Calendar Dates
- Year 2 to Alex theatre 7th February 2025
- Half term 17th February 2025
- Half term 18th February 2025
30th June 2020
Our story today is called "The Old Toy Room". What do you think this story will be about?
While you are reading the story today, we would like you to collect words that you think are fab words! Do you remember in the story last week where the little boy wrote down all the words that he liked, even if he didn't know what they meant?
That's what we would like you to do today!
Have Fun
24th June 2020
So today we have a story called the "Rainbow Fish".
After you have listened to the lady read the story to you, I would like you to think about if you liked that story or not. Then I would like you to think why did you like it/not like it, then can you write that reason down and send it to us.
Have Fun!
23rd June 2020
Today we will be continuing with our story "Stop telling fibs!"
First you can read the story to remind yourself what happens, then you can answer the questions!
Have Fun!
Today we will carry on with "Stop Telling Fibs"
After you have read the book you can sort out the rhyming words!
Have Fun!
18th June 2020
Today we have a story that has been written especially for the strange times that we are in now!
It is called "In it together" so I thought it right that we read it today.
Have Fun!
17th June 2020
Our story today is:
Stop Telling Fibs!
Do you know what the word "Fibs" means? I'll tell you, it is a synonym for "lies". With that in mind, what do you think this story is about?
Once you have read the story, you can do the "What happened next" page.
Have Fun!
15th June 2020
Today we have a story that has been written especially for the strange times that we are in now!
It is called "In it together" so I thought it right that we read it today.
Have Fun!
12th June 2020
Today, we would like you to go onto Oxford Reading Buddy to read the story of the day, don't forget to do the quiz! Lets see which class will have the most readers this week!
Have Fun!
11th June 2020
We loved your fantasy pet drawings yesterday!
Today we are going to be answering come comprehension questions.
10th June 2020
We hope that you liked the story yesterday!
Today after you have read the story again, we would love to see you design your own fantasy pet! who would you take to school?
Have Fun!
9th June 2020
We have a new story today!
It is called "Formidable Sid"! I wonder what the word, formidable, means? Maybe you could use the thesaurus online to find out!
We would like you to look at the front cover and once you know the meaning of formidable you can write your own prediction about what you think this story will be about!
Have Fun!
8th June 2020
Today is the last day on this story so we have some comprehension questions for you!
Read the story first and re-read it to help you answer the questions if you need to :D
Have Fun!
5th June 2020
Well done for your predictions yesterday!
Today we are going to read the same book, but then we have a sequencing activity for you!
See if you can stick/draw the pictures in the correct order, then can you write a short sentence about what is happening in each picture!
Have fun!
4th June 2020
We have a new story for you today!
This story is called:
A Magical Muddle!
We would like you to have a look at the front cover and then write down your prediction about the story.
What do you think this story will be about?
Why do you think that?
Have Fun!
If there are any words in the story that you do not understand, you can find a thesaurus on the internet and type the word in, it will then give you different words that mean the same thing, this might help you!
If you still don't understand, email us and I am sure we can help you!
Have Fun!
3rd June 2020
Today we are reading Fee Fi Fo Fum for the last time! Lets have a go at answering some questions about it too!
Have fun!
2nd June 2020
I hope you enjoyed the story yesterday, we are going to read it again today and then do a different activity!
We would like you to order the lifecycle of a bean stalk!
Have a go and have fun!
1st June 2020
Hi everyone!
We have another story for you today.
It is called Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!
What do you predict it will be about?
Have fun reading it!
2nd May 2020
Hey everyone!
I hope you like this new story!
Today we are going to read it again, but we have some talk cards that you can use with your parents to talk about what is happening on different pages of the book.
Have Fun!
21st May 2020
Today we have a new story!
It is called Charlie the Firefighter!
Have a go at writing a prediction/ or tell your parents what you think this story is about before you read it!
We also have some sequencing that you can do afterwards!
20th May 2020
Today is the last day for this lovely story.
We would love you to read the story again, so that it is fresh in your head and then answer some comprehension questions about it!
Have Fun!
19th May 2020
Today we are going to read the Runaway Iceberg again and then we would love it if you could label the penguin picture!
Have a go!
Don't forget to read the story first as well!
Parents: I have also attached a powerpoint that has good guided reading questions for you to be asking about on each page. Each question can just be discussed with your child.
18th May 2020
Today our story is:
The Runaway Iceberg!
We also have a sequencing activity for you to complete as well, after you have read the story!
Have Fun!
15th May 2020
This is your third day n this story now, so I have some questions for you to answer.
Read the story first if you want to, and then answer the questions.
Have Fun!
14th May 2020
Today we are going to carry on with Rameenas Ramadan story, but today we would like you to sequencing the pictures for the story.
You can read the story again, and then cut out the pictures and put them/stick them into the right order and tell the story yourself to your family!
13th May 2020
Today we have a new story about Ramadan! How exciting!
I have also attached something for you to make your own Ramadan calendar!
Have fun!
12th May 2020
Hi everyone! Your story today is one that we have read in class before called The Lion Inside. It is one of Mrs Whittall's favourites. Can you spot some of the animals we've been talking about?
11th May 2020
Today we are going to carry on working on the Ronald the Rhino story, but today we want you to be looking for rhyming words, so here is the story again, and a powerpoint to help you look at the rhyming words!
If you don't want to do the powerpoint, just see if you can write as many rhyming words as you can!
7th may 2020
Today we have a story called Ronald the Rhino!
Have a read and then there is some pictures with thought bubbles. We would like you to have a go at writing down what you think Ronald was thinking at different points in the story!
6th May 2020
We have some reading comprehension for you today, based on the story you read yesterday! Don't worry if you didn't get chance to do it yesterday, you can still go back and read it now!
5th May 2020
Hiya Everyone!
Our story today is called "The Zoo Vet"
There is a sequencing activity to complete after reading the story if you want to!
4th May 2020
Good morning everyone!
Today your story is:
The Gruffalos Child!
The author of this story is: Julia Donaldson
The illustrator is: Axel Scheffler
Enjoy the story!
Author: Julia Donaldson Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
1st May 2020
Today we would love it if you could read to us!
If you can, why don't you video yourself reading your favourite book in your house and send it to us!
Our email is:
28th April 2020
Hi Everyone!
Mr Jordan has read you a story today again!
How amazing is that!!
It is called: The Way Back Home
The Author and the Illustrator is: Oliver Jeffers!
24th April 2020
Mr Jordan has read you a story today! How exciting!
Its called: This is not my hat!
By Jon Klassen
23rd April 2020
Todays story is linked to our geography topic
Story of the week
22nd April
Today the story is: Flat Stanley
The author is Jeff Brown
The Illustrator is: Rob Biddolph
Monday 20th April 2020
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett watch video on You tube and try to read it with an adult.