
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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We have a vibrant and nurturing school community, where children are given the skills to become, inquisitive, resilient, independent learners. Providing a creative, challenging and inspiring curriculum for all. Equiping our children with the skills to be happy, flourish and be successful...Today, tomorrow and in the future





Everyday Maths:

Everyone should practise everyday maths that we come across in our everyday life e.g. telling the time, counting money and recognising and reading big numbers.

Continue to practise times tables, doubles and halves, number bonds, division facts and square numbers using Hit the Button.



Addition Using House Number Method


I want you to practise the house number method. We have done some work in school before the Lockdown and Mr Jorden explains the method in the video below. Don't just stick with the numbers in the video but make your own random numbers to work with. It's a really important method, not because it is the fastest, but it's about developing your mental methods for adding and subtracting numbers. You need to know your number bonds and how they help you.

Maths - House number method (mental addition) - KS2

Addition, a way to add using mental strategies.


Friday 10th July 2020


Watch this BBC video about capacity.


Now try this White Rose Maths challenge with your family.



Thursday 9th July 2020


Today's White Rose Maths lesson is about  capacity.

Capacity is how much something that can hold. 


Watch this video lesson 4


Now try to write how much liquid in each of these jugs.


Wednesday 8th July 2020


Continue with White Rose Home Learning Maths.

Today's lesson is about adding and subtracting mass (weight)


Now try this activity.



Tuesday 7th July 2020


Continue with White Rose measuring lesson


Then try this work on comparing mass (weight).


Monday 6th July 2020


This week we learning about measuring weight. 

Watch White Rose Lesson (Week 11 - week beginning 6th July) then look at the PowerPoint.

Friday 3rd July 2020


Keep practising to tell the time at home. 

Try this White Rose family challenge.

Good Luck!


Thursday 2nd July 2020


Today the White Rose Home Learning starts the lessons on Time- Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes (Yr3-week 10- lesson 4)

Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes.

You can also revise quarter to and quarter past with this PowerPoint.


Week beginning Monday 29th June 2020


We continue with White Rose Home learning Maths - Shapes

  • drawing lines
  • Properties of 2D and 3D shapes.


You can also watch the following videos.


2D Shapes I Know song for kidswww savevid com

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

3D Shapes for Kids - Vertices, Faces and Surfaces Explained

Help your child learn all there is to know about 3D shapes with our fun video! By showing examples of real-life 3D objects your child will quickly learn to a...


Week beginning 22nd June 2020


This week we are continuing with angles and different types of lines with White Rose Home learning.




Week beginning 15th June 2020


White Rose Home Learning Maths - Week 8


This week White Rose Home Learning Maths continues with Fraction - ordering fractions, adding and subtracting fractions.

Follow the link below;


Friday 19th June 2020


Types of angles



Thursday 18th June 2020


For the next two days, we will look at different types of angles: 

An angle is a measure of a turn, measured in degrees or °. There are 360° in a full turn. You can find out the size of an angle using a protractor.

  • An angle less than 90° is acute.
  • An angle between 90° and 180° is obtuse.
  • An angle greater than 180° is reflex.
  • An angle of exactly 90° is a right-angle.



Tuesday 16th June 2020


The "Line of Symmetry" (like shown in pictures below) is the imaginary line where you could fold the image and have both halves match exactly.


Week beginning 8th June 2020


This week White Rose Home Learning Maths continues with Fraction.

Follow the link below;




Friday 12th June 2020


Maths - 3D shapes


Click through this PowerPoint about 3D shapes. You are obviously not in the classroom but try and find some examples of the these shapes around your house. Look carefully at all the packaging in your kitchen and all the containers in your bathroom.


Play 'Guess the Shape'. Collect a few examples of 3D shapes from around your house. With a family member play a game where you take it in turns to hold a shape behind your back so that you can't see it. Without looking at it, describe some of it's properties (faces, vertices etc) and see if you can name them correctly.


Thursday 11th June 2020


Continue with White Rose Home Learning about fractions.


Then recap horizontal and vertical lines

Wednesday 10th June 2020


In addition to White Rose Home Learning maths, watch this video about 3D shapes from Mr Jorden.


Maths - features of 3D shapes - KS2

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Tuesday 9th June 2020


Yr 3 are learning about directions. Here is a little explanation of how to find directions and then you can play the game.



Monday 8th June 2020

We are continuing with shape this week. Take a look at the Power point and have a go at the activities below.




Thursday 4th June 2020


Maths - 2D and 3D Shapes


You need to be able to identify and describe all of these 2D and 3D shapes. Have a look at these pictures and then have a go at drawing these shapes yourselves. Some of these shapes are easier to draw than others but you just need to practice. Drawing the shapes will help you to remember their names and properties. Perhaps you could make a poster to put on your wall at home.


Look carefully at these 2D shapes:


How many sides does each shape have.

How many vertices (corners) does each shape have?

Are the sides curved or straight?

Are all the sides the same length or are they different lengths?




Look carefully at these 3D shapes:


How many faces does each shape have.

How many vertices (corners) does each shape have?

Are the faces curved or straight?

Are all the sides the same length or are they different lengths?


Maths - Recognising 2D shapes - KS2

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Wednesday 3rd June 2020


White Rose maths lessons continue with fractions.


Try this work sheet about equivalent fractions e.g. 2 halves are same as one whole.


2D shapes

Have a look at this worksheet and see how many 2D shapes you remember.


Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Today's White Rose maths lesson 2 is about Fractions on a numberline.



This week Mr Jorden  has started to look at shape and one of the first things you will need to know about are lines.


Here is a video with a big spelling mistake on the board!! (can you spot it?)




1st June 2020


White Rose Home Learning Maths continues with fractions and decimals. 

Follow the link for this week's lessons.


Fun Maths

Playing Cards Maths Activities:

Year 3 teachers have added playing Cards activities. You can head over to Year 3 class page and attempt to work out some problems.




Friday 22nd May 2020

You have been following White Rose Maths to learn about fractions. Now consolidate your learning by watching Mr Jorden's video lessons about fractions.


Fractions of an amount - KS2

Finding fractions of numbers and amounts.

Adding and subtracting fractions- part 1 - KS2

First part to adding and subtracting fractions without mixed numbers.

Maths - fractions of shape - KS2

Finding fraction of shapes.

Thursday 21st May 2020


Fractions: Today's Lesson 4 is about counting in tenths.

Follow the link below;



Wednesday 20th May 2020


Fractions: Today's lesson 3 is about tenth.

Follow the link below;



This is a YouTube video which also explains tenths and how to write tenths as decimal point.


An Introduction to Tenths

Matholia educational maths video on introduction to tenths. For more maths videos for kids and loads of interactive content, visit


Tuesday 19th May 2020


Today's Maths lesson is about how to fractions are added to make one whole.

Follow this link.



Monday 18th May 2020


This week White Rose Home Learning Maths for Year 3 is about fractions. 

Follow the link to daily lessons;





We have started to look at fractions this week. click on the blue splodge and find out about fractions.



Week beginning Monday 11th May 2020


This week white rose Home learning Maths for Year 3 is multiplication and division.

You will learn how to multiply and divide a two digit number by one digit number.


Follow summer term week 4


Some of you have already dome this work so follow Year 4 week 4




Measures: capacity is another way of measuring how much of something a container can hold.

Click on red splodge to learn about capacity.





Week beginning Monday 4th May 2020


This week we will follow White Rose – Home Learning lessons. This week's lessons are about money.

Follow this link;


Click on play and watch the short video lesson then click on Get the Activity tab to answer some questions. To check your answers click on Get the Answers tab.



Hit The Button


Keep practising your times - tables and other number facts like doubling and halving, number bonds and addition facts.

Try learning 9 times-table this week.





Friday 1st May 2020

The perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape. To work out the perimeter, you need to add up the lengths of all the sides.


Remember to add all the numbers, you can use House Number Method when you find friendly numbers or doubles. You can also use numberline, Fish, Chips and Peas Method or column method.

Now try working out perimeter of these shapes but you will need to work out the missing lengths of the sides.

I will post answers after 2 days.



Thursday 1st May 2020


Now you know that perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape. To work out the perimeter, you need to add up the lengths of all the sides.


Now work out perimeters of these shapes. 

To add you can use House Number Methods  for example find double or friendly numbers. Or you can add using numberline, Fish, Chips and Peas method or column addition.





Thursday 30th April 2020


Calculate the perimeter;



Wednesday 29th April 2020


Measure:  Perimeter

Watch this video...


Mr Jorden shows you how to calculate perimeter of 2D shapes.



Maths - Calculating Perimeter - KS2

Simple techniques to work out the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.



Tuesday 28th April 2020


Yesterday you learnt, how to measure different lengths. The lengths can be measured in millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. 

Millimetre is the shortest unit of measurement.



1 cm = 10 mm

1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm

1 km = 1000 m


Now try to work throw these work sheets from White Rose Maths website



Do this work today and tomorrow and if you need any help then email me by Wednesday evening on;







Monday 27th April 2020


Measure another important area of the Maths curriculum - We measure lengths, weight, mass and time in different units. We have been working on measuring time and money. This week we will learn about measuring length. Unit of measurements for length are

  • millimetres 
  • centimetres
  • metres
  • kilometres 


First here is a little bit of work on centimetres and millimetres. Hunt around your house and try and find a ruler or a tape measure - it will be really useful in the next few weeks.




Here are some more measuring activities. Watch the You Tube clip first then have a go at the worksheets. There are three worksheets, which get progressively harder. Have fun.


Measuring Length in Centimetres

Matholia educational maths video on using a ruler to measure length in centimetres. For more maths videos for kids and loads of interactive content, visit ma...

Measuring Length in Metres

Matholia educational maths video on measuring length in metres. For more maths videos for kids and loads of interactive content, visit



Week beginning Monday 20 April 2020


Tmes-Tables: Hope you have been practising your times-tables. 

This week revise 6,7 and 8 times tables using

Hit the Button


and T T Rockstars

Next week we will start working on 9 X table


Friday 24th April 2020


You have been learning about different types of angles and triangles. If you have missed any lessons, then go back to them or just revise them all one more time to make sure you remember all different names. 


Try to solve these problems of the day.


I will post answers at the weekend. 





Thursday 23rd April 2020

You have learnt about different types of angles. 

Today we will look at different types of triangles.


Triangles have three sides, three corners and three internal angles. The length of sides can be different.

These internal angles of triangles can be right angles, acute angles or obtuse  angles. 


Go through this PowerPoint, which explains introduces different types of triangles.




Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Types of angles

You have learnt;

right angles - 90º

acute angle less than 90º 

obtuse angle between 90º and 180º

reflex angle between 180º and 360º


Today we are going to learn more about right angles.

Go through this PowerPoint.



Did you count all the right angles?

There are 34 right angles. 

Note: The brown roof is not a square or rectangle, therefore it does not have any right angles.

If you need anymore explanation then email me on




Types of Angles

This week we will be learning about different types of angles.


Tuesday 21st April 2020


Yesterday, you learned about;

  • right angles 
  • acute angles
  • obtuse angles

Reflex angle is an other king of angle.

Revise the names of the angles with this video.

Angles Song | Acute, Obtuse, & Right Angles | 3rd & 4th Grade

Video: Types of Angles: Acute, Obtuse, & Right Grade Level: 3rd Grade - 4th Grade 🍎 You're cordially invited to come check out our growing library of award-w...


 Monday 20th April 2020


Watch Mr Jordan's video to learn about an acute angle, obtuse angle and right angle.


Year 3 - Recognising angles KS2

Can you spot right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles Right angle is 90 degrees Actue angle is less than 90 degrees Obtuse angle is more than 90 degrees ...


Above are some different angles, I found in my house.






Now take some photos of angles in your house and email me on;
