure.


Click on the link below.


Username: login

Password: homelearning


Take a look! 


PE: Exercise and Physical Health


Make sure you do some kind of exercise everyday. Continue to follow Joe Wicks;


Cosmic Yoga for kids.





There are plenty of literacy games within this link that you can play.  They will keep you going through the holiday.


Top Mark - Literacy games


Top Mark - Writing



If you want to a bit of science, here's a few science links for you.


        Cricketweb – ks2 science



Poetry competition


Mr Keeling and Mr Jordan have introduced a school poetry competition!


Please view the Youtube video below and send any of your videos to or You can also send any pictures to either email address.


The best videos will be uploaded to the school website!



The Book of Hopes

edited by Katherine Rundell


The Book of Hopes is a selection of stories supporting the NHS.


You can read different stories within the book each day.


Just click the link below.


The Oak National Academy


There are daily online lessons for English, Maths and Foundation subjects.

Please use these because they are a great resource for children.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites