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Literacy / Writing



The Write Stuff

'The Gruffalo'


This week we are looking at the story ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson.



Yesterday we looked at the part of the story where the Gruffalo ran off. Hopefully you did some excellent work talking and writing about how the Gruffalo ran away.


For today’s lesson please watch and listen to the video again (below)

and pause it at 9mins 39sec.



Take a look at a close-up picture of the story below.

Here you can see the mouse character eating a nut.


Now, for this lesson we are going to look at the ‘taste’ lens for our discussion and writing.




I want you to think about how his nut tastes.

Maybe you can pretend to be the mouse eating a nut.

Do you have some nuts at home that you can eat to see what they taste like?


Talk with a family member about the taste of the nut and come up with words to describe the taste. Have a go at writing your words too.


Here are some examples:
- tasty
- yummy





Now…I’ve got a sentence in my head for this picture … my sentence is…


Mouse enjoyed his appetising nut.


Maybe you can come up with your own verbal sentence to describe how the nut tasted to the mouse.

Make sure you try and use full sentences when you are talking.


You could even have a go at using your phonics to write your own sentence about the picture.

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson (read by Anglesey Primary School)

Author - Julia DonaldsonPublisher - Macmillan Publishers

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