
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Welcome to our Governors’ section.  Please see below for more information about our Governing Body.


Meet the Governors:


Name: Mr M Woolley (Chair of Governors)

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends: 22/09/2027

Committee: Finance and General Purposes (Chair)


Other Governance Roles: None

Business/Personal Interests: None



Name: Mrs C Penn (Vice Chair)

Category: Co-Opted Governor

Appointed By:  Governors

Term of Office Ends: 23/09/2025

Committee: Curriculum

Role: Curriculum

Other Governance Roles: None

Business/Personal interests: None


Name: Mrs Y Akhtar

Category: Co-Opted Governor

Appointed By:  Parents

Term of Office Ends: 31/08/2027

Committee: Curriculum/Pupil Discipline

Role: Inclusion/Communities

Other Governance Roles: None

Business/Personal Interests: None


Name: Kany Bangoura

Category: Parent Governor

Appointed By: Parents

Term of Office Ends: 18/01/2026

Committee: Curriculum

Role: N/A

Other Governance Roles: None

Business/Personal Interests: None



Name: Mr Sam Jordan

Category: Staff Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends:  23/09/2025

Committee: Curriculum

Role: N/A

Other Governance Roles: None

Business/Personal Interests: (Staff) None




Name: Miss Hannah Griffiths

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends:  01/07/2025

Committee: Finance

Role: N/A

Other Governance Roles: None

Business/Personal Interests: (Staff) None




Name: Mr Hafi Rahman

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends: 10/07/2027

Committee: Finance

Role: N/A

Other Governance Roles:

Business/\Personal Interests: (Staff) None





Name: Mrs Murrium Ali

Category: Parent Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends: 30/01/2028



Other Governance Roles:

Business/\Personal Interests: None




Name: Ms Shabnam Bi

Category: Co-Opted Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends: 30/01/2028



Other Governance Roles:

Business/\Personal Interests: None




Name: Mr Shaid Khan

Category: Co-Opted Governor

Appointed By: Governors

Term of Office Ends: 30/01/2028



Other Governance Roles:

Business/\Personal Interests: None







All written correspondence to the Chair of Governors should be sent to:

c/o Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs A Boyce, Anglesey Primary School, Anglesey Street, Lozells, Birmingham B19 1RA.

Attendance record at Governing Body

  CurriculumFinance and General PurposesFull Governing BoardCurriculumFull Governing Board- Spring Finance items & BUDGETCurriculumFull Governing Board including Finance  
GovernorGovernor Type17 Nov 202229 Nov 202206 Dec 202221 Mar 202328 Mar 202320 Jun 202311 Jul 2023  
Mrs Yasmeen AkhtarCo-opted governorY NSYNNNS  
Kany BangouraParent governor NSY N NS  
Mr Stephen Blundell  YY Y    
Mr Paul Doddridge  YY Y N  
Mrs Adele GreenHeadteacherY  Y YY  
Ms Hannah GriffithsCo-opted governorN YYYNN  
Mr Sam JordanStaff governorY YYYYY  
Mrs Caroline PennCo-opted governorY YYYYY  
Mr Saidul Haque Saeed   Y Y    
Mr Max Tully  NSY Y    
Mr Mark WoolleyCo-opted governor NSY Y Y  
Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites